package dwarf
import (
type buf struct {
dwarf *Data
order binary .ByteOrder
format dataFormat
name string
off Offset
data []byte
err error
type dataFormat interface {
version() int
dwarf64() (dwarf64 bool , isKnown bool )
addrsize() int
type unknownFormat struct {}
func (u unknownFormat ) version () int {
return 0
func (u unknownFormat ) dwarf64 () (bool , bool ) {
return false , false
func (u unknownFormat ) addrsize () int {
return 0
func makeBuf(d *Data , format dataFormat , name string , off Offset , data []byte ) buf {
return buf {d , d .order , format , name , off , data , nil }
func (b *buf ) uint8 () uint8 {
if len (b .data ) < 1 {
b .error ("underflow" )
return 0
val := b .data [0 ]
b .data = b .data [1 :]
b .off ++
return val
func (b *buf ) bytes (n int ) []byte {
if n < 0 || len (b .data ) < n {
b .error ("underflow" )
return nil
data := b .data [0 :n ]
b .data = b .data [n :]
b .off += Offset (n )
return data
func (b *buf ) skip (n int ) { b .bytes (n ) }
func (b *buf ) string () string {
i := bytes .IndexByte (b .data , 0 )
if i < 0 {
b .error ("underflow" )
return ""
s := string (b .data [0 :i ])
b .data = b .data [i +1 :]
b .off += Offset (i + 1 )
return s
func (b *buf ) uint16 () uint16 {
a := b .bytes (2 )
if a == nil {
return 0
return b .order .Uint16 (a )
func (b *buf ) uint24 () uint32 {
a := b .bytes (3 )
if a == nil {
return 0
if b .dwarf .bigEndian {
return uint32 (a [2 ]) | uint32 (a [1 ])<<8 | uint32 (a [0 ])<<16
} else {
return uint32 (a [0 ]) | uint32 (a [1 ])<<8 | uint32 (a [2 ])<<16
func (b *buf ) uint32 () uint32 {
a := b .bytes (4 )
if a == nil {
return 0
return b .order .Uint32 (a )
func (b *buf ) uint64 () uint64 {
a := b .bytes (8 )
if a == nil {
return 0
return b .order .Uint64 (a )
func (b *buf ) varint () (c uint64 , bits uint ) {
for i := 0 ; i < len (b .data ); i ++ {
byte := b .data [i ]
c |= uint64 (byte &0x7F ) << bits
bits += 7
if byte &0x80 == 0 {
b .off += Offset (i + 1 )
b .data = b .data [i +1 :]
return c , bits
return 0 , 0
func (b *buf ) uint () uint64 {
x , _ := b .varint ()
return x
func (b *buf ) int () int64 {
ux , bits := b .varint ()
x := int64 (ux )
if x &(1 <<(bits -1 )) != 0 {
x |= -1 << bits
return x
func (b *buf ) addr () uint64 {
switch b .format .addrsize () {
case 1 :
return uint64 (b .uint8 ())
case 2 :
return uint64 (b .uint16 ())
case 4 :
return uint64 (b .uint32 ())
case 8 :
return b .uint64 ()
b .error ("unknown address size" )
return 0
func (b *buf ) unitLength () (length Offset , dwarf64 bool ) {
length = Offset (b .uint32 ())
if length == 0xffffffff {
dwarf64 = true
length = Offset (b .uint64 ())
} else if length >= 0xfffffff0 {
b .error ("unit length has reserved value" )
func (b *buf ) error (s string ) {
if b .err == nil {
b .data = nil
b .err = DecodeError {b .name , b .off , s }
type DecodeError struct {
Name string
Offset Offset
Err string
func (e DecodeError ) Error () string {
return "decoding dwarf section " + e .Name + " at offset 0x" + strconv .FormatInt (int64 (e .Offset ), 16 ) + ": " + e .Err
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .