package gccgoimporter
import (
type parser struct {
scanner *scanner .Scanner
version string
tok rune
lit string
pkgpath string
pkgname string
pkg *types .Package
imports map [string ]*types .Package
typeList []types .Type
typeData []string
fixups []fixupRecord
initdata InitData
aliases map [int ]string
type fixupRecord struct {
toUpdate *types .Named
target types .Type
func (p *parser ) init (filename string , src io .Reader , imports map [string ]*types .Package ) {
p .scanner = new (scanner .Scanner )
p .initScanner (filename , src )
p .imports = imports
p .aliases = make (map [int ]string )
p .typeList = make ([]types .Type , 1 , 16 )
func (p *parser ) initScanner (filename string , src io .Reader ) {
p .scanner .Init (src )
p .scanner .Error = func (_ *scanner .Scanner , msg string ) { p .error (msg ) }
p .scanner .Mode = scanner .ScanIdents | scanner .ScanInts | scanner .ScanFloats | scanner .ScanStrings
p .scanner .Whitespace = 1 <<'\t' | 1 <<' '
p .scanner .Filename = filename
p .next ()
type importError struct {
pos scanner .Position
err error
func (e importError ) Error () string {
return fmt .Sprintf ("import error %s (byte offset = %d): %s" , e .pos , e .pos .Offset , e .err )
func (p *parser ) error (err any ) {
if s , ok := err .(string ); ok {
err = errors .New (s )
panic (importError {p .scanner .Pos (), err .(error )})
func (p *parser ) errorf (format string , args ...any ) {
p .error (fmt .Errorf (format , args ...))
func (p *parser ) expect (tok rune ) string {
lit := p .lit
if p .tok != tok {
p .errorf ("expected %s, got %s (%s)" , scanner .TokenString (tok ), scanner .TokenString (p .tok ), lit )
p .next ()
return lit
func (p *parser ) expectEOL () {
if p .version == "v1" || p .version == "v2" {
p .expect (';' )
p .expect ('\n' )
func (p *parser ) expectKeyword (keyword string ) {
lit := p .expect (scanner .Ident )
if lit != keyword {
p .errorf ("expected keyword %s, got %q" , keyword , lit )
func (p *parser ) parseString () string {
str , err := strconv .Unquote (p .expect (scanner .String ))
if err != nil {
p .error (err )
return str
func (p *parser ) parseUnquotedString () string {
if p .tok == scanner .EOF {
p .error ("unexpected EOF" )
var b strings .Builder
b .WriteString (p .scanner .TokenText ())
for ch := p .scanner .Peek (); ch != '\n' && ch != ';' && ch != scanner .EOF && p .scanner .Whitespace &(1 <<uint (ch )) == 0 ; ch = p .scanner .Peek () {
b .WriteRune (ch )
p .scanner .Next ()
p .next ()
return b .String ()
func (p *parser ) next () {
p .tok = p .scanner .Scan ()
switch p .tok {
case scanner .Ident , scanner .Int , scanner .Float , scanner .String , 'ยท' :
p .lit = p .scanner .TokenText ()
default :
p .lit = ""
func (p *parser ) parseQualifiedName () (path , name string ) {
return p .parseQualifiedNameStr (p .parseString ())
func (p *parser ) parseUnquotedQualifiedName () (path , name string ) {
return p .parseQualifiedNameStr (p .parseUnquotedString ())
func (p *parser ) parseQualifiedNameStr (unquotedName string ) (pkgpath , name string ) {
parts := strings .Split (unquotedName , "." )
if parts [0 ] == "" {
parts = parts [1 :]
switch len (parts ) {
case 0 :
p .errorf ("malformed qualified name: %q" , unquotedName )
case 1 :
pkgpath = p .pkgpath
name = parts [0 ]
default :
pkgpath = strings .Join (parts [:len (parts )-1 ], "." )
name = parts [len (parts )-1 ]
func (p *parser ) getPkg (pkgpath , name string ) *types .Package {
if pkgpath == "unsafe" {
return types .Unsafe
pkg := p .imports [pkgpath ]
if pkg == nil && name != "" {
pkg = types .NewPackage (pkgpath , name )
p .imports [pkgpath ] = pkg
return pkg
func (p *parser ) parseExportedName () (pkg *types .Package , name string ) {
path , name := p .parseQualifiedName ()
var pkgname string
if p .tok == scanner .String {
pkgname = p .parseString ()
pkg = p .getPkg (path , pkgname )
if pkg == nil {
p .errorf ("package %s (path = %q) not found" , name , path )
func (p *parser ) parseName () string {
if p .tok == '?' {
p .next ()
return ""
_ , name := p .parseUnquotedQualifiedName ()
return name
func deref(typ types .Type ) types .Type {
if p , _ := typ .(*types .Pointer ); p != nil {
typ = p .Elem ()
return typ
func (p *parser ) parseField (pkg *types .Package ) (field *types .Var , tag string ) {
name := p .parseName ()
typ , n := p .parseTypeExtended (pkg )
anon := false
if name == "" {
anon = true
if aname , ok := p .aliases [n ]; ok {
name = aname
} else {
switch typ := deref (typ ).(type ) {
case *types .Basic :
name = typ .Name ()
case *types .Named :
name = typ .Obj ().Name ()
default :
p .error ("embedded field expected" )
field = types .NewField (token .NoPos , pkg , name , typ , anon )
if p .tok == scanner .String {
tag = p .parseString ()
func (p *parser ) parseParam (pkg *types .Package ) (param *types .Var , isVariadic bool ) {
name := p .parseName ()
if strings .HasPrefix (name , "p." ) || strings .HasPrefix (name , "r." ) || strings .HasPrefix (name , "$ret" ) {
name = ""
if p .tok == '<' && p .scanner .Peek () == 'e' {
p .next ()
p .expectKeyword ("esc" )
p .expect (':' )
p .expect (scanner .Int )
p .expect ('>' )
if p .tok == '.' {
p .next ()
p .expect ('.' )
p .expect ('.' )
isVariadic = true
typ := p .parseType (pkg )
if isVariadic {
typ = types .NewSlice (typ )
param = types .NewParam (token .NoPos , pkg , name , typ )
func (p *parser ) parseVar (pkg *types .Package ) *types .Var {
name := p .parseName ()
v := types .NewVar (token .NoPos , pkg , name , p .parseType (pkg ))
if name [0 ] == '.' || name [0 ] == '<' {
return nil
return v
func (p *parser ) parseConversion (pkg *types .Package ) (val constant .Value , typ types .Type ) {
p .expectKeyword ("convert" )
p .expect ('(' )
typ = p .parseType (pkg )
p .expect (',' )
val , _ = p .parseConstValue (pkg )
p .expect (')' )
func (p *parser ) parseConstValue (pkg *types .Package ) (val constant .Value , typ types .Type ) {
if p .tok == '$' {
p .next ()
if p .tok != scanner .Ident {
p .errorf ("expected identifier after '$', got %s (%q)" , scanner .TokenString (p .tok ), p .lit )
switch p .tok {
case scanner .String :
str := p .parseString ()
val = constant .MakeString (str )
typ = types .Typ [types .UntypedString ]
case scanner .Ident :
b := false
switch p .lit {
case "false" :
case "true" :
b = true
case "convert" :
return p .parseConversion (pkg )
default :
p .errorf ("expected const value, got %s (%q)" , scanner .TokenString (p .tok ), p .lit )
p .next ()
val = constant .MakeBool (b )
typ = types .Typ [types .UntypedBool ]
sign := ""
if p .tok == '-' {
p .next ()
sign = "-"
switch p .tok {
case scanner .Int :
val = constant .MakeFromLiteral (sign +p .lit , token .INT , 0 )
if val == nil {
p .error ("could not parse integer literal" )
p .next ()
if p .tok == '\'' {
p .next ()
typ = types .Typ [types .UntypedRune ]
} else {
typ = types .Typ [types .UntypedInt ]
case scanner .Float :
re := sign + p .lit
p .next ()
var im string
switch p .tok {
case '+' :
p .next ()
im = p .expect (scanner .Float )
case '-' :
p .next ()
im = "-" + p .expect (scanner .Float )
case scanner .Ident :
im = re
re = "0"
default :
val = constant .MakeFromLiteral (re , token .FLOAT , 0 )
if val == nil {
p .error ("could not parse float literal" )
typ = types .Typ [types .UntypedFloat ]
p .expectKeyword ("i" )
reval := constant .MakeFromLiteral (re , token .FLOAT , 0 )
if reval == nil {
p .error ("could not parse real component of complex literal" )
imval := constant .MakeFromLiteral (im +"i" , token .IMAG , 0 )
if imval == nil {
p .error ("could not parse imag component of complex literal" )
val = constant .BinaryOp (reval , token .ADD , imval )
typ = types .Typ [types .UntypedComplex ]
default :
p .errorf ("expected const value, got %s (%q)" , scanner .TokenString (p .tok ), p .lit )
func (p *parser ) parseConst (pkg *types .Package ) *types .Const {
name := p .parseName ()
var typ types .Type
if p .tok == '<' {
typ = p .parseType (pkg )
p .expect ('=' )
val , vtyp := p .parseConstValue (pkg )
if typ == nil {
typ = vtyp
return types .NewConst (token .NoPos , pkg , name , typ , val )
var reserved = new (struct { types .Type })
func (p *parser ) reserve (n int ) {
if len (p .typeData ) == 0 {
if n != len (p .typeList ) {
p .errorf ("invalid type number %d (out of sync)" , n )
p .typeList = append (p .typeList , reserved )
} else {
if p .typeList [n ] != nil {
p .errorf ("previously visited type number %d" , n )
p .typeList [n ] = reserved
func (p *parser ) update (t types .Type , nlist []any ) {
if t == reserved {
p .errorf ("internal error: update(%v) invoked on reserved" , nlist )
if t == nil {
p .errorf ("internal error: update(%v) invoked on nil" , nlist )
for _ , n := range nlist {
switch n := n .(type ) {
case int :
if p .typeList [n ] == t {
if p .typeList [n ] != reserved {
p .errorf ("internal error: update(%v): %d not reserved" , nlist , n )
p .typeList [n ] = t
case *types .Pointer :
if *n != (types .Pointer {}) {
elem := n .Elem ()
if elem == t {
p .errorf ("internal error: update: pointer already set to %v, expected %v" , elem , t )
*n = *types .NewPointer (t )
default :
p .errorf ("internal error: %T on nlist" , n )
func (p *parser ) parseNamedType (nlist []any ) types .Type {
pkg , name := p .parseExportedName ()
scope := pkg .Scope ()
obj := scope .Lookup (name )
if obj != nil && obj .Type () == nil {
p .errorf ("%v has nil type" , obj )
if p .tok == scanner .Ident && p .lit == "notinheap" {
p .next ()
if p .tok == '=' {
p .next ()
p .aliases [nlist [len (nlist )-1 ].(int )] = name
if obj != nil {
t := obj .Type ()
p .update (t , nlist )
p .parseType (pkg )
return t
t := p .parseType (pkg , nlist ...)
