package image
import (
var (
Black = NewUniform (color .Black )
White = NewUniform (color .White )
Transparent = NewUniform (color .Transparent )
Opaque = NewUniform (color .Opaque )
type Uniform struct {
C color .Color
func (c *Uniform ) RGBA () (r , g , b , a uint32 ) {
return c .C .RGBA ()
func (c *Uniform ) ColorModel () color .Model {
return c
func (c *Uniform ) Convert (color .Color ) color .Color {
return c .C
func (c *Uniform ) Bounds () Rectangle { return Rectangle {Point {-1e9 , -1e9 }, Point {1e9 , 1e9 }} }
func (c *Uniform ) At (x , y int ) color .Color { return c .C }
func (c *Uniform ) RGBA64At (x , y int ) color .RGBA64 {
r , g , b , a := c .C .RGBA ()
return color .RGBA64 {uint16 (r ), uint16 (g ), uint16 (b ), uint16 (a )}
func (c *Uniform ) Opaque () bool {
_ , _ , _ , a := c .C .RGBA ()
return a == 0xffff
func NewUniform (c color .Color ) *Uniform {
return &Uniform {c }
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Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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