package event

Import Path
	internal/trace/v2/event (on

Dependency Relation
	imports 0 packages, and imported by 5 packages

Involved Source Files event.go requirements.go
Package-Level Type Names (total 4)
/* sort by: | */
Constraint represents a various presence requirements. const MayHave const MustHave const MustNotHave
SchedReqs is a set of constraints on what the scheduling context must look like. Goroutine Constraint Proc Constraint Thread Constraint var UserGoReqs
Spec is a specification for a trace event. It contains sufficient information to perform basic parsing of any trace event for any version of Go. Args contains the names of each trace event's argument. Its length determines the number of arguments an event has. Argument names follow a certain structure and this structure is relied on by the testing framework to type-check arguments. The structure is is: (?P<name>[A-Za-z]+_)?(?P<type>[A-Za-z]+) In sum, it's an optional name followed by a type. If the name is present, it is separated from the type with an underscore. The valid argument types and the Go types they map to are listed in the ArgTypes variable. HasData is true if the event has trailer consisting of a varint length followed by unencoded bytes of some data. IsStack indicates that the event represents a complete stack trace. Specifically, it means that after the arguments there's a varint length, followed by 4*length varints. Each group of 4 represents the PC, file ID, func ID, and line number in that order. IsTimedEvent indicates whether this is an event that both appears in the main event stream and is surfaced to the trace reader. Events that are not "timed" are considered "structural" since they either need significant reinterpretation or otherwise aren't actually surfaced by the trace reader. Name is the human-readable name of the trace event. StackIDs indicates which of the arguments are stack IDs. The list is not sorted. The first index always refers to the main stack for the current execution context of the event. StartEv indicates the event type of the corresponding "start" event, if this event is an "end," for a pair of events that represent a time range. StringIDs indicates which of the arguments are string IDs. func internal/trace/v2/event/go122.Specs() []Spec func internal/trace/v2/version.Version.Specs() []Spec func Names(specs []Spec) map[string]Type
Type is the common in-memory representation of the low-leve func Names(specs []Spec) map[string]Type func internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EventString(typ Type) string func internal/trace/v2/internal/testgen/go122.(*Batch).RawEvent(typ Type, data []byte, args ...uint64) func internal/trace/v2/internal/testgen/go122.(*Trace).RawEvent(typ Type, data []byte, args ...uint64) const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvCPUSample const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvCPUSamples const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvEventBatch const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvFrequency const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGCActive const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGCBegin const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGCEnd const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGCMarkAssistActive const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGCMarkAssistBegin const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGCMarkAssistEnd const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGCSweepActive const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGCSweepBegin const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGCSweepEnd const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoBlock const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoCreate const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoCreateSyscall const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoDestroy const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoDestroySyscall const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoLabel const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoStart const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoStatus const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoStop const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoSyscallBegin const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoSyscallEnd const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoSyscallEndBlocked const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvGoUnblock const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvHeapAlloc const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvHeapGoal const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvNone const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvProcsChange const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvProcStart const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvProcStatus const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvProcSteal const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvProcStop const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvStack const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvStacks const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvString const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvStrings const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvSTWBegin const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvSTWEnd const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvUserLog const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvUserRegionBegin const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvUserRegionEnd const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvUserTaskBegin const internal/trace/v2/event/go122.EvUserTaskEnd
Package-Level Functions (only one)
Names is a helper that produces a mapping of event names to event types.
Package-Level Variables (total 2)
ArgTypes is a list of valid argument types for use in Args. See the documentation of Args for more details.
UserGoReqs is a common requirement among events that are running or are close to running user code.
Package-Level Constants (total 3)
const MayHave Constraint = 1
const MustHave Constraint = 2