Source File
Belonging Package
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements the Check function, which drives type-checking.
package types
import (
// nopos, noposn indicate an unknown position
var nopos token.Pos
var noposn = atPos(nopos)
// debugging/development support
const debug = false // leave on during development
// gotypesalias controls the use of Alias types.
// As of Apr 16 2024 they are used by default.
// To disable their use, set GODEBUG to gotypesalias=0.
// This GODEBUG flag will be removed in the near future (tentatively Go 1.24).
var gotypesalias = godebug.New("gotypesalias")
// _aliasAny changes the behavior of [Scope.Lookup] for "any" in the
// [Universe] scope.
// This is necessary because while Alias creation is controlled by
// [Config._EnableAlias], based on the gotypealias variable, the representation
// of "any" is a global. In [Scope.Lookup], we select this global
// representation based on the result of [aliasAny], but as a result need to
// guard against this behavior changing during the type checking pass.
// Therefore we implement the following rule: any number of goroutines can type
// check concurrently with the same EnableAlias value, but if any goroutine
// tries to type check concurrently with a different EnableAlias value, we
// panic.
// To achieve this, _aliasAny is a state machine:
// 0: no type checking is occurring
// negative: type checking is occurring without _EnableAlias set
// positive: type checking is occurring with _EnableAlias set
var _aliasAny int32
func aliasAny() bool {
:= gotypesalias.Value()
:= != "0"
:= atomic.LoadInt32(&_aliasAny)
if != 0 && != ( > 0) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("gotypealias mutated during type checking, gotypesalias=%s, inuse=%d", , ))
// exprInfo stores information about an untyped expression.
type exprInfo struct {
isLhs bool // expression is lhs operand of a shift with delayed type-check
mode operandMode
typ *Basic
val constant.Value // constant value; or nil (if not a constant)
// An environment represents the environment within which an object is
// type-checked.
type environment struct {
decl *declInfo // package-level declaration whose init expression/function body is checked
scope *Scope // top-most scope for lookups
version goVersion // current accepted language version; changes across files
iota constant.Value // value of iota in a constant declaration; nil otherwise
errpos positioner // if set, identifier position of a constant with inherited initializer
inTParamList bool // set if inside a type parameter list
sig *Signature // function signature if inside a function; nil otherwise
isPanic map[*ast.CallExpr]bool // set of panic call expressions (used for termination check)
hasLabel bool // set if a function makes use of labels (only ~1% of functions); unused outside functions
hasCallOrRecv bool // set if an expression contains a function call or channel receive operation
// go/types only
exprPos token.Pos // if valid, identifiers are looked up as if at position pos (used by CheckExpr, Eval)
// lookupScope looks up name in the current environment and if an object
// is found it returns the scope containing the object and the object.
// Otherwise it returns (nil, nil).
// Note that obj.Parent() may be different from the returned scope if the
// object was inserted into the scope and already had a parent at that
// time (see Scope.Insert). This can only happen for dot-imported objects
// whose parent is the scope of the package that exported them.
func ( *environment) ( string) (*Scope, Object) {
for := .scope; != nil; = .parent {
if := .Lookup(); != nil && (!.exprPos.IsValid() || cmpPos(.scopePos(), .exprPos) <= 0) {
return ,
return nil, nil
// lookup is like lookupScope but it only returns the object (or nil).
func ( *environment) ( string) Object {
, := .lookupScope()
// An importKey identifies an imported package by import path and source directory
// (directory containing the file containing the import). In practice, the directory
// may always be the same, or may not matter. Given an (import path, directory), an
// importer must always return the same package (but given two different import paths,
// an importer may still return the same package by mapping them to the same package
// paths).
type importKey struct {
path, dir string
// A dotImportKey describes a dot-imported object in the given scope.
type dotImportKey struct {
scope *Scope
name string
// An action describes a (delayed) action.
type action struct {
version goVersion // applicable language version
f func() // action to be executed
desc *actionDesc // action description; may be nil, requires debug to be set
// If debug is set, describef sets a printf-formatted description for action a.
// Otherwise, it is a no-op.
func ( *action) ( positioner, string, ...any) {
if debug {
.desc = &actionDesc{, , }
// An actionDesc provides information on an action.
// For debugging only.
type actionDesc struct {
pos positioner
format string
args []any
// A Checker maintains the state of the type checker.
// It must be created with [NewChecker].
type Checker struct {
// package information
// (initialized by NewChecker, valid for the life-time of checker)
conf *Config
ctxt *Context // context for de-duplicating instances
fset *token.FileSet
pkg *Package
nextID uint64 // unique Id for type parameters (first valid Id is 1)
objMap map[Object]*declInfo // maps package-level objects and (non-interface) methods to declaration info
impMap map[importKey]*Package // maps (import path, source directory) to (complete or fake) package
// see TODO in validtype.go
// valids instanceLookup // valid *Named (incl. instantiated) types per the validType check
// pkgPathMap maps package names to the set of distinct import paths we've
// seen for that name, anywhere in the import graph. It is used for
// disambiguating package names in error messages.
// pkgPathMap is allocated lazily, so that we don't pay the price of building
// it on the happy path. seenPkgMap tracks the packages that we've already
// walked.
pkgPathMap map[string]map[string]bool
seenPkgMap map[*Package]bool
// information collected during type-checking of a set of package files
// (initialized by Files, valid only for the duration of check.Files;
// maps and lists are allocated on demand)
files []*ast.File // package files
versions map[*ast.File]string // maps files to goVersion strings (each file has an entry); shared with Info.FileVersions if present; may be unaltered Config.GoVersion
imports []*PkgName // list of imported packages
dotImportMap map[dotImportKey]*PkgName // maps dot-imported objects to the package they were dot-imported through
brokenAliases map[*TypeName]bool // set of aliases with broken (not yet determined) types
unionTypeSets map[*Union]*_TypeSet // computed type sets for union types
mono monoGraph // graph for detecting non-monomorphizable instantiation loops
firstErr error // first error encountered
methods map[*TypeName][]*Func // maps package scope type names to associated non-blank (non-interface) methods
untyped map[ast.Expr]exprInfo // map of expressions without final type
delayed []action // stack of delayed action segments; segments are processed in FIFO order
objPath []Object // path of object dependencies during type inference (for cycle reporting)
cleaners []cleaner // list of types that may need a final cleanup at the end of type-checking
// environment within which the current object is type-checked (valid only
// for the duration of type-checking a specific object)
// debugging
indent int // indentation for tracing
// addDeclDep adds the dependency edge (check.decl -> to) if check.decl exists
func ( *Checker) ( Object) {
:= .decl
if == nil {
return // not in a package-level init expression
if , := .objMap[]; ! {
return // to is not a package-level object
// Note: The following three alias-related functions are only used
// when Alias types are not enabled.
// brokenAlias records that alias doesn't have a determined type yet.
// It also sets alias.typ to Typ[Invalid].
// Not used if check.conf._EnableAlias is set.
func ( *Checker) ( *TypeName) {
if .brokenAliases == nil {
.brokenAliases = make(map[*TypeName]bool)
.brokenAliases[] = true
.typ = Typ[Invalid]
// validAlias records that alias has the valid type typ (possibly Typ[Invalid]).
func ( *Checker) ( *TypeName, Type) {
delete(.brokenAliases, )
.typ =
// isBrokenAlias reports whether alias doesn't have a determined type yet.
func ( *Checker) ( *TypeName) bool {
return .brokenAliases[]
func ( *Checker) ( ast.Expr, bool, operandMode, *Basic, constant.Value) {
:= .untyped
if == nil {
= make(map[ast.Expr]exprInfo)
.untyped =
[] = exprInfo{, , , }
// later pushes f on to the stack of actions that will be processed later;
// either at the end of the current statement, or in case of a local constant
// or variable declaration, before the constant or variable is in scope
// (so that f still sees the scope before any new declarations).
// later returns the pushed action so one can provide a description
// via action.describef for debugging, if desired.
func ( *Checker) ( func()) *action {
:= len(.delayed)
.delayed = append(.delayed, action{version: .version, f: })
return &.delayed[]
// push pushes obj onto the object path and returns its index in the path.
func ( *Checker) ( Object) int {
.objPath = append(.objPath, )
return len(.objPath) - 1
// pop pops and returns the topmost object from the object path.
func ( *Checker) () Object {
:= len(.objPath) - 1
:= .objPath[]
.objPath[] = nil
.objPath = .objPath[:]
type cleaner interface {
// needsCleanup records objects/types that implement the cleanup method
// which will be called at the end of type-checking.
func ( *Checker) ( cleaner) {
.cleaners = append(.cleaners, )
// NewChecker returns a new [Checker] instance for a given package.
// [Package] files may be added incrementally via checker.Files.
func ( *Config, *token.FileSet, *Package, *Info) *Checker {
// make sure we have a configuration
if == nil {
= new(Config)
// make sure we have an info struct
if == nil {
= new(Info)
// Note: clients may call NewChecker with the Unsafe package, which is
// globally shared and must not be mutated. Therefore NewChecker must not
// mutate *pkg.
// (previously, pkg.goVersion was mutated here:
// In go/types, conf._EnableAlias is controlled by gotypesalias.
._EnableAlias = gotypesalias.Value() != "0"
return &Checker{
conf: ,
ctxt: .Context,
fset: ,
pkg: ,
Info: ,
objMap: make(map[Object]*declInfo),
impMap: make(map[importKey]*Package),
// initFiles initializes the files-specific portion of checker.
// The provided files must all belong to the same package.
func ( *Checker) ( []*ast.File) {
// start with a clean slate (check.Files may be called multiple times)
.files = nil
.imports = nil
.dotImportMap = nil
.firstErr = nil
.methods = nil
.untyped = nil
.delayed = nil
.objPath = nil
.cleaners = nil
// determine package name and collect valid files
:= .pkg
for , := range {
switch := .Name.Name; .name {
case "":
if != "_" {
.name =
} else {
.error(.Name, BlankPkgName, "invalid package name _")
case :
.files = append(.files, )
.errorf(atPos(.Package), MismatchedPkgName, "package %s; expected package %s", , .name)
// ignore this file
// reuse Info.FileVersions if provided
:= .Info.FileVersions
if == nil {
= make(map[*ast.File]string)
.versions =
:= asGoVersion(.conf.GoVersion)
if .isValid() && len() > 0 && .cmp(go_current) > 0 {
.errorf([0], TooNew, "package requires newer Go version %v (application built with %v)",
, go_current)
// determine Go version for each file
for , := range .files {
// use unaltered Config.GoVersion by default
// (This version string may contain dot-release numbers as in go1.20.1,
// unlike file versions which are Go language versions only, if valid.)
:= .conf.GoVersion
// If the file specifies a version, use max(fileVersion, go1.21).
if := asGoVersion(.GoVersion); .isValid() {
// Go 1.21 introduced the feature of setting the go.mod
// go line to an early version of Go and allowing //go:build lines
// to set the Go version in a given file. Versions Go 1.21 and later
// can be set backwards compatibly as that was the first version
// files with go1.21 or later build tags could be built with.
// Set the version to max(fileVersion, go1.21): That will allow a
// downgrade to a version before go1.22, where the for loop semantics
// change was made, while being backwards compatible with versions of
// go before the new //go:build semantics were introduced.
= string(versionMax(, go1_21))
// Report a specific error for each tagged file that's too new.
// (Normally the build system will have filtered files by version,
// but clients can present arbitrary files to the type checker.)
if .cmp(go_current) > 0 {
// Use position of 'package [p]' for types/types2 consistency.
// (Ideally we would use the //build tag itself.)
.errorf(.Name, TooNew, "file requires newer Go version %v (application built with %v)", , go_current)
[] =
func versionMax(, goVersion) goVersion {
if .cmp() < 0 {
// A bailout panic is used for early termination.
type bailout struct{}
func ( *Checker) ( *error) {
switch p := recover().(type) {
case nil, bailout:
// normal return or early exit
* = .firstErr
// re-panic
// Files checks the provided files as part of the checker's package.
func ( *Checker) ( []*ast.File) ( error) {
if .pkg == Unsafe {
// Defensive handling for Unsafe, which cannot be type checked, and must
// not be mutated. See for an example of where
// Unsafe is passed to NewChecker.
return nil
// Avoid early returns here! Nearly all errors can be
// localized to a piece of syntax and needn't prevent
// type-checking of the rest of the package.
defer .handleBailout(&)
// checkFiles type-checks the specified files. Errors are reported as
// a side effect, not by returning early, to ensure that well-formed
// syntax is properly type annotated even in a package containing
// errors.
func ( *Checker) ( []*ast.File) {
// Ensure that _EnableAlias is consistent among concurrent type checking
// operations. See the documentation of [_aliasAny] for details.
if .conf._EnableAlias {
if atomic.AddInt32(&_aliasAny, 1) <= 0 {
panic("EnableAlias set while !EnableAlias type checking is ongoing")
defer atomic.AddInt32(&_aliasAny, -1)
} else {
if atomic.AddInt32(&_aliasAny, -1) >= 0 {
panic("!EnableAlias set while EnableAlias type checking is ongoing")
defer atomic.AddInt32(&_aliasAny, 1)
:= func( string) {
if .conf._Trace {
("== initFiles ==")
("== collectObjects ==")
("== packageObjects ==")
("== processDelayed ==")
.processDelayed(0) // incl. all functions
("== cleanup ==")
("== initOrder ==")
if !.conf.DisableUnusedImportCheck {
("== unusedImports ==")
("== recordUntyped ==")
if .firstErr == nil {
// TODO(mdempsky): Ensure monomorph is safe when errors exist.
.pkg.goVersion = .conf.GoVersion
.pkg.complete = true
// no longer needed - release memory
.imports = nil
.dotImportMap = nil
.pkgPathMap = nil
.seenPkgMap = nil
.brokenAliases = nil
.unionTypeSets = nil
.ctxt = nil
// TODO(rFindley) There's more memory we should release at this point.
// processDelayed processes all delayed actions pushed after top.
func ( *Checker) ( int) {
// If each delayed action pushes a new action, the
// stack will continue to grow during this loop.
// However, it is only processing functions (which
// are processed in a delayed fashion) that may
// add more actions (such as nested functions), so
// this is a sufficiently bounded process.
:= .version
for := ; < len(.delayed); ++ {
:= &.delayed[]
if .conf._Trace {
if .desc != nil {
.trace(.desc.pos.Pos(), "-- "+.desc.format, .desc.args...)
} else {
.trace(nopos, "-- delayed %p", .f)
.version = .version // reestablish the effective Go version captured earlier
.f() // may append to check.delayed
if .conf._Trace {
assert( <= len(.delayed)) // stack must not have shrunk
.delayed = .delayed[:]
.version =
// cleanup runs cleanup for all collected cleaners.
func ( *Checker) () {
// Don't use a range clause since Named.cleanup may add more cleaners.
for := 0; < len(.cleaners); ++ {
.cleaners = nil
// go/types doesn't support recording of types directly in the AST.
// dummy function to match types2 code.
func ( *Checker) ( ast.Expr, operandMode, Type, constant.Value) {
// nothing to do
// go/types doesn't support recording of types directly in the AST.
// dummy function to match types2 code.
func ( *Checker) ( ast.Expr, , Type) {
// nothing to do
// instantiatedIdent determines the identifier of the type instantiated in expr.
// Helper function for recordInstance in recording.go.
func instantiatedIdent( ast.Expr) *ast.Ident {
var ast.Expr
switch e := .(type) {
case *ast.IndexExpr:
= .X
case *ast.IndexListExpr: // only exists in go/ast, not syntax
= .X
case *ast.SelectorExpr, *ast.Ident:
switch x := .(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
return .Sel
// extra debugging of
panic(sprintf(nil, nil, true, "instantiated ident not found; please report: %s", ))
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The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64) Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu. PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list. Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds. |