package net
import (
const cacheMaxAge = 5 * time .Second
func parseLiteralIP(addr string ) string {
ip , err := netip .ParseAddr (addr )
if err != nil {
return ""
return ip .String ()
type byName struct {
addrs []string
canonicalName string
var hosts struct {
sync .Mutex
byName map [string ]byName
byAddr map [string ][]string
expire time .Time
path string
mtime time .Time
size int64
func readHosts() {
now := time .Now ()
hp := hostsFilePath
if now .Before (hosts .expire ) && hosts .path == hp && len (hosts .byName ) > 0 {
mtime , size , err := stat (hp )
if err == nil && hosts .path == hp && hosts .mtime .Equal (mtime ) && hosts .size == size {
hosts .expire = now .Add (cacheMaxAge )
hs := make (map [string ]byName )
is := make (map [string ][]string )
file , err := open (hp )
if err != nil {
if !errors .Is (err , fs .ErrNotExist ) && !errors .Is (err , fs .ErrPermission ) {
if file != nil {
defer file .close ()
for line , ok := file .readLine (); ok ; line , ok = file .readLine () {
if i := bytealg .IndexByteString (line , '#' ); i >= 0 {
line = line [0 :i ]
f := getFields (line )
if len (f ) < 2 {
addr := parseLiteralIP (f [0 ])
if addr == "" {
var canonical string
for i := 1 ; i < len (f ); i ++ {
name := absDomainName (f [i ])
h := []byte (f [i ])
lowerASCIIBytes (h )
key := absDomainName (string (h ))
if i == 1 {
canonical = key
is [addr ] = append (is [addr ], name )
if v , ok := hs [key ]; ok {
hs [key ] = byName {
addrs : append (v .addrs , addr ),
canonicalName : v .canonicalName ,
hs [key ] = byName {
addrs : []string {addr },
canonicalName : canonical ,
hosts .expire = now .Add (cacheMaxAge )
hosts .path = hp
hosts .byName = hs
hosts .byAddr = is
hosts .mtime = mtime
hosts .size = size
func lookupStaticHost(host string ) ([]string , string ) {
hosts .Lock ()
defer hosts .Unlock ()
readHosts ()
if len (hosts .byName ) != 0 {
if hasUpperCase (host ) {
lowerHost := []byte (host )
lowerASCIIBytes (lowerHost )
host = string (lowerHost )
if byName , ok := hosts .byName [absDomainName (host )]; ok {
ipsCp := make ([]string , len (byName .addrs ))
copy (ipsCp , byName .addrs )
return ipsCp , byName .canonicalName
return nil , ""
func lookupStaticAddr(addr string ) []string {
hosts .Lock ()
defer hosts .Unlock ()
readHosts ()
addr = parseLiteralIP (addr )
if addr == "" {
return nil
if len (hosts .byAddr ) != 0 {
if hosts , ok := hosts .byAddr [addr ]; ok {
hostsCp := make ([]string , len (hosts ))
copy (hostsCp , hosts )
return hostsCp
return nil
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.3 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .