// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package dwarf

import (

// Parse the type units stored in a DWARF4 .debug_types section. Each
// type unit defines a single primary type and an 8-byte signature.
// Other sections may then use formRefSig8 to refer to the type.

// The typeUnit format is a single type with a signature. It holds
// the same data as a compilation unit.
type typeUnit struct {
	toff  Offset // Offset to signature type within data.
	name  string // Name of .debug_type section.
	cache Type   // Cache the type, nil to start.

// Parse a .debug_types section.
func ( *Data) ( string,  []byte) error {
	 := makeBuf(, unknownFormat{}, , 0, )
	for len(.data) > 0 {
		 := .off
		,  := .unitLength()
		if  != Offset(uint32()) {
			.error("type unit length overflow")
			return .err
		 := .off
		 := int(.uint16())
		if  != 4 {
			.error("unsupported DWARF version " + strconv.Itoa())
			return .err
		var  uint64
		if ! {
			 = uint64(.uint32())
		} else {
			 = .uint64()
		,  := .parseAbbrev(, )
		if  != nil {
		 := .uint8()
		 := .uint64()

		var  uint32
		if ! {
			 = .uint32()
		} else {
			 := .uint64()
			if  != uint64(uint32()) {
				.error("type unit type offset overflow")
				return .err
			 = uint32()

		 := .off
		.typeSigs[] = &typeUnit{
			unit: unit{
				base:   ,
				off:    ,
				data:   .bytes(int( - (.off - ))),
				atable: ,
				asize:  int(),
				vers:   ,
				is64:   ,
			toff: Offset(),
			name: ,
		if .err != nil {
			return .err
	return nil

// Return the type for a type signature.
func ( *Data) ( uint64) (Type, error) {
	 := .typeSigs[]
	if  == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no type unit with signature %v", )
	if .cache != nil {
		return .cache, nil

	 := makeBuf(, , .name, .off, .data)
	 := &typeUnitReader{d: , tu: , b: }
	,  := .readType(.name, , .toff, make(map[Offset]Type), nil)
	if  != nil {
		return nil, 

	.cache = 
	return , nil

// typeUnitReader is a typeReader for a tagTypeUnit.
type typeUnitReader struct {
	d   *Data
	tu  *typeUnit
	b   buf
	err error

// Seek to a new position in the type unit.
func ( *typeUnitReader) ( Offset) {
	.err = nil
	 :=  - .tu.off
	if  < 0 ||  >= Offset(len(.tu.data)) {
		.err = fmt.Errorf("%s: offset %d out of range; max %d", .tu.name, , len(.tu.data))
	.b = makeBuf(.d, .tu, .tu.name, , .tu.data[:])

// AddressSize returns the size in bytes of addresses in the current type unit.
func ( *typeUnitReader) () int {
	return .tu.unit.asize

// Next reads the next [Entry] from the type unit.
func ( *typeUnitReader) () (*Entry, error) {
	if .err != nil {
		return nil, .err
	if len(.tu.data) == 0 {
		return nil, nil
	 := .b.entry(nil, .tu.atable, .tu.base, .tu.vers)
	if .b.err != nil {
		.err = .b.err
		return nil, .err
	return , nil

// clone returns a new reader for the type unit.
func ( *typeUnitReader) () typeReader {
	return &typeUnitReader{
		d:  .d,
		tu: .tu,
		b:  makeBuf(.d, .tu, .tu.name, .tu.off, .tu.data),

// offset returns the current offset.
func ( *typeUnitReader) () Offset {
	return .b.off