// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package trace

import (

func goCmd() string {
	var  string
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		 = ".exe"
	 := filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "bin", "go"+)
	if ,  := os.Stat();  == nil {
	return "go"

// Event describes one event in the trace.
type Event struct {
	Off   int       // offset in input file (for debugging and error reporting)
	Type  byte      // one of Ev*
	seq   int64     // sequence number
	Ts    int64     // timestamp in nanoseconds
	P     int       // P on which the event happened (can be one of TimerP, NetpollP, SyscallP)
	G     uint64    // G on which the event happened
	StkID uint64    // unique stack ID
	Stk   []*Frame  // stack trace (can be empty)
	Args  [3]uint64 // event-type-specific arguments
	SArgs []string  // event-type-specific string args
	// linked event (can be nil), depends on event type:
	// for GCStart: the GCStop
	// for GCSTWStart: the GCSTWDone
	// for GCSweepStart: the GCSweepDone
	// for GoCreate: first GoStart of the created goroutine
	// for GoStart/GoStartLabel: the associated GoEnd, GoBlock or other blocking event
	// for GoSched/GoPreempt: the next GoStart
	// for GoBlock and other blocking events: the unblock event
	// for GoUnblock: the associated GoStart
	// for blocking GoSysCall: the associated GoSysExit
	// for GoSysExit: the next GoStart
	// for GCMarkAssistStart: the associated GCMarkAssistDone
	// for UserTaskCreate: the UserTaskEnd
	// for UserRegion: if the start region, the corresponding UserRegion end event
	Link *Event

// Frame is a frame in stack traces.
type Frame struct {
	PC   uint64
	Fn   string
	File string
	Line int

const (
	// Special P identifiers:
	FakeP    = 1000000 + iota
	TimerP   // depicts timer unblocks
	NetpollP // depicts network unblocks
	SyscallP // depicts returns from syscalls
	GCP      // depicts GC state
	ProfileP // depicts recording of CPU profile samples

// ParseResult is the result of Parse.
type ParseResult struct {
	// Events is the sorted list of Events in the trace.
	Events []*Event
	// Stacks is the stack traces keyed by stack IDs from the trace.
	Stacks map[uint64][]*Frame

// Parse parses, post-processes and verifies the trace.
func ( io.Reader,  string) (ParseResult, error) {
	, ,  := parse(, )
	if  != nil {
		return ParseResult{}, 
	if  < 1007 &&  == "" {
		return ParseResult{}, fmt.Errorf("for traces produced by go 1.6 or below, the binary argument must be provided")
	return , nil

// parse parses, post-processes and verifies the trace. It returns the
// trace version and the list of events.
func parse( io.Reader,  string) (int, ParseResult, error) {
	, , ,  := readTrace()
	if  != nil {
		return 0, ParseResult{}, 
	, ,  := parseEvents(, , )
	if  != nil {
		return 0, ParseResult{}, 
	 = removeFutile()
	 = postProcessTrace(, )
	if  != nil {
		return 0, ParseResult{}, 
	// Attach stack traces.
	for ,  := range  {
		if .StkID != 0 {
			.Stk = [.StkID]
	if  < 1007 &&  != "" {
		if  := symbolize(, );  != nil {
			return 0, ParseResult{}, 
	return , ParseResult{Events: , Stacks: }, nil

// rawEvent is a helper type used during parsing.
type rawEvent struct {
	off   int
	typ   byte
	args  []uint64
	sargs []string

func ( io.Reader) ( int,  int,  error) {
	// Read and validate trace header.
	var  [16]byte
	,  = io.ReadFull(, [:])
	if  != nil {
		 = fmt.Errorf("failed to read header: read %v, err %v", , )
	,  = parseHeader([:])

// readTrace does wire-format parsing and verification.
// It does not care about specific event types and argument meaning.
func readTrace( io.Reader) ( int,  []rawEvent,  map[uint64]string,  error) {
	var  int
	, ,  = ReadVersion()
	if  != nil {
	switch  {
	case 1005, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1019, 1021:
		// Note: When adding a new version, confirm that canned traces from the
		// old version are part of the test suite. Add them using mkcanned.bash.
		 = fmt.Errorf("unsupported trace file version %v.%v (update Go toolchain) %v", /1000, %1000, )

