CAST runs the named Cryptographic Algorithm Self-Test (if operated in FIPS
mode) and aborts the program (stopping the module input/output and entering
the "error state") if the self-test fails.
CASTs are mandatory self-checks that must be performed by FIPS 140-3 modules
before the algorithm is used. See Implementation Guidance 10.3.A.
The name must not contain commas, colons, hashes, or equal signs.
If a package p calls CAST from its init function, an import of p should also
be added to crypto/internal/fips140test. If a package p calls CAST on the first
use of the algorithm, an invocation of that algorithm should be added to
PCT runs the named Pairwise Consistency Test (if operated in FIPS mode) and
returns any errors. If an error is returned, the key must not be used.
PCTs are mandatory for every key pair that is generated/imported, including
ephemeral keys (which effectively doubles the cost of key establishment). See
Implementation Guidance 10.3.A Additional Comment 1.
The name must not contain commas, colons, hashes, or equal signs.
If a package p calls PCT during key generation, an invocation of that
function should be added to fipstest.TestConditionals.
RecordApproved is an internal function that records the use of an approved
service. It does not override RecordNonApproved calls in the same span.
It should be called by exposed functions that perform a whole cryptographic
alrgorithm (e.g. by Sum, not by New, unless a cryptographic Instantiate
algorithm is performed) and should be called after any checks that may cause
the function to error out or panic.
RecordNonApproved is an internal function that records the use of a
non-approved service. It overrides any RecordApproved calls in the same span.
ResetServiceIndicator clears the service indicator for the running goroutine.
ServiceIndicator returns true if and only if all services invoked by this
goroutine since the last ResetServiceIndicator call are approved.
If ResetServiceIndicator was not called before by this goroutine, its return
value is undefined.
The pages are generated with Goldsv0.7.5. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu.
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list.
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds.