// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package fuzz

import (

// sharedMem manages access to a region of virtual memory mapped from a file,
// shared between multiple processes. The region includes space for a header and
// a value of variable length.
// When fuzzing, the coordinator creates a sharedMem from a temporary file for
// each worker. This buffer is used to pass values to fuzz between processes.
// Care must be taken to manage access to shared memory across processes;
// sharedMem provides no synchronization on its own. See workerComm for an
// explanation.
type sharedMem struct {
	// f is the file mapped into memory.
	f *os.File

	// region is the mapped region of virtual memory for f. The content of f may
	// be read or written through this slice.
	region []byte

	// removeOnClose is true if the file should be deleted by Close.
	removeOnClose bool

	// sys contains OS-specific information.
	sys sharedMemSys

// sharedMemHeader stores metadata in shared memory.
type sharedMemHeader struct {
	// count is the number of times the worker has called the fuzz function.
	// May be reset by coordinator.
	count int64

	// valueLen is the number of bytes in region which should be read.
	valueLen int

	// randState and randInc hold the state of a pseudo-random number generator.
	randState, randInc uint64

	// rawInMem is true if the region holds raw bytes, which occurs during
	// minimization. If true after the worker fails during minimization, this
	// indicates that an unrecoverable error occurred, and the region can be
	// used to retrieve the raw bytes that caused the error.
	rawInMem bool

// sharedMemSize returns the size needed for a shared memory buffer that can
// contain values of the given size.
func sharedMemSize( int) int {
	// TODO(jayconrod): set a reasonable maximum size per platform.
	return int(unsafe.Sizeof(sharedMemHeader{})) + 

// sharedMemTempFile creates a new temporary file of the given size, then maps
// it into memory. The file will be removed when the Close method is called.
func sharedMemTempFile( int) ( *sharedMem,  error) {
	// Create a temporary file.
	,  := os.CreateTemp("", "fuzz-*")
	if  != nil {
		return nil, 
	defer func() {
		if  != nil {

	// Resize it to the correct size.
	 := sharedMemSize()
	if  := .Truncate(int64());  != nil {
		return nil, 

	// Map the file into memory.
	 := true
	return sharedMemMapFile(, , )

// header returns a pointer to metadata within the shared memory region.
func ( *sharedMem) () *sharedMemHeader {
	return (*sharedMemHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&.region[0]))

// valueRef returns the value currently stored in shared memory. The returned
// slice points to shared memory; it is not a copy.
func ( *sharedMem) () []byte {
	 := .header().valueLen
	 := int(unsafe.Sizeof(sharedMemHeader{}))
	return .region[ : +]

// valueCopy returns a copy of the value stored in shared memory.
func ( *sharedMem) () []byte {
	 := .valueRef()
	return bytes.Clone()

// setValue copies the data in b into the shared memory buffer and sets
// the length. len(b) must be less than or equal to the capacity of the buffer
// (as returned by cap(m.value())).
func ( *sharedMem) ( []byte) {
	 := .valueRef()
	if len() > cap() {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("value length %d larger than shared memory capacity %d", len(), cap()))
	.header().valueLen = len()
	copy([:cap()], )

// setValueLen sets the length of the shared memory buffer returned by valueRef
// to n, which may be at most the cap of that slice.
// Note that we can only store the length in the shared memory header. The full
// slice header contains a pointer, which is likely only valid for one process,
// since each process can map shared memory at a different virtual address.
func ( *sharedMem) ( int) {
	 := .valueRef()
	if  > cap() {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("length %d larger than shared memory capacity %d", , cap()))
	.header().valueLen = 

// TODO(jayconrod): add method to resize the buffer. We'll need that when the
// mutator can increase input length. Only the coordinator will be able to
// do it, since we'll need to send a message to the worker telling it to
// remap the file.