package hpke
import (
var testingOnlyGenerateKey func () (*ecdh .PrivateKey , error )
type hkdfKDF struct {
hash crypto .Hash
func (kdf *hkdfKDF ) LabeledExtract (sid []byte , salt []byte , label string , inputKey []byte ) []byte {
labeledIKM := make ([]byte , 0 , 7 +len (sid )+len (label )+len (inputKey ))
labeledIKM = append (labeledIKM , []byte ("HPKE-v1" )...)
labeledIKM = append (labeledIKM , sid ...)
labeledIKM = append (labeledIKM , label ...)
labeledIKM = append (labeledIKM , inputKey ...)
return hkdf .Extract (kdf .hash .New , labeledIKM , salt )
func (kdf *hkdfKDF ) LabeledExpand (suiteID []byte , randomKey []byte , label string , info []byte , length uint16 ) []byte {
labeledInfo := make ([]byte , 0 , 2 +7 +len (suiteID )+len (label )+len (info ))
labeledInfo = byteorder .BEAppendUint16 (labeledInfo , length )
labeledInfo = append (labeledInfo , []byte ("HPKE-v1" )...)
labeledInfo = append (labeledInfo , suiteID ...)
labeledInfo = append (labeledInfo , label ...)
labeledInfo = append (labeledInfo , info ...)
return hkdf .Expand (kdf .hash .New , randomKey , string (labeledInfo ), int (length ))
type dhKEM struct {
dh ecdh .Curve
kdf hkdfKDF
suiteID []byte
nSecret uint16
type KemID uint16
const DHKEM_X25519_HKDF_SHA256 = 0x0020
var SupportedKEMs = map [uint16 ]struct {
curve ecdh .Curve
hash crypto .Hash
nSecret uint16
DHKEM_X25519_HKDF_SHA256 : {ecdh .X25519 (), crypto .SHA256 , 32 },
func newDHKem(kemID uint16 ) (*dhKEM , error ) {
suite , ok := SupportedKEMs [kemID ]
if !ok {
return nil , errors .New ("unsupported suite ID" )
return &dhKEM {
dh : suite .curve ,
kdf : hkdfKDF {suite .hash },
suiteID : byteorder .BEAppendUint16 ([]byte ("KEM" ), kemID ),
nSecret : suite .nSecret ,
}, nil
func (dh *dhKEM ) ExtractAndExpand (dhKey , kemContext []byte ) []byte {
eaePRK := dh .kdf .LabeledExtract (dh .suiteID [:], nil , "eae_prk" , dhKey )
return dh .kdf .LabeledExpand (dh .suiteID [:], eaePRK , "shared_secret" , kemContext , dh .nSecret )
func (dh *dhKEM ) Encap (pubRecipient *ecdh .PublicKey ) (sharedSecret []byte , encapPub []byte , err error ) {
var privEph *ecdh .PrivateKey
if testingOnlyGenerateKey != nil {
privEph , err = testingOnlyGenerateKey ()
} else {
privEph , err = dh .dh .GenerateKey (rand .Reader )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
dhVal , err := privEph .ECDH (pubRecipient )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
encPubEph := privEph .PublicKey ().Bytes ()
encPubRecip := pubRecipient .Bytes ()
kemContext := append (encPubEph , encPubRecip ...)
return dh .ExtractAndExpand (dhVal , kemContext ), encPubEph , nil
func (dh *dhKEM ) Decap (encPubEph []byte , secRecipient *ecdh .PrivateKey ) ([]byte , error ) {
pubEph , err := dh .dh .NewPublicKey (encPubEph )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
dhVal , err := secRecipient .ECDH (pubEph )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
kemContext := append (encPubEph , secRecipient .PublicKey ().Bytes ()...)
return dh .ExtractAndExpand (dhVal , kemContext ), nil
type context struct {
aead cipher .AEAD
sharedSecret []byte
suiteID []byte
key []byte
baseNonce []byte
exporterSecret []byte
seqNum uint128
type Sender struct {
type Receipient struct {
var aesGCMNew = func (key []byte ) (cipher .AEAD , error ) {
block , err := aes .NewCipher (key )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return cipher .NewGCM (block )
type AEADID uint16
const (
AEAD_AES_128_GCM = 0x0001
AEAD_AES_256_GCM = 0x0002
AEAD_ChaCha20Poly1305 = 0x0003
var SupportedAEADs = map [uint16 ]struct {
keySize int
nonceSize int
aead func ([]byte ) (cipher .AEAD , error )
AEAD_AES_128_GCM : {keySize : 16 , nonceSize : 12 , aead : aesGCMNew },
AEAD_AES_256_GCM : {keySize : 32 , nonceSize : 12 , aead : aesGCMNew },
AEAD_ChaCha20Poly1305 : {keySize : chacha20poly1305 .KeySize , nonceSize : chacha20poly1305 .NonceSize , aead : chacha20poly1305 .New },
type KDFID uint16
const KDF_HKDF_SHA256 = 0x0001
var SupportedKDFs = map [uint16 ]func () *hkdfKDF {
KDF_HKDF_SHA256 : func () *hkdfKDF { return &hkdfKDF {crypto .SHA256 } },
func newContext(sharedSecret []byte , kemID , kdfID , aeadID uint16 , info []byte ) (*context , error ) {
sid := suiteID (kemID , kdfID , aeadID )
kdfInit , ok := SupportedKDFs [kdfID ]
if !ok {
return nil , errors .New ("unsupported KDF id" )
kdf := kdfInit ()
aeadInfo , ok := SupportedAEADs [aeadID ]
if !ok {
return nil , errors .New ("unsupported AEAD id" )
pskIDHash := kdf .LabeledExtract (sid , nil , "psk_id_hash" , nil )
infoHash := kdf .LabeledExtract (sid , nil , "info_hash" , info )
ksContext := append ([]byte {0 }, pskIDHash ...)
