package png
import (
const (
ctGrayscale = 0
ctTrueColor = 2
ctPaletted = 3
ctGrayscaleAlpha = 4
ctTrueColorAlpha = 6
const (
cbInvalid = iota
func cbPaletted(cb int ) bool {
return cbP1 <= cb && cb <= cbP8
func cbTrueColor(cb int ) bool {
return cb == cbTC8 || cb == cbTC16
const (
ftNone = 0
ftSub = 1
ftUp = 2
ftAverage = 3
ftPaeth = 4
nFilter = 5
const (
itNone = 0
itAdam7 = 1
type interlaceScan struct {
xFactor, yFactor, xOffset, yOffset int
var interlacing = []interlaceScan {
{8 , 8 , 0 , 0 },
{8 , 8 , 4 , 0 },
{4 , 8 , 0 , 4 },
{4 , 4 , 2 , 0 },
{2 , 4 , 0 , 2 },
{2 , 2 , 1 , 0 },
{1 , 2 , 0 , 1 },
const (
dsStart = iota
const pngHeader = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n"
type decoder struct {
r io .Reader
img image .Image
crc hash .Hash32
width, height int
depth int
palette color .Palette
cb int
stage int
idatLength uint32
tmp [3 * 256 ]byte
interlace int
useTransparent bool
transparent [6 ]byte
type FormatError string
func (e FormatError ) Error () string { return "png: invalid format: " + string (e ) }
var chunkOrderError = FormatError ("chunk out of order" )
type UnsupportedError string
func (e UnsupportedError ) Error () string { return "png: unsupported feature: " + string (e ) }
func (d *decoder ) parseIHDR (length uint32 ) error {
if length != 13 {
return FormatError ("bad IHDR length" )
if _ , err := io .ReadFull (d .r , d .tmp [:13 ]); err != nil {
return err
d .crc .Write (d .tmp [:13 ])
if d .tmp [10 ] != 0 {
return UnsupportedError ("compression method" )
if d .tmp [11 ] != 0 {
return UnsupportedError ("filter method" )
if d .tmp [12 ] != itNone && d .tmp [12 ] != itAdam7 {
return FormatError ("invalid interlace method" )
d .interlace = int (d .tmp [12 ])
w := int32 (binary .BigEndian .Uint32 (d .tmp [0 :4 ]))
h := int32 (binary .BigEndian .Uint32 (d .tmp [4 :8 ]))
if w <= 0 || h <= 0 {
return FormatError ("non-positive dimension" )
nPixels64 := int64 (w ) * int64 (h )
nPixels := int (nPixels64 )
if nPixels64 != int64 (nPixels ) {
return UnsupportedError ("dimension overflow" )
if nPixels != (nPixels *8 )/8 {
return UnsupportedError ("dimension overflow" )
d .cb = cbInvalid
d .depth = int (d .tmp [8 ])
switch d .depth {
case 1 :
switch d .tmp [9 ] {
case ctGrayscale :
d .cb = cbG1
case ctPaletted :
d .cb = cbP1
case 2 :
switch d .tmp [9 ] {
case ctGrayscale :
d .cb = cbG2
case ctPaletted :
d .cb = cbP2
case 4 :
switch d .tmp [9 ] {
case ctGrayscale :
d .cb = cbG4
case ctPaletted :
d .cb = cbP4
case 8 :
switch d .tmp [9 ] {
case ctGrayscale :
d .cb = cbG8
case ctTrueColor :
d .cb = cbTC8
case ctPaletted :
d .cb = cbP8
case ctGrayscaleAlpha :
d .cb = cbGA8
case ctTrueColorAlpha :
d .cb = cbTCA8
case 16 :
switch d .tmp [9 ] {
case ctGrayscale :
d .cb = cbG16
case ctTrueColor :
d .cb = cbTC16
case ctGrayscaleAlpha :
d .cb = cbGA16
case ctTrueColorAlpha :
d .cb = cbTCA16
if d .cb == cbInvalid {
return UnsupportedError (fmt .Sprintf ("bit depth %d, color type %d" , d .tmp [8 ], d .tmp [9 ]))
d .width , d .height = int (w ), int (h )
return d .verifyChecksum ()
func (d *decoder ) parsePLTE (length uint32 ) error {
np := int (length / 3 )
if length %3 != 0 || np <= 0 || np > 256 || np > 1 <<uint (d .depth ) {
return FormatError ("bad PLTE length" )
n , err := io .ReadFull (d .r , d .tmp [:3 *np ])
if err != nil {
return err
d .crc .Write (d .tmp [:n ])
switch d .cb {
case cbP1 , cbP2 , cbP4 , cbP8 :
d .palette = make (color .Palette , 256 )
for i := 0 ; i < np ; i ++ {
d .palette [i ] = color .RGBA {d .tmp [3 *i +0 ], d .tmp [3 *i +1 ], d .tmp [3 *i +2 ], 0xff }
for i := np ; i < 256 ; i ++ {
d .palette [i ] = color .RGBA {0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xff }
d .palette = d .palette [:np ]
case cbTC8 , cbTCA8 , cbTC16 , cbTCA16 :
default :
return FormatError ("PLTE, color type mismatch" )
return d .verifyChecksum ()
func (d *decoder ) parsetRNS (length uint32 ) error {
switch d .cb {
case cbG1 , cbG2 , cbG4 , cbG8 , cbG16 :
if length != 2 {
return FormatError ("bad tRNS length" )
n , err := io .ReadFull (d .r , d .tmp [:length ])
if err != nil {
return err
d .crc .Write (d .tmp [:n ])
copy (d .transparent [:], d .tmp [:length ])
switch d .cb {
case cbG1 :
d .transparent [1 ] *= 0xff
case cbG2 :
d .transparent [1 ] *= 0x55
case cbG4 :
d .transparent [1 ] *= 0x11
d .useTransparent = true
case cbTC8 , cbTC16 :
if length != 6 {
return FormatError ("bad tRNS length" )
n , err := io .ReadFull (d .r , d .tmp [:length ])
if err != nil {
return err
d .crc .Write (d .tmp [:n ])
copy (d .transparent [:], d .tmp [:length ])
d .useTransparent = true
case cbP1 , cbP2 , cbP4 , cbP8 :
if length > 256 {
return FormatError ("bad tRNS length" )
n , err := io .ReadFull (d .r , d .tmp [:length ])
if err != nil {
return err
d .crc .Write (d .tmp [:n ])
if len (d .palette ) < n {
d .palette = d .palette [:n ]
for i := 0 ; i < n ; i ++ {
rgba := d .palette [i ].(color .RGBA )
d .palette [i ] = color .NRGBA {rgba .R , rgba .G , rgba .B , d .tmp [i ]}
default :
return FormatError ("tRNS, color type mismatch" )
return d .verifyChecksum ()
func (d *decoder ) Read (p []byte ) (int , error ) {
if len (p ) == 0 {
return 0 , nil
for d .idatLength == 0 {
if err := d .verifyChecksum (); err != nil {
return 0 , err
if _ , err := io .ReadFull (d .r , d .tmp [:8 ]); err != nil {
return 0 , err
d .idatLength = binary .BigEndian .Uint32 (d .tmp [:4 ])
if string (d .tmp [4 :8 ]) != "IDAT" {
return 0 , FormatError ("not enough pixel data" )
d .crc .Reset ()
d .crc .Write (d .tmp [4 :8 ])
if int (d .idatLength ) < 0 {
return 0 , UnsupportedError ("IDAT chunk length overflow" )
n , err := d .r .Read (p [:min (len (p ), int (d .idatLength ))])
d .crc .Write (p [:n ])
d .idatLength -= uint32 (n )
return n , err
func (d *decoder ) decode () (image .Image , error ) {
r , err := zlib .NewReader (d )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
defer r .Close ()
var img image .Image
if d .interlace == itNone {
img , err = d .readImagePass (r , 0 , false )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
} else if d .interlace == itAdam7 {
img , err = d .readImagePass (nil , 0 , true )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
for pass := 0 ; pass < 7 ; pass ++ {
imagePass , err := d .readImagePass (r , pass , false )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if imagePass != nil {
d .mergePassInto (img , imagePass , pass )
n := 0
for i := 0 ; n == 0 && err == nil ; i ++ {
if i == 100 {
return nil , io .ErrNoProgress
n , err = r .Read (d .tmp [:1 ])
if err != nil && err != io .EOF {
return nil , FormatError (err .Error())
if n != 0 || d .idatLength != 0 {
return nil , FormatError ("too much pixel data" )
return img , nil
func (d *decoder ) readImagePass (r io .Reader , pass int , allocateOnly bool ) (image .Image , error ) {
bitsPerPixel := 0
pixOffset := 0
var (
gray *image .Gray
rgba *image .RGBA
paletted *image .Paletted
nrgba *image .NRGBA
gray16 *image .Gray16
rgba64 *image .RGBA64
nrgba64 *image .NRGBA64
img image .Image
width , height := d .width , d .height
if d .interlace == itAdam7 && !allocateOnly {
p := interlacing [pass ]
width = (width - p .xOffset + p .xFactor - 1 ) / p .xFactor
height = (height - p .yOffset + p .yFactor - 1 ) / p .yFactor
if width == 0 || height == 0 {
return nil , nil
switch d .cb {
case cbG1 , cbG2 , cbG4 , cbG8 :
bitsPerPixel = d .depth
if d .useTransparent {
nrgba = image .NewNRGBA (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ))
img = nrgba
} else {
gray = image .NewGray (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ))
img = gray
case cbGA8 :
bitsPerPixel = 16
nrgba = image .NewNRGBA (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ))
img = nrgba
case cbTC8 :
bitsPerPixel = 24
if d .useTransparent {
nrgba = image .NewNRGBA (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ))
img = nrgba
} else {
rgba = image .NewRGBA (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ))
img = rgba
case cbP1 , cbP2 , cbP4 , cbP8 :
bitsPerPixel = d .depth
paletted = image .NewPaletted (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ), d .palette )
img = paletted
case cbTCA8 :
bitsPerPixel = 32
nrgba = image .NewNRGBA (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ))
img = nrgba
case cbG16 :
bitsPerPixel = 16
if d .useTransparent {
nrgba64 = image .NewNRGBA64 (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ))
img = nrgba64
} else {
gray16 = image .NewGray16 (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ))
img = gray16
case cbGA16 :
bitsPerPixel = 32
nrgba64 = image .NewNRGBA64 (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ))
img = nrgba64
case cbTC16 :
bitsPerPixel = 48
if d .useTransparent {
nrgba64 = image .NewNRGBA64 (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ))
img = nrgba64
} else {
rgba64 = image .NewRGBA64 (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ))
img = rgba64
case cbTCA16 :
bitsPerPixel = 64
nrgba64 = image .NewNRGBA64 (image .Rect (0 , 0 , width , height ))
img = nrgba64
if allocateOnly {
return img , nil
bytesPerPixel := (bitsPerPixel + 7 ) / 8
rowSize := 1 + (int64 (bitsPerPixel )*int64 (width )+7 )/8
if rowSize != int64 (int (rowSize )) {
return nil , UnsupportedError ("dimension overflow" )
cr := make ([]uint8 , rowSize )
pr := make ([]uint8 , rowSize )
for y := 0 ; y < height ; y ++ {
_ , err := io .ReadFull (r , cr )
if err != nil {
if err == io .EOF || err == io .ErrUnexpectedEOF {
return nil , FormatError ("not enough pixel data" )
return nil , err
cdat := cr [1 :]
pdat := pr [1 :]
switch cr [0 ] {
case ftNone :
case ftSub :
for i := bytesPerPixel ; i < len (cdat ); i ++ {
cdat [i ] += cdat [i -bytesPerPixel ]
case ftUp :
for i , p := range pdat {
cdat [i ] += p
case ftAverage :
for i := 0 ; i < bytesPerPixel ; i ++ {
cdat [i ] += pdat [i ] / 2
for i := bytesPerPixel ; i < len (cdat ); i ++ {
cdat [i ] += uint8 ((int (cdat [i -bytesPerPixel ]) + int (pdat [i ])) / 2 )
case ftPaeth :
filterPaeth (cdat , pdat , bytesPerPixel )
default :
return nil , FormatError ("bad filter type" )
switch d .cb {
case cbG1 :
if d .useTransparent {
ty := d .transparent [1 ]
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x += 8 {
b := cdat [x /8 ]
for x2 := 0 ; x2 < 8 && x +x2 < width ; x2 ++ {
ycol := (b >> 7 ) * 0xff
acol := uint8 (0xff )
if ycol == ty {
acol = 0x00
nrgba .SetNRGBA (x +x2 , y , color .NRGBA {ycol , ycol , ycol , acol })
b <<= 1
} else {
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x += 8 {
b := cdat [x /8 ]
for x2 := 0 ; x2 < 8 && x +x2 < width ; x2 ++ {
gray .SetGray (x +x2 , y , color .Gray {(b >> 7 ) * 0xff })
b <<= 1
case cbG2 :
if d .useTransparent {
ty := d .transparent [1 ]
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x += 4 {
b := cdat [x /4 ]
for x2 := 0 ; x2 < 4 && x +x2 < width ; x2 ++ {
ycol := (b >> 6 ) * 0x55
acol := uint8 (0xff )
if ycol == ty {
acol = 0x00
nrgba .SetNRGBA (x +x2 , y , color .NRGBA {ycol , ycol , ycol , acol })
b <<= 2
} else {
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x += 4 {
b := cdat [x /4 ]
for x2 := 0 ; x2 < 4 && x +x2 < width ; x2 ++ {
gray .SetGray (x +x2 , y , color .Gray {(b >> 6 ) * 0x55 })
b <<= 2
case cbG4 :
if d .useTransparent {
ty := d .transparent [1 ]
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x += 2 {
b := cdat [x /2 ]
for x2 := 0 ; x2 < 2 && x +x2 < width ; x2 ++ {
ycol := (b >> 4 ) * 0x11
acol := uint8 (0xff )
if ycol == ty {
acol = 0x00
nrgba .SetNRGBA (x +x2 , y , color .NRGBA {ycol , ycol , ycol , acol })
b <<= 4
} else {
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x += 2 {
b := cdat [x /2 ]
for x2 := 0 ; x2 < 2 && x +x2 < width ; x2 ++ {
gray .SetGray (x +x2 , y , color .Gray {(b >> 4 ) * 0x11 })
b <<= 4
case cbG8 :
if d .useTransparent {
ty := d .transparent [1 ]
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x ++ {
ycol := cdat [x ]
acol := uint8 (0xff )
if ycol == ty {
acol = 0x00
nrgba .SetNRGBA (x , y , color .NRGBA {ycol , ycol , ycol , acol })
} else {
copy (gray .Pix [pixOffset :], cdat )
pixOffset += gray .Stride
case cbGA8 :
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x ++ {
ycol := cdat [2 *x +0 ]
nrgba .SetNRGBA (x , y , color .NRGBA {ycol , ycol , ycol , cdat [2 *x +1 ]})
case cbTC8 :
if d .useTransparent {
pix , i , j := nrgba .Pix , pixOffset , 0
tr , tg , tb := d .transparent [1 ], d .transparent [3 ], d .transparent [5 ]
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x ++ {
r := cdat [j +0 ]
g := cdat [j +1 ]
b := cdat [j +2 ]
a := uint8 (0xff )
if r == tr && g == tg && b == tb {
a = 0x00
pix [i +0 ] = r
pix [i +1 ] = g
pix [i +2 ] = b
pix [i +3 ] = a
i += 4
j += 3
pixOffset += nrgba .Stride
} else {
pix , i , j := rgba .Pix , pixOffset , 0
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x ++ {
pix [i +0 ] = cdat [j +0 ]
pix [i +1 ] = cdat [j +1 ]
pix [i +2 ] = cdat [j +2 ]
pix [i +3 ] = 0xff
i += 4
j += 3
pixOffset += rgba .Stride
