package fuzz
import (
type mutator struct {
r mutatorRand
scratch []byte
func newMutator() *mutator {
return &mutator {r : newPcgRand ()}
func (m *mutator ) rand (n int ) int {
return m .r .intn (n )
func (m *mutator ) randByteOrder () binary .ByteOrder {
if m .r .bool () {
return binary .LittleEndian
return binary .BigEndian
func (m *mutator ) chooseLen (n int ) int {
switch x := m .rand (100 ); {
case x < 90 :
return m .rand (min (8 , n )) + 1
case x < 99 :
return m .rand (min (32 , n )) + 1
default :
return m .rand (n ) + 1
func (m *mutator ) mutate (vals []any , maxBytes int ) {
maxPerVal := maxBytes /len (vals ) - 100
i := m .rand (len (vals ))
switch v := vals [i ].(type ) {
case int :
vals [i ] = int (m .mutateInt (int64 (v ), maxInt ))
case int8 :
vals [i ] = int8 (m .mutateInt (int64 (v ), math .MaxInt8 ))
case int16 :
vals [i ] = int16 (m .mutateInt (int64 (v ), math .MaxInt16 ))
case int64 :
vals [i ] = m .mutateInt (v , maxInt )
case uint :
vals [i ] = uint (m .mutateUInt (uint64 (v ), maxUint ))
case uint16 :
vals [i ] = uint16 (m .mutateUInt (uint64 (v ), math .MaxUint16 ))
case uint32 :
vals [i ] = uint32 (m .mutateUInt (uint64 (v ), math .MaxUint32 ))
case uint64 :
vals [i ] = m .mutateUInt (v , maxUint )
case float32 :
vals [i ] = float32 (m .mutateFloat (float64 (v ), math .MaxFloat32 ))
case float64 :
vals [i ] = m .mutateFloat (v , math .MaxFloat64 )
case bool :
if m .rand (2 ) == 1 {
vals [i ] = !v
case rune :
vals [i ] = rune (m .mutateInt (int64 (v ), math .MaxInt32 ))
case byte :
vals [i ] = byte (m .mutateUInt (uint64 (v ), math .MaxUint8 ))
case string :
if len (v ) > maxPerVal {
panic (fmt .Sprintf ("cannot mutate bytes of length %d" , len (v )))
if cap (m .scratch ) < maxPerVal {
m .scratch = append (make ([]byte , 0 , maxPerVal ), v ...)
} else {
m .scratch = m .scratch [:len (v )]
copy (m .scratch , v )
m .mutateBytes (&m .scratch )
vals [i ] = string (m .scratch )
case []byte :
if len (v ) > maxPerVal {
panic (fmt .Sprintf ("cannot mutate bytes of length %d" , len (v )))
if cap (m .scratch ) < maxPerVal {
m .scratch = append (make ([]byte , 0 , maxPerVal ), v ...)
} else {
m .scratch = m .scratch [:len (v )]
copy (m .scratch , v )
m .mutateBytes (&m .scratch )
vals [i ] = m .scratch
default :
panic (fmt .Sprintf ("type not supported for mutating: %T" , vals [i ]))
func (m *mutator ) mutateInt (v , maxValue int64 ) int64 {
var max int64
for {
max = 100
switch m .rand (2 ) {
case 0 :
if v >= maxValue {
if v > 0 && maxValue -v < max {
max = maxValue - v
v += int64 (1 + m .rand (int (max )))
return v
case 1 :
if v <= -maxValue {
if v < 0 && maxValue +v < max {
max = maxValue + v
v -= int64 (1 + m .rand (int (max )))
return v
func (m *mutator ) mutateUInt (v , maxValue uint64 ) uint64 {
var max uint64
for {
max = 100
switch m .rand (2 ) {
case 0 :
if v >= maxValue {
if v > 0 && maxValue -v < max {
max = maxValue - v
v += uint64 (1 + m .rand (int (max )))
return v
case 1 :
if v <= 0 {
if v < max {
max = v
v -= uint64 (1 + m .rand (int (max )))
return v
func (m *mutator ) mutateFloat (v , maxValue float64 ) float64 {
var max float64
for {
switch m .rand (4 ) {
case 0 :
if v >= maxValue {
max = 100
if v > 0 && maxValue -v < max {
max = maxValue - v
v += float64 (1 + m .rand (int (max )))
return v
case 1 :
if v <= -maxValue {
max = 100
if v < 0 && maxValue +v < max {
max = maxValue + v
v -= float64 (1 + m .rand (int (max )))
return v
case 2 :
absV := math .Abs (v )
if v == 0 || absV >= maxValue {
max = 10
if maxValue /absV < max {
max = maxValue / absV
v *= float64 (1 + m .rand (int (max )))
return v
case 3 :
if v == 0 {
v /= float64 (1 + m .rand (10 ))
return v
type byteSliceMutator func (*mutator , []byte ) []byte
var byteSliceMutators = []byteSliceMutator {
byteSliceRemoveBytes ,
byteSliceInsertRandomBytes ,
byteSliceDuplicateBytes ,
byteSliceOverwriteBytes ,
byteSliceBitFlip ,
byteSliceXORByte ,
byteSliceSwapByte ,
byteSliceArithmeticUint8 ,
byteSliceArithmeticUint16 ,
byteSliceArithmeticUint32 ,
byteSliceArithmeticUint64 ,
byteSliceOverwriteInterestingUint8 ,
byteSliceOverwriteInterestingUint16 ,
byteSliceOverwriteInterestingUint32 ,
byteSliceInsertConstantBytes ,
byteSliceOverwriteConstantBytes ,
byteSliceShuffleBytes ,
byteSliceSwapBytes ,
func (m *mutator ) mutateBytes (ptrB *[]byte ) {
b := *ptrB
defer func () {
if unsafe .SliceData (*ptrB ) != unsafe .SliceData (b ) {
panic ("data moved to new address" )
*ptrB = b
for {
mut := byteSliceMutators [m .rand (len (byteSliceMutators ))]
if mutated := mut (m , b ); mutated != nil {
b = mutated
var (
interesting8 = []int8 {-128 , -1 , 0 , 1 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 100 , 127 }
interesting16 = []int16 {-32768 , -129 , 128 , 255 , 256 , 512 , 1000 , 1024 , 4096 , 32767 }
interesting32 = []int32 {-2147483648 , -100663046 , -32769 , 32768 , 65535 , 65536 , 100663045 , 2147483647 }
const (
maxUint = uint64 (^uint (0 ))
maxInt = int64 (maxUint >> 1 )
func init() {
for _ , v := range interesting8 {
interesting16 = append (interesting16 , int16 (v ))
for _ , v := range interesting16 {
interesting32 = append (interesting32 , int32 (v ))
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .