package des
import (
const BlockSize = 8
type KeySizeError int
func (k KeySizeError ) Error () string {
return "crypto/des: invalid key size " + strconv .Itoa (int (k ))
type desCipher struct {
subkeys [16 ]uint64
func NewCipher (key []byte ) (cipher .Block , error ) {
if fips140only .Enabled {
return nil , errors .New ("crypto/des: use of DES is not allowed in FIPS 140-only mode" )
if len (key ) != 8 {
return nil , KeySizeError (len (key ))
c := new (desCipher )
c .generateSubkeys (key )
return c , nil
func (c *desCipher ) BlockSize () int { return BlockSize }
func (c *desCipher ) Encrypt (dst , src []byte ) {
if len (src ) < BlockSize {
panic ("crypto/des: input not full block" )
if len (dst ) < BlockSize {
panic ("crypto/des: output not full block" )
if alias .InexactOverlap (dst [:BlockSize ], src [:BlockSize ]) {
panic ("crypto/des: invalid buffer overlap" )
cryptBlock (c .subkeys [:], dst , src , false )
func (c *desCipher ) Decrypt (dst , src []byte ) {
if len (src ) < BlockSize {
panic ("crypto/des: input not full block" )
if len (dst ) < BlockSize {
panic ("crypto/des: output not full block" )
if alias .InexactOverlap (dst [:BlockSize ], src [:BlockSize ]) {
panic ("crypto/des: invalid buffer overlap" )
cryptBlock (c .subkeys [:], dst , src , true )
type tripleDESCipher struct {
cipher1, cipher2, cipher3 desCipher
func NewTripleDESCipher (key []byte ) (cipher .Block , error ) {
if fips140only .Enabled {
return nil , errors .New ("crypto/des: use of TripleDES is not allowed in FIPS 140-only mode" )
if len (key ) != 24 {
return nil , KeySizeError (len (key ))
c := new (tripleDESCipher )
c .cipher1 .generateSubkeys (key [:8 ])
c .cipher2 .generateSubkeys (key [8 :16 ])
c .cipher3 .generateSubkeys (key [16 :])
return c , nil
func (c *tripleDESCipher ) BlockSize () int { return BlockSize }
func (c *tripleDESCipher ) Encrypt (dst , src []byte ) {
if len (src ) < BlockSize {
panic ("crypto/des: input not full block" )
if len (dst ) < BlockSize {
panic ("crypto/des: output not full block" )
if alias .InexactOverlap (dst [:BlockSize ], src [:BlockSize ]) {
panic ("crypto/des: invalid buffer overlap" )
b := byteorder .BEUint64 (src )
b = permuteInitialBlock (b )
left , right := uint32 (b >>32 ), uint32 (b )
left = (left << 1 ) | (left >> 31 )
right = (right << 1 ) | (right >> 31 )
for i := 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ {
left , right = feistel (left , right , c .cipher1 .subkeys [2 *i ], c .cipher1 .subkeys [2 *i +1 ])
for i := 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ {
right , left = feistel (right , left , c .cipher2 .subkeys [15 -2 *i ], c .cipher2 .subkeys [15 -(2 *i +1 )])
for i := 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ {
left , right = feistel (left , right , c .cipher3 .subkeys [2 *i ], c .cipher3 .subkeys [2 *i +1 ])
left = (left << 31 ) | (left >> 1 )
right = (right << 31 ) | (right >> 1 )
preOutput := (uint64 (right ) << 32 ) | uint64 (left )
byteorder .BEPutUint64 (dst , permuteFinalBlock (preOutput ))
func (c *tripleDESCipher ) Decrypt (dst , src []byte ) {
if len (src ) < BlockSize {
panic ("crypto/des: input not full block" )
if len (dst ) < BlockSize {
panic ("crypto/des: output not full block" )
if alias .InexactOverlap (dst [:BlockSize ], src [:BlockSize ]) {
panic ("crypto/des: invalid buffer overlap" )
b := byteorder .BEUint64 (src )
b = permuteInitialBlock (b )
left , right := uint32 (b >>32 ), uint32 (b )
left = (left << 1 ) | (left >> 31 )
right = (right << 1 ) | (right >> 31 )
for i := 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ {
left , right = feistel (left , right , c .cipher3 .subkeys [15 -2 *i ], c .cipher3 .subkeys [15 -(2 *i +1 )])
for i := 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ {
right , left = feistel (right , left , c .cipher2 .subkeys [2 *i ], c .cipher2 .subkeys [2 *i +1 ])
for i := 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ {
left , right = feistel (left , right , c .cipher1 .subkeys [15 -2 *i ], c .cipher1 .subkeys [15 -(2 *i +1 )])
left = (left << 31 ) | (left >> 1 )
right = (right << 31 ) | (right >> 1 )
preOutput := (uint64 (right ) << 32 ) | uint64 (left )
byteorder .BEPutUint64 (dst , permuteFinalBlock (preOutput ))
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
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