// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package types

import (

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// API

// An Interface represents an interface type.
type Interface struct {
	check     *Checker     // for error reporting; nil once type set is computed
	methods   []*Func      // ordered list of explicitly declared methods
	embeddeds []Type       // ordered list of explicitly embedded elements
	embedPos  *[]token.Pos // positions of embedded elements; or nil (for error messages) - use pointer to save space
	implicit  bool         // interface is wrapper for type set literal (non-interface T, ~T, or A|B)
	complete  bool         // indicates that obj, methods, and embeddeds are set and type set can be computed

	tset *_TypeSet // type set described by this interface, computed lazily

// typeSet returns the type set for interface t.
func ( *Interface) () *_TypeSet { return computeInterfaceTypeSet(.check, nopos, ) }

// emptyInterface represents the empty (completed) interface
var emptyInterface = Interface{complete: true, tset: &topTypeSet}

// NewInterface returns a new interface for the given methods and embedded types.
// NewInterface takes ownership of the provided methods and may modify their types
// by setting missing receivers.
// Deprecated: Use NewInterfaceType instead which allows arbitrary embedded types.
func ( []*Func,  []*Named) *Interface {
	 := make([]Type, len())
	for ,  := range  {
		[] = 
	return NewInterfaceType(, )

// NewInterfaceType returns a new interface for the given methods and embedded
// types. NewInterfaceType takes ownership of the provided methods and may
// modify their types by setting missing receivers.
// To avoid race conditions, the interface's type set should be computed before
// concurrent use of the interface, by explicitly calling Complete.
func ( []*Func,  []Type) *Interface {
	if len() == 0 && len() == 0 {
		return &emptyInterface

	// set method receivers if necessary
	 := (*Checker)(nil).newInterface()
	for ,  := range  {
		if  := .typ.(*Signature); .recv == nil {
			.recv = NewVar(.pos, .pkg, "", )

	// sort for API stability

	.methods = 
	.embeddeds = 
	.complete = true


// check may be nil
func ( *Checker) () *Interface {
	 := &Interface{check: }
	if  != nil {

// MarkImplicit marks the interface t as implicit, meaning this interface
// corresponds to a constraint literal such as ~T or A|B without explicit
// interface embedding. MarkImplicit should be called before any concurrent use
// of implicit interfaces.
func ( *Interface) () {
	.implicit = true

// NumExplicitMethods returns the number of explicitly declared methods of interface t.
func ( *Interface) () int { return len(.methods) }

// ExplicitMethod returns the i'th explicitly declared method of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumExplicitMethods().
// The methods are ordered by their unique [Id].
func ( *Interface) ( int) *Func { return .methods[] }

// NumEmbeddeds returns the number of embedded types in interface t.
func ( *Interface) () int { return len(.embeddeds) }

// Embedded returns the i'th embedded defined (*[Named]) type of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumEmbeddeds().
// The result is nil if the i'th embedded type is not a defined type.
// Deprecated: Use [Interface.EmbeddedType] which is not restricted to defined (*[Named]) types.
func ( *Interface) ( int) *Named { return asNamed(.embeddeds[]) }

// EmbeddedType returns the i'th embedded type of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumEmbeddeds().
func ( *Interface) ( int) Type { return .embeddeds[] }

// NumMethods returns the total number of methods of interface t.
func ( *Interface) () int { return .typeSet().NumMethods() }

// Method returns the i'th method of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumMethods().
// The methods are ordered by their unique Id.
func ( *Interface) ( int) *Func { return .typeSet().Method() }

// Empty reports whether t is the empty interface.
func ( *Interface) () bool { return .typeSet().IsAll() }

// IsComparable reports whether each type in interface t's type set is comparable.
func ( *Interface) () bool { return .typeSet().IsComparable(nil) }

// IsMethodSet reports whether the interface t is fully described by its method
// set.
func ( *Interface) () bool { return .typeSet().IsMethodSet() }

// IsImplicit reports whether the interface t is a wrapper for a type set literal.
func ( *Interface) () bool { return .implicit }

// Complete computes the interface's type set. It must be called by users of
// [NewInterfaceType] and [NewInterface] after the interface's embedded types are
// fully defined and before using the interface type in any way other than to
// form other types. The interface must not contain duplicate methods or a
// panic occurs. Complete returns the receiver.
// Interface types that have been completed are safe for concurrent use.
func ( *Interface) () *Interface {
	if !.complete {
		.complete = true
	.typeSet() // checks if t.tset is already set

func ( *Interface) () Type { return  }
func ( *Interface) () string   { return TypeString(, nil) }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation

func ( *Interface) () {
	.typeSet() // any interface that escapes type checking must be safe for concurrent use
	.check = nil
	.embedPos = nil

func ( *Checker) ( *Interface,  *ast.InterfaceType,  *TypeName) {
	 := func( token.Pos,  Type) {
		.embeddeds = append(.embeddeds, )
		if .embedPos == nil {
			.embedPos = new([]token.Pos)
		*.embedPos = append(*.embedPos, )

	for ,  := range .Methods.List {
		if len(.Names) == 0 {
			(.Type.Pos(), parseUnion(, .Type))
		// f.Name != nil

		// We have a method with name f.Names[0].
		 := .Names[0]
		if .Name == "_" {
			.error(, BlankIfaceMethod, "methods must have a unique non-blank name")
			continue // ignore

		 := .typ(.Type)
		,  := .(*Signature)
		if  == nil {
			if isValid() {
				.errorf(.Type, InvalidSyntaxTree, "%s is not a method signature", )
			continue // ignore

		// The go/parser doesn't accept method type parameters but an ast.FuncType may have them.
		if .tparams != nil {
			var  positioner = .Type
			if ,  := .Type.(*ast.FuncType);  != nil && .TypeParams != nil {
				 = .TypeParams
			.error(, InvalidSyntaxTree, "methods cannot have type parameters")

		// use named receiver type if available (for better error messages)
		var  Type = 
		if  != nil {
			if  := asNamed(.typ);  != nil {
		.recv = NewVar(.Pos(), .pkg, "", )

		 := NewFunc(.Pos(), .pkg, .Name, )
		.recordDef(, )
		.methods = append(.methods, )

	// All methods and embedded elements for this interface are collected;
	// i.e., this interface may be used in a type set computation.
	.complete = true

	if len(.methods) == 0 && len(.embeddeds) == 0 {
		// empty interface
		.tset = &topTypeSet

	// sort for API stability
	// (don't sort embeddeds: they must correspond to *embedPos entries)

	// Compute type set as soon as possible to report any errors.
	// Subsequent uses of type sets will use this computed type
	// set and won't need to pass in a *Checker.
	.later(func() {
		computeInterfaceTypeSet(, .Pos(), )
	}).describef(, "compute type set for %s", )