// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Package testlog provides a back-channel communication path // between tests and package os, so that cmd/go can see which // environment variables and files a test consults.
package testlog import // Interface is the interface required of test loggers. // The os package will invoke the interface's methods to indicate that // it is inspecting the given environment variables or files. // Multiple goroutines may call these methods simultaneously. type Interface interface { Getenv(key string) Stat(file string) Open(file string) Chdir(dir string) } // logger is the current logger Interface. // We use an atomic.Value in case test startup // is racing with goroutines started during init. // That must not cause a race detector failure, // although it will still result in limited visibility // into exactly what those goroutines do. var logger atomic.Value // SetLogger sets the test logger implementation for the current process. // It must be called only once, at process startup. func ( Interface) { if logger.Load() != nil { panic("testlog: SetLogger must be called only once") } logger.Store(&) } // Logger returns the current test logger implementation. // It returns nil if there is no logger. func () Interface { := logger.Load() if == nil { return nil } return *.(*Interface) } // Getenv calls Logger().Getenv, if a logger has been set. func ( string) { if := Logger(); != nil { .Getenv() } } // Open calls Logger().Open, if a logger has been set. func ( string) { if := Logger(); != nil { .Open() } } // Stat calls Logger().Stat, if a logger has been set. func ( string) { if := Logger(); != nil { .Stat() } }