// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

//go:build darwin || freebsd || linux

package fuzz

import (

type sharedMemSys struct{}

func sharedMemMapFile( *os.File,  int,  bool) (*sharedMem, error) {
	 := syscall.PROT_READ | syscall.PROT_WRITE
	 := syscall.MAP_FILE | syscall.MAP_SHARED
	,  := syscall.Mmap(int(.Fd()), 0, , , )
	if  != nil {
		return nil, 

	return &sharedMem{f: , region: , removeOnClose: }, nil

// Close unmaps the shared memory and closes the temporary file. If this
// sharedMem was created with sharedMemTempFile, Close also removes the file.
func ( *sharedMem) () error {
	// Attempt all operations, even if we get an error for an earlier operation.
	// os.File.Close may fail due to I/O errors, but we still want to delete
	// the temporary file.
	var  []error
	 = append(,
	if .removeOnClose {
		 = append(, os.Remove(.f.Name()))
	for ,  := range  {
		if  != nil {
	return nil

// setWorkerComm configures communication channels on the cmd that will
// run a worker process.
func setWorkerComm( *exec.Cmd,  workerComm) {
	 := <-.memMu
	 := .f
	.memMu <- 
	.ExtraFiles = []*os.File{.fuzzIn, .fuzzOut, }

// getWorkerComm returns communication channels in the worker process.
func getWorkerComm() ( workerComm,  error) {
	 := os.NewFile(3, "fuzz_in")
	 := os.NewFile(4, "fuzz_out")
	 := os.NewFile(5, "fuzz_mem")
	,  := .Stat()
	if  != nil {
		return workerComm{}, 
	 := int(.Size())
	if int64() != .Size() {
		return workerComm{}, fmt.Errorf("fuzz temp file exceeds maximum size")
	 := false
	,  := sharedMemMapFile(, , )
	if  != nil {
		return workerComm{}, 
	 := make(chan *sharedMem, 1)
	return workerComm{fuzzIn: , fuzzOut: , memMu: }, nil

// isInterruptError returns whether an error was returned by a process that
// was terminated by an interrupt signal (SIGINT).
func isInterruptError( error) bool {
	,  := .(*exec.ExitError)
	if ! || .ExitCode() >= 0 {
		return false
	 := .Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
	return .Signal() == syscall.SIGINT

// terminationSignal checks if err is an exec.ExitError with a signal status.
// If it is, terminationSignal returns the signal and true.
// If not, -1 and false.
func terminationSignal( error) (os.Signal, bool) {
	,  := .(*exec.ExitError)
	if ! || .ExitCode() >= 0 {
		return syscall.Signal(-1), false
	 := .Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
	return .Signal(), .Signaled()

// isCrashSignal returns whether a signal was likely to have been caused by an
// error in the program that received it, triggered by a fuzz input. For
// example, SIGSEGV would be received after a nil pointer dereference.
// Other signals like SIGKILL or SIGHUP are more likely to have been sent by
// another process, and we shouldn't record a crasher if the worker process
// receives one of these.
// Note that Go installs its own signal handlers on startup, so some of these
// signals may only be received if signal handlers are changed. For example,
// SIGSEGV is normally transformed into a panic that causes the process to exit
// with status 2 if not recovered, which we handle as a crash.
func isCrashSignal( os.Signal) bool {
	switch  {
		syscall.SIGILL,  // illegal instruction
		syscall.SIGTRAP, // breakpoint
		syscall.SIGABRT, // abort() called
		syscall.SIGBUS,  // invalid memory access (e.g., misaligned address)
		syscall.SIGFPE,  // math error, e.g., integer divide by zero
		syscall.SIGSEGV, // invalid memory access (e.g., write to read-only)
		syscall.SIGPIPE: // sent data to closed pipe or socket
		return true
		return false