package boring
import (
const available = false
func Unreachable () {
sig .StandardCrypto ()
func UnreachableExceptTests () {}
type randReader int
func (randReader ) Read (b []byte ) (int , error ) { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
const RandReader = randReader (0 )
func NewSHA1 () hash .Hash { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func NewSHA224 () hash .Hash { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func NewSHA256 () hash .Hash { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func NewSHA384 () hash .Hash { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func NewSHA512 () hash .Hash { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func SHA1 ([]byte ) [20 ]byte { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func SHA224 ([]byte ) [28 ]byte { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func SHA256 ([]byte ) [32 ]byte { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func SHA384 ([]byte ) [48 ]byte { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func SHA512 ([]byte ) [64 ]byte { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func NewHMAC (h func () hash .Hash , key []byte ) hash .Hash { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func NewAESCipher (key []byte ) (cipher .Block , error ) { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func NewGCMTLS (cipher .Block ) (cipher .AEAD , error ) { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func NewGCMTLS13 (cipher .Block ) (cipher .AEAD , error ) { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
type PublicKeyECDSA struct { _ int }
type PrivateKeyECDSA struct { _ int }
func GenerateKeyECDSA (curve string ) (X , Y , D BigInt , err error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func NewPrivateKeyECDSA (curve string , X , Y , D BigInt ) (*PrivateKeyECDSA , error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func NewPublicKeyECDSA (curve string , X , Y BigInt ) (*PublicKeyECDSA , error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func SignMarshalECDSA (priv *PrivateKeyECDSA , hash []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func VerifyECDSA (pub *PublicKeyECDSA , hash []byte , sig []byte ) bool {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
type PublicKeyRSA struct { _ int }
type PrivateKeyRSA struct { _ int }
func DecryptRSAOAEP (h , mgfHash hash .Hash , priv *PrivateKeyRSA , ciphertext , label []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func DecryptRSAPKCS1 (priv *PrivateKeyRSA , ciphertext []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func DecryptRSANoPadding (priv *PrivateKeyRSA , ciphertext []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func EncryptRSAOAEP (h , mgfHash hash .Hash , pub *PublicKeyRSA , msg , label []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func EncryptRSAPKCS1 (pub *PublicKeyRSA , msg []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func EncryptRSANoPadding (pub *PublicKeyRSA , msg []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func GenerateKeyRSA (bits int ) (N , E , D , P , Q , Dp , Dq , Qinv BigInt , err error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func NewPrivateKeyRSA (N , E , D , P , Q , Dp , Dq , Qinv BigInt ) (*PrivateKeyRSA , error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func NewPublicKeyRSA (N , E BigInt ) (*PublicKeyRSA , error ) { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func SignRSAPKCS1v15 (priv *PrivateKeyRSA , h crypto .Hash , hashed []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func SignRSAPSS (priv *PrivateKeyRSA , h crypto .Hash , hashed []byte , saltLen int ) ([]byte , error ) {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func VerifyRSAPKCS1v15 (pub *PublicKeyRSA , h crypto .Hash , hashed , sig []byte ) error {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
func VerifyRSAPSS (pub *PublicKeyRSA , h crypto .Hash , hashed , sig []byte , saltLen int ) error {
panic ("boringcrypto: not available" )
type PublicKeyECDH struct {}
type PrivateKeyECDH struct {}
func ECDH (*PrivateKeyECDH , *PublicKeyECDH ) ([]byte , error ) { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func GenerateKeyECDH (string ) (*PrivateKeyECDH , []byte , error ) { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func NewPrivateKeyECDH (string , []byte ) (*PrivateKeyECDH , error ) { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func NewPublicKeyECDH (string , []byte ) (*PublicKeyECDH , error ) { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func (*PublicKeyECDH ) Bytes () []byte { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
func (*PrivateKeyECDH ) PublicKey () (*PublicKeyECDH , error ) { panic ("boringcrypto: not available" ) }
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .