package nstd

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Dependency Relation
	imports 8 packages, and imported by 0 packages

Involved Source Files builtin.go byteseq.go conv.go debug.go fmt.go io.go maps.go nstd package provides some missing types and functions in the standard library. numeric.go ordered.go os.go reflect.go slices.go sync.go time.go
Package-Level Type Names (total 13)
/* sort by: | */
Type Parameters: K: comparable E: ~bool BoolElementMap is optimized version of map[K]E, where E is a bool type. Entries with false element value will not be put in BoolElementMap maps. Get returns the element indexed by key k. Put puts an entry {k, e} into m. Note, if e is false and the corresponding entry exists, the entry is deleted.
Type Parameters: K: ~bool E: any BoolKeyMap is an optimized version of map[K]E, where K is a bool type. Get returns the element indexed by key k. Put puts an entry {k, e} into m.
A ByteSeq is either a string or a byte slice.
Complex is a constraint that permits any complex numeric type. If future releases of Go add new predeclared complex numeric types, this constraint will be modified to include them.
Float is a constraint that permits any floating-point type. If future releases of Go add new predeclared floating-point types, this constraint will be modified to include them.
Integer is a constraint that permits any integer type. If future releases of Go add new predeclared integer types, this constraint will be modified to include them.
Methods of *Mutex return a *Mutex result, so that these methods may be called in a chain. It is just a simpler wrapper of the [sync.Mutex]. The main purpose of this type is to support the following use case: var aMutex nstd.Mutex func foo() { defer aMutex.Lock().Unlock() ... // do something } Do guards the execution of a function in Lock() and Unlock() See: Lock return m, so that the methods of m can be called in chain. Unlock return m, so that the methods of m can be called in chain. func (*Mutex).Lock() *Mutex func (*Mutex).Unlock() *Mutex
type Numeric (interface)
Ordered is a constraint that permits any ordered type: any type that supports the operators < <= >= >. If future releases of Go add new ordered types, this constraint will be modified to include them.
type Real (interface)
Signed is a constraint that permits any signed integer type. If future releases of Go add new predeclared signed integer types, this constraint will be modified to include them.
Unsigned is a constraint that permits any unsigned integer type. If future releases of Go add new predeclared unsigned integer types, this constraint will be modified to include them.
WaitGroup extends sync.WaitGroup. Each WaitGroup maintains an internal count which initial value is zero. GoN starts several concurrent tasks and increases the internal count by len(fs). The internal count will be descreased by one when each of the task is done. See: GoN starts a task n times concurrently and increases the internal count by n. The internal count will be descreased by one when each of the task instances is done. Wait blocks until the internal counter is zero. WaitChannel returns a channel which reads will block until the internal counter is zero.
Package-Level Functions (total 32)
Type Parameters: K: comparable E: any AppendMapKeys appends all the keys in a map into the specified slice.
Type Parameters: B: ~bool Btoi converts a bool value to int (true -> 1, false -> 0). See:
Type Parameters: X: ByteSeq Y: ByteSeq ByteSeqCommonPrefixes returns the common prefixes of two [ByteSeq] values.
Type Parameters: T: Ordered Clamp clamps an ordered value within a range. Both min and max are inclusive. If v is NaN, then NaN is returned. See:
Type Parameters: K: comparable E: any CollectMapKeys collects all the keys in a map into a freshly created result slice. The length and capacity of the result slice are both equal to the length of the map. See:
CopyDir copies a directory.
Debug calls [log.Print] and returns true, so that it can be used in _ = DebugMode && nstd.Debug(...)
Debugf calls [log.Printf] and return true, so that it can be used in _ = DebugMode && nstd.Debugf(...)
ElapsedTimeLogFunc returns a function which prints the duration elapsed since the time the function is invoked. Use example: logElapsedTime := nstd.ElapsedTimeLogFunc("") ... // do task 1 logElapsedTime("task 1:") ... // do task 1 logElapsedTime("task 2:")
Type Parameters: T: any Eval is used to ensure the evaluation order of some expressions in a statement. See: * * *
Type Parameters: K: comparable E: any HasMapEntry checks whether or not a map contains an entry with the specified key.
Type Parameters: S: ~[]E E: any MakeSlice makes a slice with the specified length. Different from the built-in make function, the capacity of the result slice might be larger than the length.
Type Parameters: S: ~[]E E: any MakeSliceWithMinCap makes a slice with capacity not smaller than cap. The length of the result slice is zero. See:
Type Parameters: T: any Must panics if err is not nil; otherwise, the T value is returned. The function is mianly to support chain calls like Must(...).MethodOfT(...). See:
Type Parameters: T: any New allocates a T value and initialize it with the specified one.
Generally, Panicf(format, v...) is a short form of panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)). When format is blank, then it is a short form of panic(fmt.Sprint(v...)).
Printfln(format, a...) is a combintion of fmt.Printf(format, a...) and fmt.Println().
Type Parameters: Bytes: ~[]byte ReverseBytes inverts the bytes in a byte slice. The argument is returned so that calls to ReverseBytes can be used as expressions.
Type Parameters: Seq: ByteSeq ReverseByteSeq returnes a copy (in the form of byte slice) of a byte sequence (in the form of either string or byte slice) but reversed.
Type Parameters: Seq: ByteSeq ReverseRuneSeq returnes a copy (in the form of byte slice) of a rune sequence (in the form of either string or byte slice) but reversed. See: * *
Type Parameters: T: Signed Sign returns the sign of a value of a [Signed] integer type. For a negative integer, it returns -1; for a positive integer, it returns 1; for 0, it returns 0.
Type Parameters: S: ~[]T T: any Slice returns an internal representation of s to do some operations. Call methods of the internal representation to perform the operations.
Type Parameters: T: any SliceFrom is used to create a slice from some values of the same type. Some use scenarios: 1. Convert multiple results of a function call to a []any slice, then use the slice in fmt.Printf alike functions. 2. Construct a []T slice from some T values without using the []T{...} form. NOTE: SliceFrom(aSlice...) returns aSlice, See:
Type Parameters: T: any Type returns a reflect.Type which represents type T, which may be either an non-interface type or interface type.
Type Parameters: T: any TypeAssert asserts an interface value x to type T. If the assertion succeeds, true is returned, othewise, false is returned. If into is not nil, then the concrete value of x will be assigned to the value referenced by into. See:
Type Parameters: T: any TypeOf returns a reflect.Type which represents the type of v, which may be either an non-interface value or interface value.
Type Parameters: T: any Value returns a reflect.Value which represents the value v, which may be either an non-interface value or interface value.
WriteStringWithBuffer writes a string into an [io.Writer] with a provided buffer. The buffer is used to avoid a string-> []byte conversion (which might allocate). This function is like [io.CopyBuffer] but much simpler.
CheckWriteResult checks whether or not a Write method is badly implemented. See: * *
Type Parameters: T: any Zero(p) zeros the value referenced by the pointer p. Zero is useful for resetting values of some unexported types, or resetting values of some other packages but without importing those packages.
Type Parameters: M: ~map[K]E K: comparable E: any ZeroMap returns a blank map which has the same type as the input map. * Usage 1: `ZeroMap[MapType](nil, 32) * Usage 2: `ZeroMap(aMap, 8)
Type Parameters: T: any ZeroOf[T]() and ZeroOf(valueOfT) both return the zero value of type T.