package slogtest

Import Path
	testing/slogtest (on

Dependency Relation
	imports 8 packages, and imported by 0 packages

Involved Source Files Package slogtest implements support for testing implementations of log/slog.Handler.
Code Examples package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "log" "log/slog" "testing/slogtest" ) func main() { var buf bytes.Buffer h := slog.NewJSONHandler(&buf, nil) results := func() []map[string]any { var ms []map[string]any for _, line := range bytes.Split(buf.Bytes(), []byte{'\n'}) { if len(line) == 0 { continue } var m map[string]any if err := json.Unmarshal(line, &m); err != nil { panic(err) // In a real test, use t.Fatal. } ms = append(ms, m) } return ms } err := slogtest.TestHandler(h, results) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }
Package-Level Functions (total 2)
Run exercises a [slog.Handler] on the same test cases as [TestHandler], but runs each case in a subtest. For each test case, it first calls newHandler to get an instance of the handler under test, then runs the test case, then calls result to get the result. If the test case fails, it calls t.Error.
TestHandler tests a [slog.Handler]. If TestHandler finds any misbehaviors, it returns an error for each, combined into a single error with [errors.Join]. TestHandler installs the given Handler in a [slog.Logger] and makes several calls to the Logger's output methods. The Handler should be enabled for levels Info and above. The results function is invoked after all such calls. It should return a slice of map[string]any, one for each call to a Logger output method. The keys and values of the map should correspond to the keys and values of the Handler's output. Each group in the output should be represented as its own nested map[string]any. The standard keys [slog.TimeKey], [slog.LevelKey] and [slog.MessageKey] should be used. If the Handler outputs JSON, then calling [encoding/json.Unmarshal] with a `map[string]any` will create the right data structure. If a Handler intentionally drops an attribute that is checked by a test, then the results function should check for its absence and add it to the map it returns.