package testtrace
import (
type Validator struct {
lastTs trace .Time
gs map [trace .GoID ]*goState
ps map [trace .ProcID ]*procState
ms map [trace .ThreadID ]*schedContext
ranges map [trace .ResourceID ][]string
tasks map [trace .TaskID ]string
seenSync bool
Go121 bool
type schedContext struct {
M trace .ThreadID
P trace .ProcID
G trace .GoID
type goState struct {
state trace .GoState
binding *schedContext
type procState struct {
state trace .ProcState
binding *schedContext
func NewValidator () *Validator {
return &Validator {
gs : make (map [trace .GoID ]*goState ),
ps : make (map [trace .ProcID ]*procState ),
ms : make (map [trace .ThreadID ]*schedContext ),
ranges : make (map [trace .ResourceID ][]string ),
tasks : make (map [trace .TaskID ]string ),
func (v *Validator ) Event (ev trace .Event ) error {
e := new (errAccumulator )
if v .lastTs != 0 {
if ev .Time () <= v .lastTs {
e .Errorf ("timestamp out-of-order for %+v" , ev )
} else {
v .lastTs = ev .Time ()
} else {
v .lastTs = ev .Time ()
checkStack (e , ev .Stack ())
switch ev .Kind () {
case trace .EventSync :
v .seenSync = true
case trace .EventMetric :
m := ev .Metric ()
if !strings .Contains (m .Name , ":" ) {
e .Errorf ("invalid metric name %q" , m .Name )
if m .Value .Kind () == trace .ValueBad {
e .Errorf ("invalid value" )
switch m .Value .Kind () {
case trace .ValueUint64 :
_ = m .Value .Uint64 ()
case trace .EventLabel :
l := ev .Label ()
if l .Label == "" {
e .Errorf ("invalid label %q" , l .Label )
if l .Resource .Kind == trace .ResourceNone {
e .Errorf ("label resource none" )
switch l .Resource .Kind {
case trace .ResourceGoroutine :
id := l .Resource .Goroutine ()
if _ , ok := v .gs [id ]; !ok {
e .Errorf ("label for invalid goroutine %d" , id )
case trace .ResourceProc :
id := l .Resource .Proc ()
if _ , ok := v .ps [id ]; !ok {
e .Errorf ("label for invalid proc %d" , id )
case trace .ResourceThread :
id := l .Resource .Thread ()
if _ , ok := v .ms [id ]; !ok {
e .Errorf ("label for invalid thread %d" , id )
case trace .EventStackSample :
case trace .EventStateTransition :
tr := ev .StateTransition ()
checkStack (e , tr .Stack )
switch tr .Resource .Kind {
case trace .ResourceGoroutine :
id := tr .Resource .Goroutine ()
old , new := tr .Goroutine ()
if new == trace .GoUndetermined {
e .Errorf ("transition to undetermined state for goroutine %d" , id )
if v .seenSync && old == trace .GoUndetermined {
e .Errorf ("undetermined goroutine %d after first global sync" , id )
if new == trace .GoNotExist && v .hasAnyRange (trace .MakeResourceID (id )) {
e .Errorf ("goroutine %d died with active ranges" , id )
state , ok := v .gs [id ]
if ok {
if old != state .state {
e .Errorf ("bad old state for goroutine %d: got %s, want %s" , id , old , state .state )
state .state = new
} else {
if old != trace .GoUndetermined && old != trace .GoNotExist {
e .Errorf ("bad old state for unregistered goroutine %d: %s" , id , old )
state = &goState {state : new }
v .gs [id ] = state
if new .Executing () {
ctx := v .getOrCreateThread (e , ev , ev .Thread ())
if ctx != nil {
if ctx .G != trace .NoGoroutine && ctx .G != id {
e .Errorf ("tried to run goroutine %d when one was already executing (%d) on thread %d" , id , ctx .G , ev .Thread ())
ctx .G = id
state .binding = ctx
} else if old .Executing () && !new .Executing () {
if tr .Stack != ev .Stack () {
e .Errorf ("StateTransition.Stack doesn't match Event.Stack" )
ctx := state .binding
if ctx != nil {
if ctx .G != id {
e .Errorf ("tried to stop goroutine %d when it wasn't currently executing (currently executing %d) on thread %d" , id , ctx .G , ev .Thread ())
ctx .G = trace .NoGoroutine
state .binding = nil
} else {
e .Errorf ("stopping goroutine %d not bound to any active context" , id )
case trace .ResourceProc :
id := tr .Resource .Proc ()
old , new := tr .Proc ()
if new == trace .ProcUndetermined {
e .Errorf ("transition to undetermined state for proc %d" , id )
if v .seenSync && old == trace .ProcUndetermined {
e .Errorf ("undetermined proc %d after first global sync" , id )
if new == trace .ProcNotExist && v .hasAnyRange (trace .MakeResourceID (id )) {
e .Errorf ("proc %d died with active ranges" , id )
state , ok := v .ps [id ]
if ok {
if old != state .state {
e .Errorf ("bad old state for proc %d: got %s, want %s" , id , old , state .state )
state .state = new
} else {
if old != trace .ProcUndetermined && old != trace .ProcNotExist {
e .Errorf ("bad old state for unregistered proc %d: %s" , id , old )
state = &procState {state : new }
v .ps [id ] = state
if new .Executing () {
ctx := v .getOrCreateThread (e , ev , ev .Thread ())
if ctx != nil {
if ctx .P != trace .NoProc && ctx .P != id {
e .Errorf ("tried to run proc %d when one was already executing (%d) on thread %d" , id , ctx .P , ev .Thread ())
ctx .P = id
state .binding = ctx
} else if old .Executing () && !new .Executing () {
ctx := state .binding
if ctx != nil {
if ctx .P != id {
e .Errorf ("tried to stop proc %d when it wasn't currently executing (currently executing %d) on thread %d" , id , ctx .P , ctx .M )
ctx .P = trace .NoProc
state .binding = nil
} else {
e .Errorf ("stopping proc %d not bound to any active context" , id )
case trace .EventRangeBegin , trace .EventRangeActive , trace .EventRangeEnd :
r := ev .Range ()
switch ev .Kind () {
case trace .EventRangeBegin :
if v .hasRange (r .Scope , r .Name ) {
e .Errorf ("already active range %q on %v begun again" , r .Name , r .Scope )
v .addRange (r .Scope , r .Name )
case trace .EventRangeActive :
if !v .hasRange (r .Scope , r .Name ) {
v .addRange (r .Scope , r .Name )
case trace .EventRangeEnd :
if !v .hasRange (r .Scope , r .Name ) {
e .Errorf ("inactive range %q on %v ended" , r .Name , r .Scope )
v .deleteRange (r .Scope , r .Name )
case trace .EventTaskBegin :
t := ev .Task ()
if t .ID == trace .NoTask || t .ID == trace .BackgroundTask {
e .Errorf ("found invalid task ID for task of type %s" , t .Type )
if t .Parent == trace .BackgroundTask {
e .Errorf ("found background task as the parent for task of type %s" , t .Type )
v .tasks [t .ID ] = t .Type
case trace .EventTaskEnd :
t := ev .Task ()
if typ , ok := v .tasks [t .ID ]; ok {
if t .Type != typ {
e .Errorf ("task end type %q doesn't match task start type %q for task %d" , t .Type , typ , t .ID )
delete (v .tasks , t .ID )
case trace .EventLog :
_ = ev .Log ()
return e .Errors ()
func (v *Validator ) hasRange (r trace .ResourceID , name string ) bool {
ranges , ok := v .ranges [r ]
return ok && slices .Contains (ranges , name )
func (v *Validator ) addRange (r trace .ResourceID , name string ) {
ranges , _ := v .ranges [r ]
ranges = append (ranges , name )
v .ranges [r ] = ranges
func (v *Validator ) hasAnyRange (r trace .ResourceID ) bool {
ranges , ok := v .ranges [r ]
return ok && len (ranges ) != 0
func (v *Validator ) deleteRange (r trace .ResourceID , name string ) {
ranges , ok := v .ranges [r ]
if !ok {
i := slices .Index (ranges , name )
if i < 0 {
v .ranges [r ] = slices .Delete (ranges , i , i +1 )
func (v *Validator ) getOrCreateThread (e *errAccumulator , ev trace .Event , m trace .ThreadID ) *schedContext {
lenient := func () bool {
if !v .Go121 {
return false
if ev .Kind () != trace .EventStateTransition {
return false
tr := ev .StateTransition ()
if tr .Resource .Kind != trace .ResourceGoroutine {
return false
from , to := tr .Goroutine ()
return from == trace .GoUndetermined && to == trace .GoSyscall
if m == trace .NoThread && !lenient () {
e .Errorf ("must have thread, but thread ID is none" )
return nil
s , ok := v .ms [m ]
if !ok {
s = &schedContext {M : m , P : trace .NoProc , G : trace .NoGoroutine }
v .ms [m ] = s
return s
return s
func checkStack(e *errAccumulator , stk trace .Stack ) {
for i , f := range slices .Collect (stk .Frames ()) {
if i == 0 {
if f .Func == "" || f .File == "" || f .PC == 0 || f .Line == 0 {
e .Errorf ("invalid stack frame %#v: missing information" , f )
type errAccumulator struct {
errs []error
func (e *errAccumulator ) Errorf (f string , args ...any ) {
e .errs = append (e .errs , fmt .Errorf (f , args ...))
func (e *errAccumulator ) Errors () error {
return errors .Join (e .errs ...)
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.3 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .