package impl

Import Path
	crypto/internal/impl (on

Dependency Relation
	imports one package, and imported by 6 packages

Involved Source Files Package impl is a registry of alternative implementations of cryptographic primitives, to allow selecting them for testing.
Package-Level Functions (total 4)
List returns the names of all alternative implementations registered for the given package, whether available or not. The implicit base implementation is not included.
Register records an alternative implementation of a cryptographic primitive. The implementation might be available or not based on CPU support. If available is false, the implementation is unavailable and can't be tested on this machine. If available is true, it can be set to false to disable the implementation. If all alternative implementations but one are disabled, the remaining one must be used (i.e. disabling one implementation must not implicitly disable any other). Each package has an implicit base implementation that is selected when all alternatives are unavailable or disabled. pkg must be the package name, not path (e.g. "aes" not "crypto/aes").
func Reset(pkg string)
Select disables all implementations for the given package except the one with the given name. If name is empty, the base implementation is selected. It returns whether the selected implementation is available.