case cbP1 :
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x += 8 {
b := cdat [x /8 ]
for x2 := 0 ; x2 < 8 && x +x2 < width ; x2 ++ {
idx := b >> 7
if len (paletted .Palette ) <= int (idx ) {
paletted .Palette = paletted .Palette [:int (idx )+1 ]
paletted .SetColorIndex (x +x2 , y , idx )
b <<= 1
case cbP2 :
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x += 4 {
b := cdat [x /4 ]
for x2 := 0 ; x2 < 4 && x +x2 < width ; x2 ++ {
idx := b >> 6
if len (paletted .Palette ) <= int (idx ) {
paletted .Palette = paletted .Palette [:int (idx )+1 ]
paletted .SetColorIndex (x +x2 , y , idx )
b <<= 2
case cbP4 :
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x += 2 {
b := cdat [x /2 ]
for x2 := 0 ; x2 < 2 && x +x2 < width ; x2 ++ {
idx := b >> 4
if len (paletted .Palette ) <= int (idx ) {
paletted .Palette = paletted .Palette [:int (idx )+1 ]
paletted .SetColorIndex (x +x2 , y , idx )
b <<= 4
case cbP8 :
if len (paletted .Palette ) != 256 {
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x ++ {
if len (paletted .Palette ) <= int (cdat [x ]) {
paletted .Palette = paletted .Palette [:int (cdat [x ])+1 ]
copy (paletted .Pix [pixOffset :], cdat )
pixOffset += paletted .Stride
case cbTCA8 :
copy (nrgba .Pix [pixOffset :], cdat )
pixOffset += nrgba .Stride
case cbG16 :
if d .useTransparent {
ty := uint16 (d .transparent [0 ])<<8 | uint16 (d .transparent [1 ])
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x ++ {
ycol := uint16 (cdat [2 *x +0 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [2 *x +1 ])
acol := uint16 (0xffff )
if ycol == ty {
acol = 0x0000
nrgba64 .SetNRGBA64 (x , y , color .NRGBA64 {ycol , ycol , ycol , acol })
} else {
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x ++ {
ycol := uint16 (cdat [2 *x +0 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [2 *x +1 ])
gray16 .SetGray16 (x , y , color .Gray16 {ycol })
case cbGA16 :
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x ++ {
ycol := uint16 (cdat [4 *x +0 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [4 *x +1 ])
acol := uint16 (cdat [4 *x +2 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [4 *x +3 ])
nrgba64 .SetNRGBA64 (x , y , color .NRGBA64 {ycol , ycol , ycol , acol })
case cbTC16 :
if d .useTransparent {
tr := uint16 (d .transparent [0 ])<<8 | uint16 (d .transparent [1 ])
tg := uint16 (d .transparent [2 ])<<8 | uint16 (d .transparent [3 ])
tb := uint16 (d .transparent [4 ])<<8 | uint16 (d .transparent [5 ])
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x ++ {
rcol := uint16 (cdat [6 *x +0 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [6 *x +1 ])
gcol := uint16 (cdat [6 *x +2 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [6 *x +3 ])
bcol := uint16 (cdat [6 *x +4 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [6 *x +5 ])
acol := uint16 (0xffff )
if rcol == tr && gcol == tg && bcol == tb {
acol = 0x0000
nrgba64 .SetNRGBA64 (x , y , color .NRGBA64 {rcol , gcol , bcol , acol })
} else {
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x ++ {
rcol := uint16 (cdat [6 *x +0 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [6 *x +1 ])
gcol := uint16 (cdat [6 *x +2 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [6 *x +3 ])
bcol := uint16 (cdat [6 *x +4 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [6 *x +5 ])
rgba64 .SetRGBA64 (x , y , color .RGBA64 {rcol , gcol , bcol , 0xffff })
case cbTCA16 :
for x := 0 ; x < width ; x ++ {
rcol := uint16 (cdat [8 *x +0 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [8 *x +1 ])
gcol := uint16 (cdat [8 *x +2 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [8 *x +3 ])
bcol := uint16 (cdat [8 *x +4 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [8 *x +5 ])
acol := uint16 (cdat [8 *x +6 ])<<8 | uint16 (cdat [8 *x +7 ])
nrgba64 .SetNRGBA64 (x , y , color .NRGBA64 {rcol , gcol , bcol , acol })
pr , cr = cr , pr
return img , nil
func (d *decoder ) mergePassInto (dst image .Image , src image .Image , pass int ) {
p := interlacing [pass ]
var (
srcPix []uint8
dstPix []uint8
stride int
rect image .Rectangle
bytesPerPixel int
switch target := dst .(type ) {
case *image .Alpha :
srcPix = src .(*image .Alpha ).Pix
dstPix , stride , rect = target .Pix , target .Stride , target .Rect
bytesPerPixel = 1
case *image .Alpha16 :
srcPix = src .(*image .Alpha16 ).Pix
dstPix , stride , rect = target .Pix , target .Stride , target .Rect
bytesPerPixel = 2
case *image .Gray :
srcPix = src .(*image .Gray ).Pix
dstPix , stride , rect = target .Pix , target .Stride , target .Rect
bytesPerPixel = 1
case *image .Gray16 :
srcPix = src .(*image .Gray16 ).Pix
dstPix , stride , rect = target .Pix , target .Stride , target .Rect
bytesPerPixel = 2
case *image .NRGBA :
srcPix = src .(*image .NRGBA ).Pix
dstPix , stride , rect = target .Pix , target .Stride , target .Rect
bytesPerPixel = 4
case *image .NRGBA64 :
srcPix = src .(*image .NRGBA64 ).Pix
dstPix , stride , rect = target .Pix , target .Stride , target .Rect
bytesPerPixel = 8
case *image .Paletted :
source := src .(*image .Paletted )
srcPix = source .Pix
dstPix , stride , rect = target .Pix , target .Stride , target .Rect
bytesPerPixel = 1
if len (target .Palette ) < len (source .Palette ) {
target .Palette = source .Palette
case *image .RGBA :
srcPix = src .(*image .RGBA ).Pix
dstPix , stride , rect = target .Pix , target .Stride , target .Rect
bytesPerPixel = 4
case *image .RGBA64 :
srcPix = src .(*image .RGBA64 ).Pix
dstPix , stride , rect = target .Pix , target .Stride , target .Rect
bytesPerPixel = 8
s , bounds := 0 , src .Bounds ()
for y := bounds .Min .Y ; y < bounds .Max .Y ; y ++ {
dBase := (y *p .yFactor +p .yOffset -rect .Min .Y )*stride + (p .xOffset -rect .Min .X )*bytesPerPixel
for x := bounds .Min .X ; x < bounds .Max .X ; x ++ {
d := dBase + x *p .xFactor *bytesPerPixel
copy (dstPix [d :], srcPix [s :s +bytesPerPixel ])
s += bytesPerPixel
func (d *decoder ) parseIDAT (length uint32 ) (err error ) {
d .idatLength = length
d .img , err = d .decode ()
if err != nil {
return err
return d .verifyChecksum ()
func (d *decoder ) parseIEND (length uint32 ) error {
if length != 0 {
return FormatError ("bad IEND length" )
return d .verifyChecksum ()
func (d *decoder ) parseChunk (configOnly bool ) error {
if _ , err := io .ReadFull (d .r , d .tmp [:8 ]); err != nil {
return err
length := binary .BigEndian .Uint32 (d .tmp [:4 ])
d .crc .Reset ()
d .crc .Write (d .tmp [4 :8 ])
