package tls13

Import Path
	crypto/internal/fips140/tls13 (on

Dependency Relation
	imports 7 packages, and imported by one package

Involved Source Files cast.go Package tls13 implements the TLS 1.3 Key Schedule as specified in RFC 8446, Section 7.1 and allowed by FIPS 140-3 IG 2.4.B Resolution 7.
Package-Level Type Names (total 4)
/* sort by: | */
ClientEarlyTrafficSecret derives the client_early_traffic_secret from the early secret and the transcript up to the ClientHello. EarlyExporterMasterSecret derives the exporter_master_secret from the early secret and the transcript up to the ClientHello. (*EarlySecret) HandshakeSecret(sharedSecret []byte) *HandshakeSecret (*EarlySecret) ResumptionBinderKey() []byte func NewEarlySecret[H](hash func() H, psk []byte) *EarlySecret
(*ExporterMasterSecret) Exporter(label string, context []byte, length int) []byte func (*EarlySecret).EarlyExporterMasterSecret(transcript fips140.Hash) *ExporterMasterSecret func (*MasterSecret).ExporterMasterSecret(transcript fips140.Hash) *ExporterMasterSecret func TestingOnlyExporterSecret(s *ExporterMasterSecret) []byte
ClientHandshakeTrafficSecret derives the client_handshake_traffic_secret from the handshake secret and the transcript up to the ServerHello. (*HandshakeSecret) MasterSecret() *MasterSecret ServerHandshakeTrafficSecret derives the server_handshake_traffic_secret from the handshake secret and the transcript up to the ServerHello. func (*EarlySecret).HandshakeSecret(sharedSecret []byte) *HandshakeSecret
ClientApplicationTrafficSecret derives the client_application_traffic_secret_0 from the master secret and the transcript up to the server Finished. ExporterMasterSecret derives the exporter_master_secret from the master secret and the transcript up to the server Finished. ResumptionMasterSecret derives the resumption_master_secret from the master secret and the transcript up to the client Finished. ServerApplicationTrafficSecret derives the server_application_traffic_secret_0 from the master secret and the transcript up to the server Finished. func (*HandshakeSecret).MasterSecret() *MasterSecret
Package-Level Functions (total 3)
Type Parameters: H: fips140.Hash ExpandLabel implements HKDF-Expand-Label from RFC 8446, Section 7.1.
Type Parameters: H: fips140.Hash