	// Read events.
	var  [16]byte
	 = make(map[uint64]string)
	for {
		// Read event type and number of arguments (1 byte).
		var  int
		,  = .Read([:1])
		if  == io.EOF {
			 = nil
		if  != nil ||  != 1 {
			 = fmt.Errorf("failed to read trace at offset 0x%x: n=%v err=%v", , , )
		 := [0] << 2 >> 2
		 := [0]>>6 + 1
		 := byte(4)
		if  < 1007 {
		if  == EvNone ||  >= EvCount || EventDescriptions[].minVersion >  {
			 = fmt.Errorf("unknown event type %v at offset 0x%x", , )
		if  == EvString {
			// String dictionary entry [ID, length, string].
			var  uint64
			, ,  = readVal(, )
			if  != nil {
			if  == 0 {
				 = fmt.Errorf("string at offset %d has invalid id 0", )
			if [] != "" {
				 = fmt.Errorf("string at offset %d has duplicate id %v", , )
			var  uint64
			, ,  = readVal(, )
			if  != nil {
			if  == 0 {
				 = fmt.Errorf("string at offset %d has invalid length 0", )
			if  > 1e6 {
				 = fmt.Errorf("string at offset %d has too large length %v", , )
			 := make([]byte, )
			var  int
			,  = io.ReadFull(, )
			if  != nil {
				 = fmt.Errorf("failed to read trace at offset %d: read %v, want %v, error %v", , , , )
			[] = string()
		 := rawEvent{typ: , off: }
		if  <  {
			for  := 0;  < int(); ++ {
				var  uint64
				, ,  = readVal(, )
				if  != nil {
					 = fmt.Errorf("failed to read event %v argument at offset %v (%v)", , , )
				.args = append(.args, )
		} else {
			// More than inlineArgs args, the first value is length of the event in bytes.
			var  uint64
			, ,  = readVal(, )
			if  != nil {
				 = fmt.Errorf("failed to read event %v argument at offset %v (%v)", , , )
			for  > uint64(-) {
				, ,  = readVal(, )
				if  != nil {
					 = fmt.Errorf("failed to read event %v argument at offset %v (%v)", , , )
				.args = append(.args, )
			if  != uint64(-) {
				 = fmt.Errorf("event has wrong length at offset 0x%x: want %v, got %v", , , -)
		switch .typ {
		case EvUserLog: // EvUserLog records are followed by a value string of length ev.args[len(ev.args)-1]
			var  string
			, ,  = readStr(, )
			.sargs = append(.sargs, )
		 = append(, )

func readStr( io.Reader,  int) ( string,  int,  error) {
	var  uint64
	, ,  = readVal(, )
	if  != nil ||  == 0 {
		return "", , 
	if  > 1e6 {
		return "", , fmt.Errorf("string at offset %d is too large (len=%d)", , )
	 := make([]byte, )
	,  := io.ReadFull(, )
	if  != nil ||  != uint64() {
		return "",  + , fmt.Errorf("failed to read trace at offset %d: read %v, want %v, error %v", , , , )
	return string(),  + , nil

// parseHeader parses trace header of the form "go 1.7 trace\x00\x00\x00\x00"
// and returns parsed version as 1007.
func parseHeader( []byte) (int, error) {
	if len() != 16 {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("bad header length")
	if [0] != 'g' || [1] != 'o' || [2] != ' ' ||
		[3] < '1' || [3] > '9' ||
		[4] != '.' ||
		[5] < '1' || [5] > '9' {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("not a trace file")
	 := int([5] - '0')
	 := 0
	for ; [6+] >= '0' && [6+] <= '9' &&  < 2; ++ {
		 = *10 + int([6+]-'0')
	 += int([3]-'0') * 1000
	if !bytes.Equal([6+:], []byte(" trace\x00\x00\x00\x00")[:10-]) {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("not a trace file")
	return , nil

// Parse events transforms raw events into events.
// It does analyze and verify per-event-type arguments.
func parseEvents( int,  []rawEvent,  map[uint64]string) ( []*Event,  map[uint64][]*Frame,  error) {
	var , ,  int64
	var  uint64
	var  int
	 := make(map[uint64]bool)
	 := make(map[int]uint64) // last goroutine running on P
	 = make(map[uint64][]*Frame)
	 := make(map[int][]*Event) // events by P
	for ,  := range  {
		 := EventDescriptions[.typ]
		if .Name == "" {
			 = fmt.Errorf("missing description for event type %v", .typ)
		 := argNum(, )
		if len(.args) !=  {
			 = fmt.Errorf("%v has wrong number of arguments at offset 0x%x: want %v, got %v",
				.Name, .off, , len(.args))
		switch .typ {
		case EvBatch:
			[] = 
			 = int(.args[0])
			 = []
			if  < 1007 {
				 = int64(.args[1])
				 = int64(.args[2])
			} else {
				 = int64(.args[1])
		case EvFrequency:
			 = int64(.args[0])
			if  <= 0 {
				// The most likely cause for this is tick skew on different CPUs.
				// For example, solaris/amd64 seems to have wildly different
				// ticks on different CPUs.
				 = ErrTimeOrder
		case EvTimerGoroutine:
			[.args[0]] = true
		case EvStack:
			if len(.args) < 2 {
				 = fmt.Errorf("EvStack has wrong number of arguments at offset 0x%x: want at least 2, got %v",
					.off, len(.args))
			 := .args[1]
			if  > 1000 {
				 = fmt.Errorf("EvStack has bad number of frames at offset 0x%x: %v",
					.off, )
			 := 2 + 4*
			if  < 1007 {
				 = 2 + 
			if uint64(len(.args)) !=  {
				 = fmt.Errorf("EvStack has wrong number of arguments at offset 0x%x: want %v, got %v",
					.off, , len(.args))
			 := .args[0]
			if  != 0 &&  > 0 {
				 := make([]*Frame, )
				for  := 0;  < int(); ++ {
					if  < 1007 {
						[] = &Frame{PC: .args[2+]}
					} else {
						 := .args[2+*4+0]
						 := .args[2+*4+1]
						 := .args[2+*4+2]
						 := .args[2+*4+3]
						[] = &Frame{PC: , Fn: [], File: [], Line: int()}
				[] = 
			 := &Event{Off: .off, Type: .typ, P: , G: }
			var  int
			if  < 1007 {
				.seq =  + int64(.args[0])
				.Ts =  + int64(.args[1])
				 = .seq
				 = 2
			} else {
				.Ts =  + int64(.args[0])
				 = 1
			 = .Ts
			for  := ;  < ; ++ {
				if  == -1 && .Stack {
					.StkID = .args[]
				} else {
					.Args[-] = .args[]
			switch .typ {
			case EvGoStart, EvGoStartLocal, EvGoStartLabel:
				 = .Args[0]
				.G = 
				if .typ == EvGoStartLabel {
					.SArgs = []string{[.Args[2]]}
			case EvSTWStart:
				.G = 0
				if  < 1021 {
					switch .Args[0] {
					case 0:
						.SArgs = []string{"mark termination"}
					case 1:
						.SArgs = []string{"sweep termination"}
						 = fmt.Errorf("unknown STW kind %d", .Args[0])
				} else if  == 1021 {
					if  := .Args[0];  < uint64(len(stwReasonStringsGo121)) {
						.SArgs = []string{stwReasonStringsGo121[]}
					} else {
						.SArgs = []string{"unknown"}
				} else {
					// Can't make any assumptions.
					.SArgs = []string{"unknown"}
			case EvGCStart, EvGCDone, EvSTWDone:
				.G = 0
			case EvGoEnd, EvGoStop, EvGoSched, EvGoPreempt,
				EvGoSleep, EvGoBlock, EvGoBlockSend, EvGoBlockRecv,
				EvGoBlockSelect, EvGoBlockSync, EvGoBlockCond, EvGoBlockNet,
				EvGoSysBlock, EvGoBlockGC:
				 = 0
			case EvGoSysExit, EvGoWaiting, EvGoInSyscall:
				.G = .Args[0]
			case EvUserTaskCreate:
				// e.Args 0: taskID, 1:parentID, 2:nameID
				.SArgs = []string{[.Args[2]]}
			case EvUserRegion:
				// e.Args 0: taskID, 1: mode, 2:nameID
				.SArgs = []string{[.Args[2]]}
			case EvUserLog:
				// e.Args 0: taskID, 1:keyID, 2: stackID
				.SArgs = []string{[.Args[1]], .sargs[0]}
			case EvCPUSample:
				.Ts = int64(.Args[0])
				.P = int(.Args[1])
				.G = .Args[2]
				.Args[0] = 0
			switch .typ {
				[] = append([], )
			case EvCPUSample:
				// Most events are written out by the active P at the exact
				// moment they describe. CPU profile samples are different
				// because they're written to the tracing log after some delay,
				// by a separate worker goroutine, into a separate buffer.
				// We keep these in their own batch until all of the batches are
				// merged in timestamp order. We also (right before the merge)
				// re-sort these events by the timestamp captured in the
				// profiling signal handler.
				[ProfileP] = append([ProfileP], )
	if len() == 0 {
		 = fmt.Errorf("trace is empty")
	if  == 0 {
		 = fmt.Errorf("no EvFrequency event")
	if BreakTimestampsForTesting {
		var  [][]*Event
		for ,  := range  {
			 = append(, )
		for  := 0;  < 5; ++ {
			 := [rand.Intn(len())]
			[rand.Intn(len())].Ts += int64(rand.Intn(2000) - 1000)
	if  < 1007 {
		,  = order1005()
	} else {
		,  = order1007()
	if  != nil {

