// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// W.Hormann, G.Derflinger:
// "Rejection-Inversion to Generate Variates
// from Monotone Discrete Distributions"
// http://eeyore.wu-wien.ac.at/papers/96-04-04.wh-der.ps.gz

package rand


// A Zipf generates Zipf distributed variates.
type Zipf struct {
	r            *Rand
	imax         float64
	v            float64
	q            float64
	s            float64
	oneminusQ    float64
	oneminusQinv float64
	hxm          float64
	hx0minusHxm  float64

func ( *Zipf) ( float64) float64 {
	return math.Exp(.oneminusQ*math.Log(.v+)) * .oneminusQinv

func ( *Zipf) ( float64) float64 {
	return math.Exp(.oneminusQinv*math.Log(.oneminusQ*)) - .v

// NewZipf returns a Zipf variate generator.
// The generator generates values k ∈ [0, imax]
// such that P(k) is proportional to (v + k) ** (-s).
// Requirements: s > 1 and v >= 1.
func ( *Rand,  float64,  float64,  uint64) *Zipf {
	 := new(Zipf)
	if  <= 1.0 ||  < 1 {
		return nil
	.r = 
	.imax = float64()
	.v = 
	.q = 
	.oneminusQ = 1.0 - .q
	.oneminusQinv = 1.0 / .oneminusQ
	.hxm = .h(.imax + 0.5)
	.hx0minusHxm = .h(0.5) - math.Exp(math.Log(.v)*(-.q)) - .hxm
	.s = 1 - .hinv(.h(1.5)-math.Exp(-.q*math.Log(.v+1.0)))

// Uint64 returns a value drawn from the Zipf distribution described
// by the Zipf object.
func ( *Zipf) () uint64 {
	if  == nil {
		panic("rand: nil Zipf")
	 := 0.0

	for {
		 := .r.Float64() // r on [0,1]
		 := .hxm + *.hx0minusHxm
		 := .hinv()
		 = math.Floor( + 0.5)
		if - <= .s {
		if  >= .h(+0.5)-math.Exp(-math.Log(+.v)*.q) {
	return uint64()