package maps
Import Path
maps (on
Dependency Relation
imports 2 packages, and imported by one package
Code Examples
package main
import (
func main() {
m1 := map[string]int{
"key": 1,
m2 := maps.Clone(m1)
m2["key"] = 100
m3 := map[string][]int{
"key": {1, 2, 3},
m4 := maps.Clone(m3)
m4["key"][0] = 100
package main
import (
func main() {
m1 := map[string]int{
"one": 1,
"two": 2,
m2 := map[string]int{
"one": 10,
maps.Copy(m2, m1)
fmt.Println("m2 is:", m2)
m2["one"] = 100
fmt.Println("m1 is:", m1)
fmt.Println("m2 is:", m2)
m3 := map[string][]int{
"one": {1, 2, 3},
"two": {4, 5, 6},
m4 := map[string][]int{
"one": {7, 8, 9},
maps.Copy(m4, m3)
fmt.Println("m4 is:", m4)
m4["one"][0] = 100
fmt.Println("m3 is:", m3)
fmt.Println("m4 is:", m4)
package main
import (
func main() {
m := map[string]int{
"one": 1,
"two": 2,
"three": 3,
"four": 4,
maps.DeleteFunc(m, func(k string, v int) bool {
return v%2 != 0 // delete odd values
package main
import (
func main() {
m1 := map[int]string{
1: "one",
10: "Ten",
1000: "THOUSAND",
m2 := map[int]string{
1: "one",
10: "Ten",
1000: "THOUSAND",
m3 := map[int]string{
1: "one",
10: "ten",
1000: "thousand",
fmt.Println(maps.Equal(m1, m2))
fmt.Println(maps.Equal(m1, m3))
package main
import (
func main() {
m1 := map[int]string{
1: "one",
10: "Ten",
1000: "THOUSAND",
m2 := map[int][]byte{
1: []byte("One"),
10: []byte("Ten"),
1000: []byte("Thousand"),
eq := maps.EqualFunc(m1, m2, func(v1 string, v2 []byte) bool {
return strings.ToLower(v1) == strings.ToLower(string(v2))
Package-Level Functions (total 10)
Type Parameters:
Map: ~map[K]V
K: comparable
V: any
All returns an iterator over key-value pairs from m.
The iteration order is not specified and is not guaranteed
to be the same from one call to the next.
Type Parameters:
M: ~map[K]V
K: comparable
V: any
Clone returns a copy of m. This is a shallow clone:
the new keys and values are set using ordinary assignment.
Type Parameters:
K: comparable
V: any
Collect collects key-value pairs from seq into a new map
and returns it.
Type Parameters:
M1: ~map[K]V
M2: ~map[K]V
K: comparable
V: any
Copy copies all key/value pairs in src adding them to dst.
When a key in src is already present in dst,
the value in dst will be overwritten by the value associated
with the key in src.
Type Parameters:
M: ~map[K]V
K: comparable
V: any
DeleteFunc deletes any key/value pairs from m for which del returns true.
Type Parameters:
M1: ~map[K]V
M2: ~map[K]V
K: comparable
V: comparable
Equal reports whether two maps contain the same key/value pairs.
Values are compared using ==.
Type Parameters:
M1: ~map[K]V1
M2: ~map[K]V2
K: comparable
V1: any
V2: any
EqualFunc is like Equal, but compares values using eq.
Keys are still compared with ==.
Type Parameters:
Map: ~map[K]V
K: comparable
V: any
Insert adds the key-value pairs from seq to m.
If a key in seq already exists in m, its value will be overwritten.
Type Parameters:
Map: ~map[K]V
K: comparable
V: any
Keys returns an iterator over keys in m.
The iteration order is not specified and is not guaranteed
to be the same from one call to the next.
Type Parameters:
Map: ~map[K]V
K: comparable
V: any
Values returns an iterator over values in m.
The iteration order is not specified and is not guaranteed
to be the same from one call to the next.
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.0-preview. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64) Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu. PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list. Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds. |