// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package doc

import (

// firstSentence returns the first sentence in s.
// The sentence ends after the first period followed by space and
// not preceded by exactly one uppercase letter.
func firstSentence( string) string {
	var , ,  rune
	for ,  := range  {
		if  == '\n' ||  == '\r' ||  == '\t' {
			 = ' '
		if  == ' ' &&  == '.' && (!unicode.IsUpper() || unicode.IsUpper()) {
			return [:]
		if  == '。' ||  == '.' {
			return [:]
		, ,  = , , 

// Synopsis returns a cleaned version of the first sentence in text.
// Deprecated: New programs should use [Package.Synopsis] instead,
// which handles links in text properly.
func ( string) string {
	var  Package
	return .Synopsis()

// IllegalPrefixes is a list of lower-case prefixes that identify
// a comment as not being a doc comment.
// This helps to avoid misinterpreting the common mistake
// of a copyright notice immediately before a package statement
// as being a doc comment.
var IllegalPrefixes = []string{
	"all rights",

// Synopsis returns a cleaned version of the first sentence in text.
// That sentence ends after the first period followed by space and not
// preceded by exactly one uppercase letter, or at the first paragraph break.
// The result string has no \n, \r, or \t characters and uses only single
// spaces between words. If text starts with any of the [IllegalPrefixes],
// the result is the empty string.
func ( *Package) ( string) string {
	 = firstSentence()
	 := strings.ToLower()
	for ,  := range IllegalPrefixes {
		if strings.HasPrefix(, ) {
			return ""
	 := .Printer()
	.TextWidth = -1
	 := .Parser().Parse()
	if len(.Content) == 0 {
		return ""
	if ,  := .Content[0].(*comment.Paragraph); ! {
		return ""
	.Content = .Content[:1] // might be blank lines, code blocks, etc in “first sentence”
	return strings.TrimSpace(string(.Text()))