// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package httpguts provides functions implementing various details// of the HTTP specification.//// This package is shared by the standard library (which vendors it)// and x/net/http2. It comes with no API stability promise.
package httpgutsimport ()// ValidTrailerHeader reports whether name is a valid header field name to appear// in trailers.// See RFC 7230, Section 4.1.2func ( string) bool { = textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey()ifstrings.HasPrefix(, "If-") || badTrailer[] {returnfalse }returntrue}var badTrailer = map[string]bool{"Authorization": true,"Cache-Control": true,"Connection": true,"Content-Encoding": true,"Content-Length": true,"Content-Range": true,"Content-Type": true,"Expect": true,"Host": true,"Keep-Alive": true,"Max-Forwards": true,"Pragma": true,"Proxy-Authenticate": true,"Proxy-Authorization": true,"Proxy-Connection": true,"Range": true,"Realm": true,"Te": true,"Trailer": true,"Transfer-Encoding": true,"Www-Authenticate": true,}
The pages are generated with Goldsv0.7.5. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu.
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list.
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds.