package pprof
import (
func writeHeapProto(w io .Writer , p []profilerecord .MemProfileRecord , rate int64 , defaultSampleType string ) error {
b := newProfileBuilder (w )
b .pbValueType (tagProfile_PeriodType , "space" , "bytes" )
b .pb .int64Opt (tagProfile_Period , rate )
b .pbValueType (tagProfile_SampleType , "alloc_objects" , "count" )
b .pbValueType (tagProfile_SampleType , "alloc_space" , "bytes" )
b .pbValueType (tagProfile_SampleType , "inuse_objects" , "count" )
b .pbValueType (tagProfile_SampleType , "inuse_space" , "bytes" )
if defaultSampleType != "" {
b .pb .int64Opt (tagProfile_DefaultSampleType , b .stringIndex (defaultSampleType ))
values := []int64 {0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
var locs []uint64
for _ , r := range p {
hideRuntime := true
for tries := 0 ; tries < 2 ; tries ++ {
stk := r .Stack
if hideRuntime {
for i , addr := range stk {
if f := runtime .FuncForPC (addr ); f != nil && strings .HasPrefix (f .Name (), "runtime." ) {
stk = stk [i :]
locs = b .appendLocsForStack (locs [:0 ], stk )
if len (locs ) > 0 {
hideRuntime = false
values [0 ], values [1 ] = scaleHeapSample (r .AllocObjects , r .AllocBytes , rate )
values [2 ], values [3 ] = scaleHeapSample (r .InUseObjects (), r .InUseBytes (), rate )
var blockSize int64
if r .AllocObjects > 0 {
blockSize = r .AllocBytes / r .AllocObjects
b .pbSample (values , locs , func () {
if blockSize != 0 {
b .pbLabel (tagSample_Label , "bytes" , "" , blockSize )
b .build ()
return nil
func scaleHeapSample(count , size , rate int64 ) (int64 , int64 ) {
if count == 0 || size == 0 {
return 0 , 0
if rate <= 1 {
return count , size
avgSize := float64 (size ) / float64 (count )
scale := 1 / (1 - math .Exp (-avgSize /float64 (rate )))
return int64 (float64 (count ) * scale ), int64 (float64 (size ) * scale )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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