ksContext = append (ksContext , infoHash ...)
secret := kdf .LabeledExtract (sid , sharedSecret , "secret" , nil )
key := kdf .LabeledExpand (sid , secret , "key" , ksContext , uint16 (aeadInfo .keySize ) )
baseNonce := kdf .LabeledExpand (sid , secret , "base_nonce" , ksContext , uint16 (aeadInfo .nonceSize ) )
exporterSecret := kdf .LabeledExpand (sid , secret , "exp" , ksContext , uint16 (kdf .hash .Size ()) )
aead , err := aeadInfo .aead (key )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return &context {
aead : aead ,
sharedSecret : sharedSecret ,
suiteID : sid ,
key : key ,
baseNonce : baseNonce ,
exporterSecret : exporterSecret ,
}, nil
func SetupSender (kemID , kdfID , aeadID uint16 , pub *ecdh .PublicKey , info []byte ) ([]byte , *Sender , error ) {
kem , err := newDHKem (kemID )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
sharedSecret , encapsulatedKey , err := kem .Encap (pub )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
context , err := newContext (sharedSecret , kemID , kdfID , aeadID , info )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
return encapsulatedKey , &Sender {context }, nil
func SetupReceipient (kemID , kdfID , aeadID uint16 , priv *ecdh .PrivateKey , info , encPubEph []byte ) (*Receipient , error ) {
kem , err := newDHKem (kemID )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
sharedSecret , err := kem .Decap (encPubEph , priv )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
context , err := newContext (sharedSecret , kemID , kdfID , aeadID , info )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return &Receipient {context }, nil
func (ctx *context ) nextNonce () []byte {
nonce := ctx .seqNum .bytes ()[16 -ctx .aead .NonceSize ():]
for i := range ctx .baseNonce {
nonce [i ] ^= ctx .baseNonce [i ]
return nonce
func (ctx *context ) incrementNonce () {
if ctx .seqNum .bitLen () >= (ctx .aead .NonceSize ()*8 )-1 {
panic ("message limit reached" )
ctx .seqNum = ctx .seqNum .addOne ()
func (s *Sender ) Seal (aad , plaintext []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
ciphertext := s .aead .Seal (nil , s .nextNonce (), plaintext , aad )
s .incrementNonce ()
return ciphertext , nil
func (r *Receipient ) Open (aad , ciphertext []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
plaintext , err := r .aead .Open (nil , r .nextNonce (), ciphertext , aad )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
r .incrementNonce ()
return plaintext , nil
func suiteID(kemID , kdfID , aeadID uint16 ) []byte {
suiteID := make ([]byte , 0 , 4 +2 +2 +2 )
suiteID = append (suiteID , []byte ("HPKE" )...)
suiteID = byteorder .BEAppendUint16 (suiteID , kemID )
suiteID = byteorder .BEAppendUint16 (suiteID , kdfID )
suiteID = byteorder .BEAppendUint16 (suiteID , aeadID )
return suiteID
func ParseHPKEPublicKey (kemID uint16 , bytes []byte ) (*ecdh .PublicKey , error ) {
kemInfo , ok := SupportedKEMs [kemID ]
if !ok {
return nil , errors .New ("unsupported KEM id" )
return kemInfo .curve .NewPublicKey (bytes )
func ParseHPKEPrivateKey (kemID uint16 , bytes []byte ) (*ecdh .PrivateKey , error ) {
kemInfo , ok := SupportedKEMs [kemID ]
if !ok {
return nil , errors .New ("unsupported KEM id" )
return kemInfo .curve .NewPrivateKey (bytes )
type uint128 struct {
hi, lo uint64
func (u uint128 ) addOne () uint128 {
lo , carry := bits .Add64 (u .lo , 1 , 0 )
return uint128 {u .hi + carry , lo }
func (u uint128 ) bitLen () int {
return bits .Len64 (u .hi ) + bits .Len64 (u .lo )
func (u uint128 ) bytes () []byte {
b := make ([]byte , 16 )
byteorder .BEPutUint64 (b [0 :], u .hi )
byteorder .BEPutUint64 (b [8 :], u .lo )
return b
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