// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

//go:build !s390x

// This is a large group of functions that most architectures don't
// implement in assembly.

package math

const haveArchAcos = false

func archAcos( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchAcosh = false

func archAcosh( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchAsin = false

func archAsin( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchAsinh = false

func archAsinh( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchAtan = false

func archAtan( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchAtan2 = false

func archAtan2(,  float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchAtanh = false

func archAtanh( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchCbrt = false

func archCbrt( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchCos = false

func archCos( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchCosh = false

func archCosh( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchErf = false

func archErf( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchErfc = false

func archErfc( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchExpm1 = false

func archExpm1( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchFrexp = false

func archFrexp( float64) (float64, int) {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchLdexp = false

func archLdexp( float64,  int) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchLog10 = false

func archLog10( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchLog2 = false

func archLog2( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchLog1p = false

func archLog1p( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchMod = false

func archMod(,  float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchPow = false

func archPow(,  float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchRemainder = false

func archRemainder(,  float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchSin = false

func archSin( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchSinh = false

func archSinh( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchTan = false

func archTan( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")

const haveArchTanh = false

func archTanh( float64) float64 {
	panic("not implemented")