package slogtest
import (
type testCase struct {
name string
explanation string
f func (*slog .Logger )
mod func (*slog .Record )
checks []check
var cases = []testCase {
name : "built-ins" ,
explanation : withSource ("this test expects slog.TimeKey, slog.LevelKey and slog.MessageKey" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .Info ("message" )
checks : []check {
hasKey (slog .TimeKey ),
hasKey (slog .LevelKey ),
hasAttr (slog .MessageKey , "message" ),
name : "attrs" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should output attributes passed to the logging function" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .Info ("message" , "k" , "v" )
checks : []check {
hasAttr ("k" , "v" ),
name : "empty-attr" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should ignore an empty Attr" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .Info ("msg" , "a" , "b" , "" , nil , "c" , "d" )
checks : []check {
hasAttr ("a" , "b" ),
missingKey ("" ),
hasAttr ("c" , "d" ),
name : "zero-time" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should ignore a zero Record.Time" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .Info ("msg" , "k" , "v" )
mod : func (r *slog .Record ) { r .Time = time .Time {} },
checks : []check {
missingKey (slog .TimeKey ),
name : "WithAttrs" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should include the attributes from the WithAttrs method" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .With ("a" , "b" ).Info ("msg" , "k" , "v" )
checks : []check {
hasAttr ("a" , "b" ),
hasAttr ("k" , "v" ),
name : "groups" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should handle Group attributes" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .Info ("msg" , "a" , "b" , slog .Group ("G" , slog .String ("c" , "d" )), "e" , "f" )
checks : []check {
hasAttr ("a" , "b" ),
inGroup ("G" , hasAttr ("c" , "d" )),
hasAttr ("e" , "f" ),
name : "empty-group" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should ignore an empty group" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .Info ("msg" , "a" , "b" , slog .Group ("G" ), "e" , "f" )
checks : []check {
hasAttr ("a" , "b" ),
missingKey ("G" ),
hasAttr ("e" , "f" ),
name : "inline-group" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should inline the Attrs of a group with an empty key" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .Info ("msg" , "a" , "b" , slog .Group ("" , slog .String ("c" , "d" )), "e" , "f" )
checks : []check {
hasAttr ("a" , "b" ),
hasAttr ("c" , "d" ),
hasAttr ("e" , "f" ),
name : "WithGroup" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should handle the WithGroup method" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .WithGroup ("G" ).Info ("msg" , "a" , "b" )
checks : []check {
hasKey (slog .TimeKey ),
hasKey (slog .LevelKey ),
hasAttr (slog .MessageKey , "msg" ),
missingKey ("a" ),
inGroup ("G" , hasAttr ("a" , "b" )),
name : "multi-With" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should handle multiple WithGroup and WithAttr calls" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .With ("a" , "b" ).WithGroup ("G" ).With ("c" , "d" ).WithGroup ("H" ).Info ("msg" , "e" , "f" )
checks : []check {
hasKey (slog .TimeKey ),
hasKey (slog .LevelKey ),
hasAttr (slog .MessageKey , "msg" ),
hasAttr ("a" , "b" ),
inGroup ("G" , hasAttr ("c" , "d" )),
inGroup ("G" , inGroup ("H" , hasAttr ("e" , "f" ))),
name : "empty-group-record" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should not output groups if there are no attributes" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .With ("a" , "b" ).WithGroup ("G" ).With ("c" , "d" ).WithGroup ("H" ).Info ("msg" )
checks : []check {
hasKey (slog .TimeKey ),
hasKey (slog .LevelKey ),
hasAttr (slog .MessageKey , "msg" ),
hasAttr ("a" , "b" ),
inGroup ("G" , hasAttr ("c" , "d" )),
inGroup ("G" , missingKey ("H" )),
name : "resolve" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should call Resolve on attribute values" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .Info ("msg" , "k" , &replace {"replaced" })
checks : []check {hasAttr ("k" , "replaced" )},
name : "resolve-groups" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should call Resolve on attribute values in groups" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .Info ("msg" ,
slog .Group ("G" ,
slog .String ("a" , "v1" ),
slog .Any ("b" , &replace {"v2" })))
checks : []check {
inGroup ("G" , hasAttr ("a" , "v1" )),
inGroup ("G" , hasAttr ("b" , "v2" )),
name : "resolve-WithAttrs" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should call Resolve on attribute values from WithAttrs" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l = l .With ("k" , &replace {"replaced" })
l .Info ("msg" )
checks : []check {hasAttr ("k" , "replaced" )},
name : "resolve-WithAttrs-groups" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should call Resolve on attribute values in groups from WithAttrs" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l = l .With (slog .Group ("G" ,
slog .String ("a" , "v1" ),
slog .Any ("b" , &replace {"v2" })))
l .Info ("msg" )
checks : []check {
inGroup ("G" , hasAttr ("a" , "v1" )),
inGroup ("G" , hasAttr ("b" , "v2" )),
name : "empty-PC" ,
explanation : withSource ("a Handler should not output SourceKey if the PC is zero" ),
f : func (l *slog .Logger ) {
l .Info ("message" )
mod : func (r *slog .Record ) { r .PC = 0 },
checks : []check {
missingKey (slog .SourceKey ),
func TestHandler (h slog .Handler , results func () []map [string ]any ) error {
for _ , c := range cases {
ht := h
if c .mod != nil {
ht = &wrapper {h , c .mod }
l := slog .New (ht )
c .f (l )
var errs []error
res := results ()
if g , w := len (res ), len (cases ); g != w {
return fmt .Errorf ("got %d results, want %d" , g , w )
for i , got := range res {
c := cases [i ]
for _ , check := range c .checks {
if problem := check (got ); problem != "" {
errs = append (errs , fmt .Errorf ("%s: %s" , problem , c .explanation ))
return errors .Join (errs ...)
func Run (t *testing .T , newHandler func (*testing .T ) slog .Handler , result func (*testing .T ) map [string ]any ) {
for _ , c := range cases {
t .Run (c .name , func (t *testing .T ) {
h := newHandler (t )
if c .mod != nil {
h = &wrapper {h , c .mod }
l := slog .New (h )
c .f (l )
got := result (t )
for _ , check := range c .checks {
if p := check (got ); p != "" {
t .Errorf ("%s: %s" , p , c .explanation )
type check func (map [string ]any ) string
func hasKey(key string ) check {
return func (m map [string ]any ) string {
if _ , ok := m [key ]; !ok {
return fmt .Sprintf ("missing key %q" , key )
return ""
func missingKey(key string ) check {
return func (m map [string ]any ) string {
if _ , ok := m [key ]; ok {
return fmt .Sprintf ("unexpected key %q" , key )
return ""
func hasAttr(key string , wantVal any ) check {
return func (m map [string ]any ) string {
if s := hasKey (key )(m ); s != "" {
return s
gotVal := m [key ]
if !reflect .DeepEqual (gotVal , wantVal ) {
return fmt .Sprintf ("%q: got %#v, want %#v" , key , gotVal , wantVal )
return ""
func inGroup(name string , c check ) check {
return func (m map [string ]any ) string {
v , ok := m [name ]
if !ok {
return fmt .Sprintf ("missing group %q" , name )
g , ok := v .(map [string ]any )
if !ok {
return fmt .Sprintf ("value for group %q is not map[string]any" , name )
return c (g )
type wrapper struct {
slog .Handler
mod func (*slog .Record )
func (h *wrapper ) Handle (ctx context .Context , r slog .Record ) error {
h .mod (&r )
return h .Handler .Handle (ctx , r )
func withSource(s string ) string {
_ , file , line , ok := runtime .Caller (1 )
if !ok {
panic ("runtime.Caller failed" )
return fmt .Sprintf ("%s (%s:%d)" , s , file , line )
type replace struct {
v any
func (r *replace ) LogValue () slog .Value { return slog .AnyValue (r .v ) }
func (r *replace ) String () string {
return fmt .Sprintf ("<replace(%v)>" , r .v )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .