package syscall
import (
func LsfStmt (code , k int ) *SockFilter {
return &SockFilter {Code : uint16 (code ), K : uint32 (k )}
func LsfJump (code , k , jt , jf int ) *SockFilter {
return &SockFilter {Code : uint16 (code ), Jt : uint8 (jt ), Jf : uint8 (jf ), K : uint32 (k )}
func LsfSocket (ifindex , proto int ) (int , error ) {
var lsall SockaddrLinklayer
s , e := Socket (AF_PACKET , SOCK_RAW , proto )
if e != nil {
return 0 , e
p := (*[2 ]byte )(unsafe .Pointer (&lsall .Protocol ))
p [0 ] = byte (proto >> 8 )
p [1 ] = byte (proto )
lsall .Ifindex = ifindex
e = Bind (s , &lsall )
if e != nil {
Close (s )
return 0 , e
return s , nil
type iflags struct {
name [IFNAMSIZ ]byte
flags uint16
func SetLsfPromisc (name string , m bool ) error {
s , e := Socket (AF_INET , SOCK_DGRAM |SOCK_CLOEXEC , 0 )
if e != nil {
return e
defer Close (s )
var ifl iflags
copy (ifl .name [:], []byte (name ))
_ , _ , ep := Syscall (SYS_IOCTL , uintptr (s ), SIOCGIFFLAGS , uintptr (unsafe .Pointer (&ifl )))
if ep != 0 {
return Errno (ep )
if m {
ifl .flags |= uint16 (IFF_PROMISC )
} else {
ifl .flags &^= uint16 (IFF_PROMISC )
_, _, ep = Syscall (SYS_IOCTL , uintptr (s ), SIOCSIFFLAGS , uintptr (unsafe .Pointer (&ifl )))
if ep != 0 {
return Errno (ep )
return nil
func AttachLsf (fd int , i []SockFilter ) error {
var p SockFprog
p .Len = uint16 (len (i ))
p .Filter = (*SockFilter )(unsafe .Pointer (&i [0 ]))
return setsockopt (fd , SOL_SOCKET , SO_ATTACH_FILTER , unsafe .Pointer (&p ), unsafe .Sizeof (p ))
func DetachLsf (fd int ) error {
var dummy int
return setsockopt (fd , SOL_SOCKET , SO_DETACH_FILTER , unsafe .Pointer (&dummy ), unsafe .Sizeof (dummy ))
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .