// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Package parse builds parse trees for templates as defined by text/template // and html/template. Clients should use those packages to construct templates // rather than this one, which provides shared internal data structures not // intended for general use.
package parse import ( ) // Tree is the representation of a single parsed template. type Tree struct { Name string // name of the template represented by the tree. ParseName string // name of the top-level template during parsing, for error messages. Root *ListNode // top-level root of the tree. Mode Mode // parsing mode. text string // text parsed to create the template (or its parent) // Parsing only; cleared after parse. funcs []map[string]any lex *lexer token [3]item // three-token lookahead for parser. peekCount int vars []string // variables defined at the moment. treeSet map[string]*Tree actionLine int // line of left delim starting action rangeDepth int } // A mode value is a set of flags (or 0). Modes control parser behavior. type Mode uint const ( ParseComments Mode = 1 << iota // parse comments and add them to AST SkipFuncCheck // do not check that functions are defined ) // Copy returns a copy of the Tree. Any parsing state is discarded. func ( *Tree) () *Tree { if == nil { return nil } return &Tree{ Name: .Name, ParseName: .ParseName, Root: .Root.CopyList(), text: .text, } } // Parse returns a map from template name to parse.Tree, created by parsing the // templates described in the argument string. The top-level template will be // given the specified name. If an error is encountered, parsing stops and an // empty map is returned with the error. func (, , , string, ...map[string]any) (map[string]*Tree, error) { := make(map[string]*Tree) := New() .text = , := .Parse(, , , , ...) return , } // next returns the next token. func ( *Tree) () item { if .peekCount > 0 { .peekCount-- } else { .token[0] = .lex.nextItem() } return .token[.peekCount] } // backup backs the input stream up one token. func ( *Tree) () { .peekCount++ } // backup2 backs the input stream up two tokens. // The zeroth token is already there. func ( *Tree) ( item) { .token[1] = .peekCount = 2 } // backup3 backs the input stream up three tokens // The zeroth token is already there. func ( *Tree) (, item) { // Reverse order: we're pushing back. .token[1] = .token[2] = .peekCount = 3 } // peek returns but does not consume the next token. func ( *Tree) () item { if .peekCount > 0 { return .token[.peekCount-1] } .peekCount = 1 .token[0] = .lex.nextItem() return .token[0] } // nextNonSpace returns the next non-space token. func ( *Tree) () ( item) { for { = .next() if .typ != itemSpace { break } } return } // peekNonSpace returns but does not consume the next non-space token. func ( *Tree) () item { := .nextNonSpace() .backup() return } // Parsing. // New allocates a new parse tree with the given name. func ( string, ...map[string]any) *Tree { return &Tree{ Name: , funcs: , } } // ErrorContext returns a textual representation of the location of the node in the input text. // The receiver is only used when the node does not have a pointer to the tree inside, // which can occur in old code. func ( *Tree) ( Node) (, string) { := int(.Position()) := .tree() if == nil { = } := .text[:] := strings.LastIndex(, "\n") if == -1 { = // On first line. } else { ++ // After the newline. = - } := 1 + strings.Count(, "\n") = .String() return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d", .ParseName, , ), } // errorf formats the error and terminates processing. func ( *Tree) ( string, ...any) { .Root = nil = fmt.Sprintf("template: %s:%d: %s", .ParseName, .token[0].line, ) panic(fmt.Errorf(, ...)) } // error terminates processing. func ( *Tree) ( error) { .errorf("%s", ) } // expect consumes the next token and guarantees it has the required type. func ( *Tree) ( itemType, string) item { := .nextNonSpace() if .typ != { .unexpected(, ) } return } // expectOneOf consumes the next token and guarantees it has one of the required types. func ( *Tree) (, itemType, string) item { := .nextNonSpace() if .typ != && .typ != { .unexpected(, ) } return } // unexpected complains about the token and terminates processing. func ( *Tree) ( item, string) { if .typ == itemError { := "" if .actionLine != 0 && .actionLine != .line { = fmt.Sprintf(" in action started at %s:%d", .ParseName, .actionLine) if strings.HasSuffix(.val, " action") { = [len(" in action"):] // avoid "action in action" } } .errorf("%s%s", , ) } .errorf("unexpected %s in %s", , ) } // recover is the handler that turns panics into returns from the top level of Parse. func ( *Tree) ( *error) { := recover() if != nil { if , := .(runtime.Error); { panic() } if != nil { .stopParse() } * = .(error) } } // startParse initializes the parser, using the lexer. func ( *Tree) ( []map[string]any, *lexer, map[string]*Tree) { .Root = nil .lex = .vars = []string{"$"} .funcs = .treeSet = .options = lexOptions{ emitComment: .Mode&ParseComments != 0, breakOK: !.hasFunction("break"), continueOK: !.hasFunction("continue"), } } // stopParse terminates parsing. func ( *Tree) () { .lex = nil .vars = nil .funcs = nil .treeSet = nil } // Parse parses the template definition string to construct a representation of // the template for execution. If either action delimiter string is empty, the // default ("{{" or "}}") is used. Embedded template definitions are added to // the treeSet map. func ( *Tree) (, , string, map[string]*Tree, ...map[string]any) ( *Tree, error) { defer .recover(&) .ParseName = .Name := lex(.Name, , , ) .startParse(, , ) .text = .parse() .add() .stopParse() return , nil } // add adds tree to t.treeSet. func ( *Tree) () { := .treeSet[.Name] if == nil || IsEmptyTree(.Root) { .treeSet[.Name] = return } if !IsEmptyTree(.Root) { .errorf("template: multiple definition of template %q", .Name) } } // IsEmptyTree reports whether this tree (node) is empty of everything but space or comments. func ( Node) bool { switch n := .(type) { case nil: return true case *ActionNode: case *CommentNode: return true case *IfNode: case *ListNode: for , := range .Nodes { if !() { return false } } return true case *RangeNode: case *TemplateNode: case *TextNode: return len(bytes.TrimSpace(.Text)) == 0 case *WithNode: default: panic("unknown node: " + .String()) } return false } // parse is the top-level parser for a template, essentially the same // as itemList except it also parses {{define}} actions. // It runs to EOF. func ( *Tree) () { .Root = .newList(.peek().pos) for .peek().typ != itemEOF { if .peek().typ == itemLeftDelim { := .next() if .nextNonSpace().typ == itemDefine { := New("definition") // name will be updated once we know it. .text = .text .Mode = .Mode .ParseName = .ParseName .startParse(.funcs, .lex, .treeSet) .parseDefinition() continue } .backup2() } switch := .textOrAction(); .Type() { case nodeEnd, nodeElse: .errorf("unexpected %s", ) default: .Root.append() } } } // parseDefinition parses a {{define}} ... {{end}} template definition and // installs the definition in t.treeSet. The "define" keyword has already // been scanned. func ( *Tree) () { const = "define clause" := .expectOneOf(itemString, itemRawString, ) var error .Name, = strconv.Unquote(.val) if != nil { .error() } .expect(itemRightDelim, ) var Node .Root, = .itemList() if .Type() != nodeEnd { .errorf("unexpected %s in %s", , ) } .add() .stopParse() } // itemList: // // textOrAction* // // Terminates at {{end}} or {{else}}, returned separately. func ( *Tree) () ( *ListNode, Node) { = .newList(.peekNonSpace().pos) for .peekNonSpace().typ != itemEOF { := .textOrAction() switch .Type() { case nodeEnd, nodeElse: return , } .append() } .errorf("unexpected EOF") return } // textOrAction: // // text | comment | action func ( *Tree) () Node { switch := .nextNonSpace(); .typ { case itemText: return .newText(.pos, .val) case itemLeftDelim: .actionLine = .line defer .clearActionLine() return .action() case itemComment: return .newComment(.pos, .val) default: .unexpected(, "input") } return nil } func ( *Tree) () { .actionLine = 0 } // Action: // // control // command ("|" command)* // // Left delim is past. Now get actions. // First word could be a keyword such as range. func ( *Tree) () ( Node) { switch := .nextNonSpace(); .typ { case itemBlock: return .blockControl() case itemBreak: return .breakControl(.pos, .line) case itemContinue: return .continueControl(.pos, .line) case itemElse: return .elseControl() case itemEnd: return .endControl() case itemIf: return .ifControl() case itemRange: return .rangeControl() case itemTemplate: return .templateControl() case itemWith: return .withControl() } .backup() := .peek() // Do not pop variables; they persist until "end". return .newAction(.pos, .line, .pipeline("command", itemRightDelim)) } // Break: // // {{break}} // // Break keyword is past. func ( *Tree) ( Pos, int) Node { if := .nextNonSpace(); .typ != itemRightDelim { .unexpected(, "{{break}}") } if .rangeDepth == 0 { .errorf("{{break}} outside {{range}}") } return .newBreak(, ) } // Continue: // // {{continue}} // // Continue keyword is past. func ( *Tree) ( Pos, int) Node { if := .nextNonSpace(); .typ != itemRightDelim { .unexpected(, "{{continue}}") } if .rangeDepth == 0 { .errorf("{{continue}} outside {{range}}") } return .newContinue(, ) } // Pipeline: // // declarations? command ('|' command)* func ( *Tree) ( string, itemType) ( *PipeNode) { := .peekNonSpace() = .newPipeline(.pos, .line, nil) // Are there declarations or assignments? : if := .peekNonSpace(); .typ == itemVariable { .next() // Since space is a token, we need 3-token look-ahead here in the worst case: // in "$x foo" we need to read "foo" (as opposed to ":=") to know that $x is an // argument variable rather than a declaration. So remember the token // adjacent to the variable so we can push it back if necessary. := .peek() := .peekNonSpace() switch { case .typ == itemAssign, .typ == itemDeclare: .IsAssign = .typ == itemAssign .nextNonSpace() .Decl = append(.Decl, .newVariable(.pos, .val)) .vars = append(.vars, .val) case .typ == itemChar && .val == ",": .nextNonSpace() .Decl = append(.Decl, .newVariable(.pos, .val)) .vars = append(.vars, .val) if == "range" && len(.Decl) < 2 { switch .peekNonSpace().typ { case itemVariable, itemRightDelim, itemRightParen: // second initialized variable in a range pipeline goto default: .errorf("range can only initialize variables") } } .errorf("too many declarations in %s", ) case .typ == itemSpace: .backup3(, ) default: .backup2() } } for { switch := .nextNonSpace(); .typ { case : // At this point, the pipeline is complete .checkPipeline(, ) return case itemBool, itemCharConstant, itemComplex, itemDot, itemField, itemIdentifier, itemNumber, itemNil, itemRawString, itemString, itemVariable, itemLeftParen: .backup() .append(.command()) default: .unexpected(, ) } } } func ( *Tree) ( *PipeNode, string) { // Reject empty pipelines if len(.Cmds) == 0 { .errorf("missing value for %s", ) } // Only the first command of a pipeline can start with a non executable operand for , := range .Cmds[1:] { switch .Args[0].Type() { case NodeBool, NodeDot, NodeNil, NodeNumber, NodeString: // With A|B|C, pipeline stage 2 is B .errorf("non executable command in pipeline stage %d", +2) } } } func ( *Tree) ( bool, string) ( Pos, int, *PipeNode, , *ListNode) { defer .popVars(len(.vars)) = .pipeline(, itemRightDelim) if == "range" { .rangeDepth++ } var Node , = .itemList() if == "range" { .rangeDepth-- } switch .Type() { case nodeEnd: //done case nodeElse: if { // Special case for "else if". If the "else" is followed immediately by an "if", // the elseControl will have left the "if" token pending. Treat // {{if a}}_{{else if b}}_{{end}} // as // {{if a}}_{{else}}{{if b}}_{{end}}{{end}}. // To do this, parse the if as usual and stop at it {{end}}; the subsequent{{end}} // is assumed. This technique works even for long if-else-if chains. // TODO: Should we allow else-if in with and range? if .peek().typ == itemIf { .next() // Consume the "if" token. = .newList(.Position()) .append(.ifControl()) // Do not consume the next item - only one {{end}} required. break } } , = .itemList() if .Type() != nodeEnd { .errorf("expected end; found %s", ) } } return .Position(), .Line, , , } // If: // // {{if pipeline}} itemList {{end}} // {{if pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}} // // If keyword is past. func ( *Tree) () Node { return .newIf(.parseControl(true, "if")) } // Range: // // {{range pipeline}} itemList {{end}} // {{range pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}} // // Range keyword is past. func ( *Tree) () Node { := .newRange(.parseControl(false, "range")) return } // With: // // {{with pipeline}} itemList {{end}} // {{with pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}} // // If keyword is past. func ( *Tree) () Node { return .newWith(.parseControl(false, "with")) } // End: // // {{end}} // // End keyword is past. func ( *Tree) () Node { return .newEnd(.expect(itemRightDelim, "end").pos) } // Else: // // {{else}} // // Else keyword is past. func ( *Tree) () Node { // Special case for "else if". := .peekNonSpace() if .typ == itemIf { // We see "{{else if ... " but in effect rewrite it to {{else}}{{if ... ". return .newElse(.pos, .line) } := .expect(itemRightDelim, "else") return .newElse(.pos, .line) } // Block: // // {{block stringValue pipeline}} // // Block keyword is past. // The name must be something that can evaluate to a string. // The pipeline is mandatory. func ( *Tree) () Node { const = "block clause" := .nextNonSpace() := .parseTemplateName(, ) := .pipeline(, itemRightDelim) := New() // name will be updated once we know it. .text = .text .Mode = .Mode .ParseName = .ParseName .startParse(.funcs, .lex, .treeSet) var Node .Root, = .itemList() if .Type() != nodeEnd { .errorf("unexpected %s in %s", , ) } .add() .stopParse() return .newTemplate(.pos, .line, , ) } // Template: // // {{template stringValue pipeline}} // // Template keyword is past. The name must be something that can evaluate // to a string. func ( *Tree) () Node { const = "template clause" := .nextNonSpace() := .parseTemplateName(, ) var *PipeNode if .nextNonSpace().typ != itemRightDelim { .backup() // Do not pop variables; they persist until "end". = .pipeline(, itemRightDelim) } return .newTemplate(.pos, .line, , ) } func ( *Tree) ( item, string) ( string) { switch .typ { case itemString, itemRawString: , := strconv.Unquote(.val) if != nil { .error() } = default: .unexpected(, ) } return } // command: // // operand (space operand)* // // space-separated arguments up to a pipeline character or right delimiter. // we consume the pipe character but leave the right delim to terminate the action. func ( *Tree) () *CommandNode { := .newCommand(.peekNonSpace().pos) for { .peekNonSpace() // skip leading spaces. := .operand() if != nil { .append() } switch := .next(); .typ { case itemSpace: continue case itemRightDelim, itemRightParen: .backup() case itemPipe: // nothing here; break loop below default: .unexpected(, "operand") } break } if len(.Args) == 0 { .errorf("empty command") } return } // operand: // // term .Field* // // An operand is a space-separated component of a command, // a term possibly followed by field accesses. // A nil return means the next item is not an operand. func ( *Tree) () Node { := .term() if == nil { return nil } if .peek().typ == itemField { := .newChain(.peek().pos, ) for .peek().typ == itemField { .Add(.next().val) } // Compatibility with original API: If the term is of type NodeField // or NodeVariable, just put more fields on the original. // Otherwise, keep the Chain node. // Obvious parsing errors involving literal values are detected here. // More complex error cases will have to be handled at execution time. switch .Type() { case NodeField: = .newField(.Position(), .String()) case NodeVariable: = .newVariable(.Position(), .String()) case NodeBool, NodeString, NodeNumber, NodeNil, NodeDot: .errorf("unexpected . after term %q", .String()) default: = } } return } // term: // // literal (number, string, nil, boolean) // function (identifier) // . // .Field // $ // '(' pipeline ')' // // A term is a simple "expression". // A nil return means the next item is not a term. func ( *Tree) () Node { switch := .nextNonSpace(); .typ { case itemIdentifier: := .Mode&SkipFuncCheck == 0 if && !.hasFunction(.val) { .errorf("function %q not defined", .val) } return NewIdentifier(.val).SetTree().SetPos(.pos) case itemDot: return .newDot(.pos) case itemNil: return .newNil(.pos) case itemVariable: return .useVar(.pos, .val) case itemField: return .newField(.pos, .val) case itemBool: return .newBool(.pos, .val == "true") case itemCharConstant, itemComplex, itemNumber: , := .newNumber(.pos, .val, .typ) if != nil { .error() } return case itemLeftParen: return .pipeline("parenthesized pipeline", itemRightParen) case itemString, itemRawString: , := strconv.Unquote(.val) if != nil { .error() } return .newString(.pos, .val, ) } .backup() return nil } // hasFunction reports if a function name exists in the Tree's maps. func ( *Tree) ( string) bool { for , := range .funcs { if == nil { continue } if [] != nil { return true } } return false } // popVars trims the variable list to the specified length func ( *Tree) ( int) { .vars = .vars[:] } // useVar returns a node for a variable reference. It errors if the // variable is not defined. func ( *Tree) ( Pos, string) Node { := .newVariable(, ) for , := range .vars { if == .Ident[0] { return } } .errorf("undefined variable %q", .Ident[0]) return nil }