switch string (d .tmp [4 :8 ]) {
case "IHDR" :
if d .stage != dsStart {
return chunkOrderError
d .stage = dsSeenIHDR
return d .parseIHDR (length )
case "PLTE" :
if d .stage != dsSeenIHDR {
return chunkOrderError
d .stage = dsSeenPLTE
return d .parsePLTE (length )
case "tRNS" :
if cbPaletted (d .cb ) {
if d .stage != dsSeenPLTE {
return chunkOrderError
} else if cbTrueColor (d .cb ) {
if d .stage != dsSeenIHDR && d .stage != dsSeenPLTE {
return chunkOrderError
} else if d .stage != dsSeenIHDR {
return chunkOrderError
d .stage = dsSeentRNS
return d .parsetRNS (length )
case "IDAT" :
if d .stage < dsSeenIHDR || d .stage > dsSeenIDAT || (d .stage == dsSeenIHDR && cbPaletted (d .cb )) {
return chunkOrderError
} else if d .stage == dsSeenIDAT {
d .stage = dsSeenIDAT
if configOnly {
return nil
return d .parseIDAT (length )
case "IEND" :
if d .stage != dsSeenIDAT {
return chunkOrderError
d .stage = dsSeenIEND
return d .parseIEND (length )
if length > 0x7fffffff {
return FormatError (fmt .Sprintf ("Bad chunk length: %d" , length ))
var ignored [4096 ]byte
for length > 0 {
n , err := io .ReadFull (d .r , ignored [:min (len (ignored ), int (length ))])
if err != nil {
return err
d .crc .Write (ignored [:n ])
length -= uint32 (n )
return d .verifyChecksum ()
func (d *decoder ) verifyChecksum () error {
if _ , err := io .ReadFull (d .r , d .tmp [:4 ]); err != nil {
return err
if binary .BigEndian .Uint32 (d .tmp [:4 ]) != d .crc .Sum32 () {
return FormatError ("invalid checksum" )
return nil
func (d *decoder ) checkHeader () error {
_ , err := io .ReadFull (d .r , d .tmp [:len (pngHeader )])
if err != nil {
return err
if string (d .tmp [:len (pngHeader )]) != pngHeader {
return FormatError ("not a PNG file" )
return nil
func Decode (r io .Reader ) (image .Image , error ) {
d := &decoder {
r : r ,
crc : crc32 .NewIEEE (),
if err := d .checkHeader (); err != nil {
if err == io .EOF {
err = io .ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil , err
for d .stage != dsSeenIEND {
if err := d .parseChunk (false ); err != nil {
if err == io .EOF {
err = io .ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil , err
return d .img , nil
func DecodeConfig (r io .Reader ) (image .Config , error ) {
d := &decoder {
r : r ,
crc : crc32 .NewIEEE (),
if err := d .checkHeader (); err != nil {
if err == io .EOF {
err = io .ErrUnexpectedEOF
return image .Config {}, err
for {
if err := d .parseChunk (true ); err != nil {
if err == io .EOF {
err = io .ErrUnexpectedEOF
return image .Config {}, err
if cbPaletted (d .cb ) {
if d .stage >= dsSeentRNS {
} else {
if d .stage >= dsSeenIHDR {
var cm color .Model
switch d .cb {
case cbG1 , cbG2 , cbG4 , cbG8 :
cm = color .GrayModel
case cbGA8 :
cm = color .NRGBAModel
case cbTC8 :
cm = color .RGBAModel
case cbP1 , cbP2 , cbP4 , cbP8 :
cm = d .palette
case cbTCA8 :
cm = color .NRGBAModel
case cbG16 :
cm = color .Gray16Model
case cbGA16 :
cm = color .NRGBA64Model
case cbTC16 :
cm = color .RGBA64Model
case cbTCA16 :
cm = color .NRGBA64Model
return image .Config {
ColorModel : cm ,
Width : d .width ,
Height : d .height ,
}, nil
func init() {
image .RegisterFormat ("png" , pngHeader , Decode , DecodeConfig )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .