package types
import (
func sprintf(fset *token .FileSet , qf Qualifier , tpSubscripts bool , format string , args ...any ) string {
for i , arg := range args {
switch a := arg .(type ) {
case nil :
arg = "<nil>"
case operand :
panic ("got operand instead of *operand" )
case *operand :
arg = operandString (a , qf )
case token .Pos :
if fset != nil {
arg = fset .Position (a ).String ()
case ast .Expr :
arg = ExprString (a )
case []ast .Expr :
var buf bytes .Buffer
buf .WriteByte ('[' )
writeExprList (&buf , a )
buf .WriteByte (']' )
arg = buf .String ()
case Object :
arg = ObjectString (a , qf )
case Type :
var buf bytes .Buffer
w := newTypeWriter (&buf , qf )
w .tpSubscripts = tpSubscripts
w .typ (a )
arg = buf .String ()
case []Type :
var buf bytes .Buffer
w := newTypeWriter (&buf , qf )
w .tpSubscripts = tpSubscripts
buf .WriteByte ('[' )
for i , x := range a {
if i > 0 {
buf .WriteString (", " )
w .typ (x )
buf .WriteByte (']' )
arg = buf .String ()
case []*TypeParam :
var buf bytes .Buffer
w := newTypeWriter (&buf , qf )
w .tpSubscripts = tpSubscripts
buf .WriteByte ('[' )
for i , x := range a {
if i > 0 {
buf .WriteString (", " )
w .typ (x )
buf .WriteByte (']' )
arg = buf .String ()
args [i ] = arg
return fmt .Sprintf (format , args ...)
func (check *Checker ) sprintf (format string , args ...any ) string {
var fset *token .FileSet
var qf Qualifier
if check != nil {
fset = check .fset
qf = check .qualifier
return sprintf (fset , qf , false , format , args ...)
func (check *Checker ) trace (pos token .Pos , format string , args ...any ) {
fmt .Printf ("%s:\t%s%s\n" ,
check .fset .Position (pos ),
strings .Repeat (". " , check .indent ),
sprintf (check .fset , check .qualifier , true , format , args ...),
func (check *Checker ) dump (format string , args ...any ) {
fmt .Println (sprintf (check .fset , check .qualifier , true , format , args ...))
func (check *Checker ) qualifier (pkg *Package ) string {
if pkg != check .pkg {
if check .pkgPathMap == nil {
check .pkgPathMap = make (map [string ]map [string ]bool )
check .seenPkgMap = make (map [*Package ]bool )
check .markImports (check .pkg )
if len (check .pkgPathMap [pkg .name ]) > 1 {
return strconv .Quote (pkg .path )
return pkg .name
return ""
func (check *Checker ) markImports (pkg *Package ) {
if check .seenPkgMap [pkg ] {
check .seenPkgMap [pkg ] = true
forName , ok := check .pkgPathMap [pkg .name ]
if !ok {
forName = make (map [string ]bool )
check .pkgPathMap [pkg .name ] = forName
forName [pkg .path ] = true
for _ , imp := range pkg .imports {
check .markImports (imp )
func stripAnnotations(s string ) string {
var buf strings .Builder
for _ , r := range s {
if r < '₀' || '₀' +10 <= r {
buf .WriteRune (r )
if buf .Len () < len (s ) {
return buf .String ()
return s
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .