Source File
Belonging Package
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package template
import (
// jsWhitespace contains all of the JS whitespace characters, as defined
// by the \s character class.
// See
const jsWhitespace = "\f\n\r\t\v\u0020\u00a0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff"
// nextJSCtx returns the context that determines whether a slash after the
// given run of tokens starts a regular expression instead of a division
// operator: / or /=.
// This assumes that the token run does not include any string tokens, comment
// tokens, regular expression literal tokens, or division operators.
// This fails on some valid but nonsensical JavaScript programs like
// "x = ++/foo/i" which is quite different than "x++/foo/i", but is not known to
// fail on any known useful programs. It is based on the draft
// JavaScript 2.0 lexical grammar and requires one token of lookbehind:
func nextJSCtx( []byte, jsCtx) jsCtx {
// Trim all JS whitespace characters
= bytes.TrimRight(, jsWhitespace)
if len() == 0 {
// All cases below are in the single-byte UTF-8 group.
switch , := [len()-1], len(); {
case '+', '-':
// ++ and -- are not regexp preceders, but + and - are whether
// they are used as infix or prefix operators.
:= - 1
// Count the number of adjacent dashes or pluses.
for > 0 && [-1] == {
if (-)&1 == 1 {
// Reached for trailing minus signs since "---" is the
// same as "-- -".
return jsCtxRegexp
return jsCtxDivOp
case '.':
// Handle "42."
if != 1 && '0' <= [-2] && [-2] <= '9' {
return jsCtxDivOp
return jsCtxRegexp
// Suffixes for all punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
// that only end binary operators not handled above.
case ',', '<', '>', '=', '*', '%', '&', '|', '^', '?':
return jsCtxRegexp
// Suffixes for all punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
// that are prefix operators not handled above.
case '!', '~':
return jsCtxRegexp
// Matches all the punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
// that are open brackets not handled above.
case '(', '[':
return jsCtxRegexp
// Matches all the punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
// that precede expression starts.
case ':', ';', '{':
return jsCtxRegexp
// CAVEAT: the close punctuators ('}', ']', ')') precede div ops and
// are handled in the default except for '}' which can precede a
// division op as in
// ({ valueOf: function () { return 42 } } / 2
// which is valid, but, in practice, developers don't divide object
// literals, so our heuristic works well for code like
// function () { ... } /foo/.test(x) && sideEffect();
// The ')' punctuator can precede a regular expression as in
// if (b) /foo/.test(x) && ...
// but this is much less likely than
// (a + b) / c
case '}':
return jsCtxRegexp
// Look for an IdentifierName and see if it is a keyword that
// can precede a regular expression.
for > 0 && isJSIdentPart(rune([-1])) {
if regexpPrecederKeywords[string([:])] {
return jsCtxRegexp
// Otherwise is a punctuator not listed above, or
// a string which precedes a div op, or an identifier
// which precedes a div op.
return jsCtxDivOp
// regexpPrecederKeywords is a set of reserved JS keywords that can precede a
// regular expression in JS source.
var regexpPrecederKeywords = map[string]bool{
"break": true,
"case": true,
"continue": true,
"delete": true,
"do": true,
"else": true,
"finally": true,
"in": true,
"instanceof": true,
"return": true,
"throw": true,
"try": true,
"typeof": true,
"void": true,
var jsonMarshalType = reflect.TypeFor[json.Marshaler]()
// indirectToJSONMarshaler returns the value, after dereferencing as many times
// as necessary to reach the base type (or nil) or an implementation of json.Marshal.
func indirectToJSONMarshaler( any) any {
// text/template now supports passing untyped nil as a func call
// argument, so we must support it. Otherwise we'd panic below, as one
// cannot call the Type or Interface methods on an invalid
// reflect.Value. See
if == nil {
return nil
:= reflect.ValueOf()
for !.Type().Implements(jsonMarshalType) && .Kind() == reflect.Pointer && !.IsNil() {
= .Elem()
return .Interface()
var scriptTagRe = regexp.MustCompile("(?i)<(/?)script")
// jsValEscaper escapes its inputs to a JS Expression (section 11.14) that has
// neither side-effects nor free variables outside (NaN, Infinity).
func jsValEscaper( ...any) string {
var any
if len() == 1 {
= indirectToJSONMarshaler([0])
switch t := .(type) {
case JS:
return string()
case JSStr:
// TODO: normalize quotes.
return `"` + string() + `"`
case json.Marshaler:
// Do not treat as a Stringer.
case fmt.Stringer:
= .String()
} else {
for , := range {
[] = indirectToJSONMarshaler()
= fmt.Sprint(...)
// TODO: detect cycles before calling Marshal which loops infinitely on
// cyclic data. This may be an unacceptable DoS risk.
, := json.Marshal()
if != nil {
// While the standard JSON marshaler does not include user controlled
// information in the error message, if a type has a MarshalJSON method,
// the content of the error message is not guaranteed. Since we insert
// the error into the template, as part of a comment, we attempt to
// prevent the error from either terminating the comment, or the script
// block itself.
// In particular we:
// * replace "*/" comment end tokens with "* /", which does not
// terminate the comment
// * replace "<script" and "</script" with "\x3Cscript" and "\x3C/script"
// (case insensitively), and "<!--" with "\x3C!--", which prevents
// confusing script block termination semantics
// We also put a space before the comment so that if it is flush against
// a division operator it is not turned into a line comment:
// x/{{y}}
// turning into
// x//* error marshaling y:
// second line of error message */null
:= .Error()
= string(scriptTagRe.ReplaceAll([]byte(), []byte(`\x3C${1}script`)))
= strings.ReplaceAll(, "*/", "* /")
= strings.ReplaceAll(, "<!--", `\x3C!--`)
return fmt.Sprintf(" /* %s */null ", )
// TODO: maybe post-process output to prevent it from containing
// "<!--", "-->", "<![CDATA[", "]]>", or "</script"
// in case custom marshalers produce output containing those.
// Note: Do not use \x escaping to save bytes because it is not JSON compatible and this escaper
// supports ld+json content-type.
if len() == 0 {
// In, `x=y/{{.}}*z` a json.Marshaler that produces "" should
// not cause the output `x=y/*z`.
return " null "
, := utf8.DecodeRune()
, := utf8.DecodeLastRune()
var strings.Builder
// Prevent IdentifierNames and NumericLiterals from running into
// keywords: in, instanceof, typeof, void
:= isJSIdentPart() || isJSIdentPart()
if {
.WriteByte(' ')
:= 0
// Make sure that json.Marshal escapes codepoints U+2028 & U+2029
// so it falls within the subset of JSON which is valid JS.
for := 0; < len(); {
, := utf8.DecodeRune([:])
:= ""
if == 0x2028 {
= `\u2028`
} else if == 0x2029 {
= `\u2029`
if != "" {
= +
if .Len() != 0 {
if {
.WriteByte(' ')
return .String()
return string()
// jsStrEscaper produces a string that can be included between quotes in
// JavaScript source, in JavaScript embedded in an HTML5 <script> element,
// or in an HTML5 event handler attribute such as onclick.
func jsStrEscaper( ...any) string {
, := stringify(...)
if == contentTypeJSStr {
return replace(, jsStrNormReplacementTable)
return replace(, jsStrReplacementTable)
func jsTmplLitEscaper( ...any) string {
, := stringify(...)
return replace(, jsBqStrReplacementTable)
// jsRegexpEscaper behaves like jsStrEscaper but escapes regular expression
// specials so the result is treated literally when included in a regular
// expression literal. /foo{{.X}}bar/ matches the string "foo" followed by
// the literal text of {{.X}} followed by the string "bar".
func jsRegexpEscaper( ...any) string {
, := stringify(...)
= replace(, jsRegexpReplacementTable)
if == "" {
// /{{.X}}/ should not produce a line comment when .X == "".
return "(?:)"
// replace replaces each rune r of s with replacementTable[r], provided that
// r < len(replacementTable). If replacementTable[r] is the empty string then
// no replacement is made.
// It also replaces runes U+2028 and U+2029 with the raw strings `\u2028` and
// `\u2029`.
func replace( string, []string) string {
var strings.Builder
, , := rune(0), 0, 0
for := 0; < len(); += {
// See comment in htmlEscaper.
, = utf8.DecodeRuneInString([:])
var string
switch {
case int() < len(lowUnicodeReplacementTable):
= lowUnicodeReplacementTable[]
case int() < len() && [] != "":
= []
case == '\u2028':
= `\u2028`
case == '\u2029':
= `\u2029`
if == 0 {
= +
if == 0 {
return .String()
var lowUnicodeReplacementTable = []string{
0: `\u0000`, 1: `\u0001`, 2: `\u0002`, 3: `\u0003`, 4: `\u0004`, 5: `\u0005`, 6: `\u0006`,
'\a': `\u0007`,
'\b': `\u0008`,
'\t': `\t`,
'\n': `\n`,
'\v': `\u000b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
'\f': `\f`,
'\r': `\r`,
0xe: `\u000e`, 0xf: `\u000f`, 0x10: `\u0010`, 0x11: `\u0011`, 0x12: `\u0012`, 0x13: `\u0013`,
0x14: `\u0014`, 0x15: `\u0015`, 0x16: `\u0016`, 0x17: `\u0017`, 0x18: `\u0018`, 0x19: `\u0019`,
0x1a: `\u001a`, 0x1b: `\u001b`, 0x1c: `\u001c`, 0x1d: `\u001d`, 0x1e: `\u001e`, 0x1f: `\u001f`,
var jsStrReplacementTable = []string{
0: `\u0000`,
'\t': `\t`,
'\n': `\n`,
'\v': `\u000b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
'\f': `\f`,
'\r': `\r`,
// Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
// in HTML attributes without further encoding.
'"': `\u0022`,
'`': `\u0060`,
'&': `\u0026`,
'\'': `\u0027`,
'+': `\u002b`,
'/': `\/`,
'<': `\u003c`,
'>': `\u003e`,
'\\': `\\`,
// jsBqStrReplacementTable is like jsStrReplacementTable except it also contains
// the special characters for JS template literals: $, {, and }.
var jsBqStrReplacementTable = []string{
0: `\u0000`,
'\t': `\t`,
'\n': `\n`,
'\v': `\u000b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
'\f': `\f`,
'\r': `\r`,
// Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
// in HTML attributes without further encoding.
'"': `\u0022`,
'`': `\u0060`,
'&': `\u0026`,
'\'': `\u0027`,
'+': `\u002b`,
'/': `\/`,
'<': `\u003c`,
'>': `\u003e`,
'\\': `\\`,
'$': `\u0024`,
'{': `\u007b`,
'}': `\u007d`,
// jsStrNormReplacementTable is like jsStrReplacementTable but does not
// overencode existing escapes since this table has no entry for `\`.
var jsStrNormReplacementTable = []string{
0: `\u0000`,
'\t': `\t`,
'\n': `\n`,
'\v': `\u000b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
'\f': `\f`,
'\r': `\r`,
// Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
// in HTML attributes without further encoding.
'"': `\u0022`,
'&': `\u0026`,
'\'': `\u0027`,
'`': `\u0060`,
'+': `\u002b`,
'/': `\/`,
'<': `\u003c`,
'>': `\u003e`,
var jsRegexpReplacementTable = []string{
0: `\u0000`,
'\t': `\t`,
'\n': `\n`,
'\v': `\u000b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
'\f': `\f`,
'\r': `\r`,
// Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
// in HTML attributes without further encoding.
'"': `\u0022`,
'$': `\$`,
'&': `\u0026`,
'\'': `\u0027`,
'(': `\(`,
')': `\)`,
'*': `\*`,
'+': `\u002b`,
'-': `\-`,
'.': `\.`,
'/': `\/`,
'<': `\u003c`,
'>': `\u003e`,
'?': `\?`,
'[': `\[`,
'\\': `\\`,
']': `\]`,
'^': `\^`,
'{': `\{`,
'|': `\|`,
'}': `\}`,
// isJSIdentPart reports whether the given rune is a JS identifier part.
// It does not handle all the non-Latin letters, joiners, and combining marks,
// but it does handle every codepoint that can occur in a numeric literal or
// a keyword.
func isJSIdentPart( rune) bool {
switch {
case == '$':
return true
case '0' <= && <= '9':
return true
case 'A' <= && <= 'Z':
return true
case == '_':
return true
case 'a' <= && <= 'z':
return true
return false
// isJSType reports whether the given MIME type should be considered JavaScript.
// It is used to determine whether a script tag with a type attribute is a javascript container.
func isJSType( string) bool {
// per
// discard parameters
, _, _ = strings.Cut(, ";")
= strings.ToLower()
= strings.TrimSpace()
switch {
return true
return false
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The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64) Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu. PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list. Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds. |