	// Translate cpu ticks to real time.
	 := [0].Ts
	// Use floating point to avoid integer overflows.
	 := 1e9 / float64()
	for ,  := range  {
		.Ts = int64(float64(.Ts-) * )
		// Move timers and syscalls to separate fake Ps.
		if [.G] && .Type == EvGoUnblock {
			.P = TimerP
		if .Type == EvGoSysExit {
			.P = SyscallP


// removeFutile removes all constituents of futile wakeups (block, unblock, start).
// For example, a goroutine was unblocked on a mutex, but another goroutine got
// ahead and acquired the mutex before the first goroutine is scheduled,
// so the first goroutine has to block again. Such wakeups happen on buffered
// channels and sync.Mutex, but are generally not interesting for end user.
func removeFutile( []*Event) []*Event {
	// Two non-trivial aspects:
	// 1. A goroutine can be preempted during a futile wakeup and migrate to another P.
	//	We want to remove all of that.
	// 2. Tracing can start in the middle of a futile wakeup.
	//	That is, we can see a futile wakeup event w/o the actual wakeup before it.
	// postProcessTrace runs after us and ensures that we leave the trace in a consistent state.

	// Phase 1: determine futile wakeup sequences.
	type  struct {
		 []*Event // wakeup sequence (subject for removal)
	 := make(map[uint64])
	 := make(map[*Event]bool)
	for ,  := range  {
		switch .Type {
		case EvGoUnblock:
			 := [.Args[0]]
			. = []*Event{}
			[.Args[0]] = 
		case EvGoStart, EvGoPreempt, EvFutileWakeup:
			 := [.G]
			. = append(., )
			if .Type == EvFutileWakeup {
				. = true
			[.G] = 
		case EvGoBlock, EvGoBlockSend, EvGoBlockRecv, EvGoBlockSelect, EvGoBlockSync, EvGoBlockCond:
			 := [.G]
			if . {
				[] = true
				for ,  := range . {
					[] = true
			delete(, .G)

	// Phase 2: remove futile wakeup sequences.
	 := [:0] // overwrite the original slice
	for ,  := range  {
		if ![] {
			 = append(, )

// ErrTimeOrder is returned by Parse when the trace contains
// time stamps that do not respect actual event ordering.
var ErrTimeOrder = fmt.Errorf("time stamps out of order")

// postProcessTrace does inter-event verification and information restoration.
// The resulting trace is guaranteed to be consistent
// (for example, a P does not run two Gs at the same time, or a G is indeed
// blocked before an unblock event).
func postProcessTrace( int,  []*Event) error {
	const (
		 = iota
	type  struct {
	type  struct {

	 := make(map[uint64])
	 := make(map[int])
	 := make(map[uint64]*Event)           // task id to task creation events
	 := make(map[uint64][]*Event) // goroutine id to stack of regions
	[0] = {: }
	var ,  *Event

	 := func( ,  ,  *Event,  bool) error {
		 := EventDescriptions[.Type].Name
		if . !=  {
			return fmt.Errorf("g %v is not running while %v (offset %v, time %v)", .G, , .Off, .Ts)
		if . != .G {
			return fmt.Errorf("p %v is not running g %v while %v (offset %v, time %v)", .P, .G, , .Off, .Ts)
		if ! && .G == 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("g 0 did %v (offset %v, time %v)", EventDescriptions[.Type].Name, .Off, .Ts)
		return nil

	for ,  := range  {
		 := [.G]
		 := [.P]

		switch .Type {
		case EvProcStart:
			if . {
				return fmt.Errorf("p %v is running before start (offset %v, time %v)", .P, .Off, .Ts)
			. = true
		case EvProcStop:
			if !. {
				return fmt.Errorf("p %v is not running before stop (offset %v, time %v)", .P, .Off, .Ts)
			if . != 0 {
				return fmt.Errorf("p %v is running a goroutine %v during stop (offset %v, time %v)", .P, ., .Off, .Ts)
			. = false
		case EvGCStart:
			if  != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("previous GC is not ended before a new one (offset %v, time %v)", .Off, .Ts)
			// Attribute this to the global GC state.
			.P = GCP
		case EvGCDone:
			if  == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("bogus GC end (offset %v, time %v)", .Off, .Ts)
			.Link = 
			 = nil
		case EvSTWStart:
			 := &
			if  < 1010 {
				// Before 1.10, EvSTWStart was per-P.
				 = &.
			if * != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("previous STW is not ended before a new one (offset %v, time %v)", .Off, .Ts)
			* = 
		case EvSTWDone:
			 := &
			if  < 1010 {
				// Before 1.10, EvSTWDone was per-P.
				 = &.
			if * == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("bogus STW end (offset %v, time %v)", .Off, .Ts)
			(*).Link = 
			* = nil
		case EvGCSweepStart:
			if . != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("previous sweeping is not ended before a new one (offset %v, time %v)", .Off, .Ts)
			. = 
		case EvGCMarkAssistStart:
			if . != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("previous mark assist is not ended before a new one (offset %v, time %v)", .Off, .Ts)
			. = 
		case EvGCMarkAssistDone:
			// Unlike most events, mark assists can be in progress when a
			// goroutine starts tracing, so we can't report an error here.
			if . != nil {
				..Link = 
				. = nil
		case EvGCSweepDone:
			if . == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("bogus sweeping end (offset %v, time %v)", .Off, .Ts)
			..Link = 
			. = nil
		case EvGoWaiting:
			if . !=  {
				return fmt.Errorf("g %v is not runnable before EvGoWaiting (offset %v, time %v)", .G, .Off, .Ts)
			. = 
			. = 
		case EvGoInSyscall:
			if . !=  {
				return fmt.Errorf("g %v is not runnable before EvGoInSyscall (offset %v, time %v)", .G, .Off, .Ts)
			. = 
			. = 
		case EvGoCreate:
			if  := (, , , true);  != nil {
			if ,  := [.Args[0]];  {
				return fmt.Errorf("g %v already exists (offset %v, time %v)", .Args[0], .Off, .Ts)
			[.Args[0]] = {: , : , : }
		case EvGoStart, EvGoStartLabel:
			if . !=  {
				return fmt.Errorf("g %v is not runnable before start (offset %v, time %v)", .G, .Off, .Ts)
			if . != 0 {
				return fmt.Errorf("p %v is already running g %v while start g %v (offset %v, time %v)", .P, ., .G, .Off, .Ts)
			. = 
			. = 
			. = .G
			if . != nil {
				if  < 1007 {
					// +1 because symbolizer expects return pc.
					.Stk = []*Frame{{PC: ..Args[1] + 1}}
				} else {
					.StkID = ..Args[1]
				. = nil

			if . != nil {
				..Link = 
				. = nil
		case EvGoEnd, EvGoStop:
			if  := (, , , false);  != nil {
			..Link = 
			. = nil
			. = 
			. = 0

			if .Type == EvGoEnd { // flush all active regions
				 := [.G]
				for ,  := range  {
					.Link = 
				delete(, .G)

		case EvGoSched, EvGoPreempt:
			if  := (, , , false);  != nil {
			. = 
			..Link = 
			. = nil
			. = 0
			. = 
		case EvGoUnblock:
			if . !=  {
				return fmt.Errorf("g %v is not running while unpark (offset %v, time %v)", .G, .Off, .Ts)
			if .P != TimerP && . != .G {
				return fmt.Errorf("p %v is not running g %v while unpark (offset %v, time %v)", .P, .G, .Off, .Ts)
			 := [.Args[0]]
			if . !=  {
				return fmt.Errorf("g %v is not waiting before unpark (offset %v, time %v)", .Args[0], .Off, .Ts)
			if . != nil && ..Type == EvGoBlockNet && .P != TimerP {
				.P = NetpollP
			if . != nil {
				..Link = 
			. = 
			. = 
			[.Args[0]] = 
		case EvGoSysCall:
			if  := (, , , false);  != nil {
			. = 
		case EvGoSysBlock:
			if  := (, , , false);  != nil {
			. = 
			..Link = 
			. = nil
			. = 0
		case EvGoSysExit:
			if . !=  {
				return fmt.Errorf("g %v is not waiting during syscall exit (offset %v, time %v)", .G, .Off, .Ts)
			if . != nil && ..Type == EvGoSysCall {
				..Link = 
			. = 
			. = 
		case EvGoSleep, EvGoBlock, EvGoBlockSend, EvGoBlockRecv,
			EvGoBlockSelect, EvGoBlockSync, EvGoBlockCond, EvGoBlockNet, EvGoBlockGC:
			if  := (, , , false);  != nil {
			. = 
			. = 
			..Link = 
			. = nil
			. = 0
		case EvUserTaskCreate:
			 := .Args[0]
			if ,  := [];  {
				return fmt.Errorf("task id conflicts (id:%d), %q vs %q", , , )
			[.Args[0]] = 
		case EvUserTaskEnd:
			 := .Args[0]
			if ,  := [];  {
				.Link = 
				delete(, )
		case EvUserRegion:
			 := .Args[1]
			 := [.G]
			if  == 0 { // region start
				[.G] = append(, ) // push
			} else if  == 1 { // region end
				 := len()
				if  > 0 { // matching region start event is in the trace.
					 := [-1]
					if .Args[0] != .Args[0] || .SArgs[0] != .SArgs[0] { // task id, region name mismatch
						return fmt.Errorf("misuse of region in goroutine %d: span end %q when the inner-most active span start event is %q", .G, , )
					// Link region start event with span end event
					.Link = 

					if  > 1 {
						[.G] = [:-1]
					} else {
						delete(, .G)
			} else {
				return fmt.Errorf("invalid user region mode: %q", )

		[.G] = 
		[.P] = 

	// TODO(dvyukov): restore stacks for EvGoStart events.
	// TODO(dvyukov): test that all EvGoStart events has non-nil Link.

	return nil

// symbolize attaches func/file/line info to stack traces.
func symbolize( []*Event,  string) error {
	// First, collect and dedup all pcs.
	 := make(map[uint64]*Frame)
	for ,  := range  {
		for ,  := range .Stk {
			[.PC] = nil

	// Start addr2line.
	 := exec.Command(goCmd(), "tool", "addr2line", )
	,  := .StdinPipe()
	if  != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to pipe addr2line stdin: %v", )
	.Stderr = os.Stderr
	,  := .StdoutPipe()
	if  != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to pipe addr2line stdout: %v", )
	 = .Start()
	if  != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to start addr2line: %v", )
	 := bufio.NewReader()

	// Write all pcs to addr2line.
	// Need to copy pcs to an array, because map iteration order is non-deterministic.
	var  []uint64
	for  := range  {
		 = append(, )
		,  := fmt.Fprintf(, "0x%x\n", -1)
		if  != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write to addr2line: %v", )

	// Read in answers.
	for ,  := range  {
		,  := .ReadString('\n')
		if  != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to read from addr2line: %v", )
		,  := .ReadString('\n')
		if  != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to read from addr2line: %v", )
		 := &Frame{PC: }
		.Fn = [:len()-1]
		.File = [:len()-1]
		if  := strings.LastIndex(.File, ":");  != -1 {
			,  := strconv.Atoi(.File[+1:])
			if  == nil {
				.File = .File[:]
				.Line = 
		[] = 

	// Replace frames in events array.
	for ,  := range  {
		for ,  := range .Stk {
			.Stk[] = [.PC]

	return nil

// readVal reads unsigned base-128 value from r.
func readVal( io.Reader,  int) ( uint64,  int,  error) {
	for  := 0;  < 10; ++ {
		var  [1]byte
		var  int
		,  = .Read([:])
		if  != nil ||  != 1 {
			return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to read trace at offset %d: read %v, error %v", , , )
		 |= uint64([0]&0x7f) << (uint() * 7)
		if [0]&0x80 == 0 {
	return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("bad value at offset 0x%x", )

// Print dumps events to stdout. For debugging.
func ( []*Event) {
	for ,  := range  {

// PrintEvent dumps the event to stdout. For debugging.
func ( *Event) {
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", )

func ( *Event) () string {
	 := EventDescriptions[.Type]
	 := new(strings.Builder)
	fmt.Fprintf(, "%v %v p=%v g=%v off=%v", .Ts, .Name, .P, .G, .Off)
	for ,  := range .Args {
		fmt.Fprintf(, " %v=%v", , .Args[])
	for ,  := range .SArgs {
		fmt.Fprintf(, " %v=%v", , .SArgs[])
	return .String()

// argNum returns total number of args for the event accounting for timestamps,
// sequence numbers and differences between trace format versions.
func argNum( rawEvent,  int) int {
	 := EventDescriptions[.typ]
	if .typ == EvStack {
		return len(.args)
	 := len(.Args)
	if .Stack {
	switch .typ {
	case EvBatch, EvFrequency, EvTimerGoroutine:
		if  < 1007 {
			++ // there was an unused arg before 1.7
	++ // timestamp
	if  < 1007 {
		++ // sequence
	switch .typ {
	case EvGCSweepDone:
		if  < 1009 {
			 -= 2 // 1.9 added two arguments
	case EvGCStart, EvGoStart, EvGoUnblock:
		if  < 1007 {
			-- // 1.7 added an additional seq arg
	case EvSTWStart:
		if  < 1010 {
			-- // 1.10 added an argument

// BreakTimestampsForTesting causes the parser to randomly alter timestamps (for testing of broken cputicks).
var BreakTimestampsForTesting bool

// Event types in the trace.
// Verbatim copy from src/runtime/trace.go with the "trace" prefix removed.
const (
	EvNone              = 0  // unused
	EvBatch             = 1  // start of per-P batch of events [pid, timestamp]
	EvFrequency         = 2  // contains tracer timer frequency [frequency (ticks per second)]
	EvStack             = 3  // stack [stack id, number of PCs, array of {PC, func string ID, file string ID, line}]
	EvGomaxprocs        = 4  // current value of GOMAXPROCS [timestamp, GOMAXPROCS, stack id]
	EvProcStart         = 5  // start of P [timestamp, thread id]
	EvProcStop          = 6  // stop of P [timestamp]
	EvGCStart           = 7  // GC start [timestamp, seq, stack id]
	EvGCDone            = 8  // GC done [timestamp]
	EvSTWStart          = 9  // GC mark termination start [timestamp, kind]
	EvSTWDone           = 10 // GC mark termination done [timestamp]
	EvGCSweepStart      = 11 // GC sweep start [timestamp, stack id]
	EvGCSweepDone       = 12 // GC sweep done [timestamp, swept, reclaimed]
	EvGoCreate          = 13 // goroutine creation [timestamp, new goroutine id, new stack id, stack id]
	EvGoStart           = 14 // goroutine starts running [timestamp, goroutine id, seq]
	EvGoEnd             = 15 // goroutine ends [timestamp]
	EvGoStop            = 16 // goroutine stops (like in select{}) [timestamp, stack]
	EvGoSched           = 17 // goroutine calls Gosched [timestamp, stack]
	EvGoPreempt         = 18 // goroutine is preempted [timestamp, stack]
	EvGoSleep           = 19 // goroutine calls Sleep [timestamp, stack]
	EvGoBlock           = 20 // goroutine blocks [timestamp, stack]
	EvGoUnblock         = 21 // goroutine is unblocked [timestamp, goroutine id, seq, stack]
	EvGoBlockSend       = 22 // goroutine blocks on chan send [timestamp, stack]
	EvGoBlockRecv       = 23 // goroutine blocks on chan recv [timestamp, stack]
	EvGoBlockSelect     = 24 // goroutine blocks on select [timestamp, stack]
	EvGoBlockSync       = 25 // goroutine blocks on Mutex/RWMutex [timestamp, stack]
	EvGoBlockCond       = 26 // goroutine blocks on Cond [timestamp, stack]
	EvGoBlockNet        = 27 // goroutine blocks on network [timestamp, stack]
	EvGoSysCall         = 28 // syscall enter [timestamp, stack]
	EvGoSysExit         = 29 // syscall exit [timestamp, goroutine id, seq, real timestamp]
	EvGoSysBlock        = 30 // syscall blocks [timestamp]
	EvGoWaiting         = 31 // denotes that goroutine is blocked when tracing starts [timestamp, goroutine id]
	EvGoInSyscall       = 32 // denotes that goroutine is in syscall when tracing starts [timestamp, goroutine id]
	EvHeapAlloc         = 33 // gcController.heapLive change [timestamp, heap live bytes]
	EvHeapGoal          = 34 // gcController.heapGoal change [timestamp, heap goal bytes]
	EvTimerGoroutine    = 35 // denotes timer goroutine [timer goroutine id]
	EvFutileWakeup      = 36 // denotes that the previous wakeup of this goroutine was futile [timestamp]
	EvString            = 37 // string dictionary entry [ID, length, string]
	EvGoStartLocal      = 38 // goroutine starts running on the same P as the last event [timestamp, goroutine id]
	EvGoUnblockLocal    = 39 // goroutine is unblocked on the same P as the last event [timestamp, goroutine id, stack]
	EvGoSysExitLocal    = 40 // syscall exit on the same P as the last event [timestamp, goroutine id, real timestamp]
	EvGoStartLabel      = 41 // goroutine starts running with label [timestamp, goroutine id, seq, label string id]
	EvGoBlockGC         = 42 // goroutine blocks on GC assist [timestamp, stack]
	EvGCMarkAssistStart = 43 // GC mark assist start [timestamp, stack]
	EvGCMarkAssistDone  = 44 // GC mark assist done [timestamp]
	EvUserTaskCreate    = 45 // trace.NewTask [timestamp, internal task id, internal parent id, name string, stack]
	EvUserTaskEnd       = 46 // end of task [timestamp, internal task id, stack]
	EvUserRegion        = 47 // trace.WithRegion [timestamp, internal task id, mode(0:start, 1:end), name string, stack]
	EvUserLog           = 48 // trace.Log [timestamp, internal id, key string id, stack, value string]
	EvCPUSample         = 49 // CPU profiling sample [timestamp, real timestamp, real P id (-1 when absent), goroutine id, stack]
	EvCount             = 50

