package math

Import Path
	runtime/internal/math (on

Dependency Relation
	imports one package, and imported by one package

Involved Source Files math.go
Package-Level Functions (total 3)
Add64 returns the sum with carry of x, y and carry: sum = x + y + carry. The carry input must be 0 or 1; otherwise the behavior is undefined. The carryOut output is guaranteed to be 0 or 1. This function's execution time does not depend on the inputs. On supported platforms this is an intrinsic lowered by the compiler.
Mul64 returns the 128-bit product of x and y: (hi, lo) = x * y with the product bits' upper half returned in hi and the lower half returned in lo. This is a copy from math/bits.Mul64 On supported platforms this is an intrinsic lowered by the compiler.
MulUintptr returns a * b and whether the multiplication overflowed. On supported platforms this is an intrinsic lowered by the compiler.
Package-Level Constants (only one)
const MaxUintptr uintptr = 18446744073709551615