// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.// OFB (Output Feedback) Mode.package cipherimport ()type ofb struct { b Block cipher []byte out []byte outUsed int}// NewOFB returns a [Stream] that encrypts or decrypts using the block cipher b// in output feedback mode. The initialization vector iv's length must be equal// to b's block size.//// Deprecated: OFB mode is not authenticated, which generally enables active// attacks to manipulate and recover the plaintext. It is recommended that// applications use [AEAD] modes instead. The standard library implementation of// OFB is also unoptimized and not validated as part of the FIPS 140-3 module.// If an unauthenticated [Stream] mode is required, use [NewCTR] instead.func ( Block, []byte) Stream {iffips140only.Enabled {panic("crypto/cipher: use of OFB is not allowed in FIPS 140-only mode") } := .BlockSize()iflen() != {panic("cipher.NewOFB: IV length must equal block size") } := streamBufferSizeif < { = } := &ofb{b: ,cipher: make([]byte, ),out: make([]byte, 0, ),outUsed: 0, }copy(.cipher, )return}func ( *ofb) () { := .b.BlockSize() := len(.out) - .outUsedif > .outUsed {return }copy(.out, .out[.outUsed:]) .out = .out[:cap(.out)]for < len(.out)- { .b.Encrypt(.cipher, .cipher)copy(.out[:], .cipher) += } .out = .out[:] .outUsed = 0}func ( *ofb) (, []byte) {iflen() < len() {panic("crypto/cipher: output smaller than input") }ifalias.InexactOverlap([:len()], ) {panic("crypto/cipher: invalid buffer overlap") }forlen() > 0 {if .outUsed >= len(.out)-.b.BlockSize() { .refill() } := subtle.XORBytes(, , .out[.outUsed:]) = [:] = [:] .outUsed += }}
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