var EventDescriptions = [EvCount]struct {
	Name       string
	minVersion int
	Stack      bool
	Args       []string
	SArgs      []string // string arguments
	EvNone:              {"None", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
	EvBatch:             {"Batch", 1005, false, []string{"p", "ticks"}, nil}, // in 1.5 format it was {"p", "seq", "ticks"}
	EvFrequency:         {"Frequency", 1005, false, []string{"freq"}, nil},   // in 1.5 format it was {"freq", "unused"}
	EvStack:             {"Stack", 1005, false, []string{"id", "siz"}, nil},
	EvGomaxprocs:        {"Gomaxprocs", 1005, true, []string{"procs"}, nil},
	EvProcStart:         {"ProcStart", 1005, false, []string{"thread"}, nil},
	EvProcStop:          {"ProcStop", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
	EvGCStart:           {"GCStart", 1005, true, []string{"seq"}, nil}, // in 1.5 format it was {}
	EvGCDone:            {"GCDone", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
	EvSTWStart:          {"STWStart", 1005, false, []string{"kindid"}, []string{"kind"}}, // <= 1.9, args was {} (implicitly {0})
	EvSTWDone:           {"STWDone", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
	EvGCSweepStart:      {"GCSweepStart", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGCSweepDone:       {"GCSweepDone", 1005, false, []string{"swept", "reclaimed"}, nil}, // before 1.9, format was {}
	EvGoCreate:          {"GoCreate", 1005, true, []string{"g", "stack"}, nil},
	EvGoStart:           {"GoStart", 1005, false, []string{"g", "seq"}, nil}, // in 1.5 format it was {"g"}
	EvGoEnd:             {"GoEnd", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoStop:            {"GoStop", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoSched:           {"GoSched", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoPreempt:         {"GoPreempt", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoSleep:           {"GoSleep", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoBlock:           {"GoBlock", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoUnblock:         {"GoUnblock", 1005, true, []string{"g", "seq"}, nil}, // in 1.5 format it was {"g"}
	EvGoBlockSend:       {"GoBlockSend", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoBlockRecv:       {"GoBlockRecv", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoBlockSelect:     {"GoBlockSelect", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoBlockSync:       {"GoBlockSync", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoBlockCond:       {"GoBlockCond", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoBlockNet:        {"GoBlockNet", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoSysCall:         {"GoSysCall", 1005, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoSysExit:         {"GoSysExit", 1005, false, []string{"g", "seq", "ts"}, nil},
	EvGoSysBlock:        {"GoSysBlock", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoWaiting:         {"GoWaiting", 1005, false, []string{"g"}, nil},
	EvGoInSyscall:       {"GoInSyscall", 1005, false, []string{"g"}, nil},
	EvHeapAlloc:         {"HeapAlloc", 1005, false, []string{"mem"}, nil},
	EvHeapGoal:          {"HeapGoal", 1005, false, []string{"mem"}, nil},
	EvTimerGoroutine:    {"TimerGoroutine", 1005, false, []string{"g"}, nil}, // in 1.5 format it was {"g", "unused"}
	EvFutileWakeup:      {"FutileWakeup", 1005, false, []string{}, nil},
	EvString:            {"String", 1007, false, []string{}, nil},
	EvGoStartLocal:      {"GoStartLocal", 1007, false, []string{"g"}, nil},
	EvGoUnblockLocal:    {"GoUnblockLocal", 1007, true, []string{"g"}, nil},
	EvGoSysExitLocal:    {"GoSysExitLocal", 1007, false, []string{"g", "ts"}, nil},
	EvGoStartLabel:      {"GoStartLabel", 1008, false, []string{"g", "seq", "labelid"}, []string{"label"}},
	EvGoBlockGC:         {"GoBlockGC", 1008, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGCMarkAssistStart: {"GCMarkAssistStart", 1009, true, []string{}, nil},
	EvGCMarkAssistDone:  {"GCMarkAssistDone", 1009, false, []string{}, nil},
	EvUserTaskCreate:    {"UserTaskCreate", 1011, true, []string{"taskid", "pid", "typeid"}, []string{"name"}},
	EvUserTaskEnd:       {"UserTaskEnd", 1011, true, []string{"taskid"}, nil},
	EvUserRegion:        {"UserRegion", 1011, true, []string{"taskid", "mode", "typeid"}, []string{"name"}},
	EvUserLog:           {"UserLog", 1011, true, []string{"id", "keyid"}, []string{"category", "message"}},
	EvCPUSample:         {"CPUSample", 1019, true, []string{"ts", "p", "g"}, nil},

// Copied from src/runtime/proc.go:stwReasonStrings in Go 1.21.
var stwReasonStringsGo121 = [...]string{
	"GC mark termination",
	"GC sweep termination",
	"write heap dump",
	"goroutine profile",
	"goroutine profile cleanup",
	"all goroutines stack trace",
	"read mem stats",
	"start trace",
	"stop trace",
	"CountPagesInUse (test)",
	"ReadMetricsSlow (test)",
	"ReadMemStatsSlow (test)",
	"PageCachePagesLeaked (test)",
	"ResetDebugLog (test)",