obj = types .NewTypeName (token .NoPos , pkg , name , t )
scope .Insert (obj )
return t
if obj == nil {
tname := types .NewTypeName (token .NoPos , pkg , name , nil )
types .NewNamed (tname , nil , nil )
scope .Insert (tname )
obj = tname
t := obj .Type ()
p .update (t , nlist )
nt , ok := t .(*types .Named )
if !ok {
pt := p .parseType (pkg )
if pt != t {
p .error ("unexpected underlying type for non-named TypeName" )
return t
underlying := p .parseType (pkg )
if nt .Underlying () == nil {
if underlying .Underlying () == nil {
fix := fixupRecord {toUpdate : nt , target : underlying }
p .fixups = append (p .fixups , fix )
} else {
nt .SetUnderlying (underlying .Underlying ())
if p .tok == '\n' {
p .next ()
for p .tok == scanner .Ident {
p .expectKeyword ("func" )
if p .tok == '/' {
p .expect ('/' )
p .expect ('*' )
if p .expect (scanner .Ident ) == "asm" {
p .parseUnquotedString ()
p .expect ('*' )
p .expect ('/' )
p .expect ('(' )
receiver , _ := p .parseParam (pkg )
p .expect (')' )
name := p .parseName ()
params , isVariadic := p .parseParamList (pkg )
results := p .parseResultList (pkg )
p .skipInlineBody ()
p .expectEOL ()
sig := types .NewSignatureType (receiver , nil , nil , params , results , isVariadic )
nt .AddMethod (types .NewFunc (token .NoPos , pkg , name , sig ))
return nt
func (p *parser ) parseInt64 () int64 {
lit := p .expect (scanner .Int )
n , err := strconv .ParseInt (lit , 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
p .error (err )
return n
func (p *parser ) parseInt () int {
lit := p .expect (scanner .Int )
n , err := strconv .ParseInt (lit , 10 , 0 )
if err != nil {
p .error (err )
return int (n )
func (p *parser ) parseArrayOrSliceType (pkg *types .Package , nlist []any ) types .Type {
p .expect ('[' )
if p .tok == ']' {
p .next ()
t := new (types .Slice )
p .update (t , nlist )
*t = *types .NewSlice (p .parseType (pkg ))
return t
t := new (types .Array )
p .update (t , nlist )
len := p .parseInt64 ()
p .expect (']' )
*t = *types .NewArray (p .parseType (pkg ), len )
return t
func (p *parser ) parseMapType (pkg *types .Package , nlist []any ) types .Type {
p .expectKeyword ("map" )
t := new (types .Map )
p .update (t , nlist )
p .expect ('[' )
key := p .parseType (pkg )
p .expect (']' )
elem := p .parseType (pkg )
*t = *types .NewMap (key , elem )
return t
func (p *parser ) parseChanType (pkg *types .Package , nlist []any ) types .Type {
p .expectKeyword ("chan" )
t := new (types .Chan )
p .update (t , nlist )
dir := types .SendRecv
switch p .tok {
case '-' :
p .next ()
p .expect ('<' )
dir = types .SendOnly
case '<' :
if p .scanner .Peek () == '-' {
p .next ()
p .expect ('-' )
dir = types .RecvOnly
*t = *types .NewChan (dir , p .parseType (pkg ))
return t
func (p *parser ) parseStructType (pkg *types .Package , nlist []any ) types .Type {
p .expectKeyword ("struct" )
t := new (types .Struct )
p .update (t , nlist )
var fields []*types .Var
var tags []string
p .expect ('{' )
for p .tok != '}' && p .tok != scanner .EOF {
field , tag := p .parseField (pkg )
p .expect (';' )
fields = append (fields , field )
tags = append (tags , tag )
p .expect ('}' )
*t = *types .NewStruct (fields , tags )
return t
func (p *parser ) parseParamList (pkg *types .Package ) (*types .Tuple , bool ) {
var list []*types .Var
isVariadic := false
p .expect ('(' )
for p .tok != ')' && p .tok != scanner .EOF {
if len (list ) > 0 {
p .expect (',' )
par , variadic := p .parseParam (pkg )
list = append (list , par )
if variadic {
if isVariadic {
p .error ("... not on final argument" )
isVariadic = true
p .expect (')' )
return types .NewTuple (list ...), isVariadic
func (p *parser ) parseResultList (pkg *types .Package ) *types .Tuple {
switch p .tok {
case '<' :
p .next ()
if p .tok == scanner .Ident && p .lit == "inl" {
return nil
taa , _ := p .parseTypeAfterAngle (pkg )
return types .NewTuple (types .NewParam (token .NoPos , pkg , "" , taa ))
case '(' :
params , _ := p .parseParamList (pkg )
return params
default :
return nil
func (p *parser ) parseFunctionType (pkg *types .Package , nlist []any ) *types .Signature {
t := new (types .Signature )
p .update (t , nlist )
params , isVariadic := p .parseParamList (pkg )
results := p .parseResultList (pkg )
*t = *types .NewSignatureType (nil , nil , nil , params , results , isVariadic )
return t
func (p *parser ) parseFunc (pkg *types .Package ) *types .Func {
if p .tok == '/' {
p .expect ('/' )
p .expect ('*' )
if p .expect (scanner .Ident ) == "asm" {
p .parseUnquotedString ()
p .expect ('*' )
p .expect ('/' )
name := p .parseName ()
f := types .NewFunc (token .NoPos , pkg , name , p .parseFunctionType (pkg , nil ))
p .skipInlineBody ()
if name [0 ] == '.' || name [0 ] == '<' || strings .ContainsRune (name , '$' ) {
return nil
return f
func (p *parser ) parseInterfaceType (pkg *types .Package , nlist []any ) types .Type {
p .expectKeyword ("interface" )
t := new (types .Interface )
p .update (t , nlist )
var methods []*types .Func
var embeddeds []types .Type
p .expect ('{' )
for p .tok != '}' && p .tok != scanner .EOF {
if p .tok == '?' {
p .next ()
embeddeds = append (embeddeds , p .parseType (pkg ))
} else {
method := p .parseFunc (pkg )
if method != nil {
methods = append (methods , method )
p .expect (';' )
p .expect ('}' )
*t = *types .NewInterfaceType (methods , embeddeds )
return t
func (p *parser ) parsePointerType (pkg *types .Package , nlist []any ) types .Type {
p .expect ('*' )
if p .tok == scanner .Ident {
p .expectKeyword ("any" )
t := types .Typ [types .UnsafePointer ]
p .update (t , nlist )
return t
t := new (types .Pointer )
p .update (t , nlist )
*t = *types .NewPointer (p .parseType (pkg , t ))
return t
func (p *parser ) parseTypeSpec (pkg *types .Package , nlist []any ) types .Type {
switch p .tok {
case scanner .String :
return p .parseNamedType (nlist )
case scanner .Ident :
switch p .lit {
case "map" :
return p .parseMapType (pkg , nlist )
case "chan" :
return p .parseChanType (pkg , nlist )
case "struct" :
return p .parseStructType (pkg , nlist )
case "interface" :
return p .parseInterfaceType (pkg , nlist )
case '*' :
return p .parsePointerType (pkg , nlist )
case '[' :
return p .parseArrayOrSliceType (pkg , nlist )
case '(' :
return p .parseFunctionType (pkg , nlist )
p .errorf ("expected type name or literal, got %s" , scanner .TokenString (p .tok ))
return nil
const (
gccgoBuiltinINT8 = 1
gccgoBuiltinINT16 = 2
gccgoBuiltinINT32 = 3
gccgoBuiltinINT64 = 4
gccgoBuiltinUINT8 = 5
gccgoBuiltinUINT16 = 6
gccgoBuiltinUINT32 = 7
gccgoBuiltinUINT64 = 8
gccgoBuiltinFLOAT32 = 9
gccgoBuiltinFLOAT64 = 10
gccgoBuiltinINT = 11
gccgoBuiltinUINT = 12
gccgoBuiltinUINTPTR = 13
gccgoBuiltinBOOL = 15
gccgoBuiltinSTRING = 16
gccgoBuiltinCOMPLEX64 = 17
gccgoBuiltinCOMPLEX128 = 18
gccgoBuiltinERROR = 19
gccgoBuiltinBYTE = 20
gccgoBuiltinRUNE = 21
gccgoBuiltinANY = 22
func lookupBuiltinType(typ int ) types .Type {
return [...]types .Type {
gccgoBuiltinINT8 : types .Typ [types .Int8 ],
gccgoBuiltinINT16 : types .Typ [types .Int16 ],
gccgoBuiltinINT32 : types .Typ [types .Int32 ],
gccgoBuiltinINT64 : types .Typ [types .Int64 ],
gccgoBuiltinUINT8 : types .Typ [types .Uint8 ],
gccgoBuiltinUINT16 : types .Typ [types .Uint16 ],
gccgoBuiltinUINT32 : types .Typ [types .Uint32 ],
gccgoBuiltinUINT64 : types .Typ [types .Uint64 ],
gccgoBuiltinFLOAT32 : types .Typ [types .Float32 ],
gccgoBuiltinFLOAT64 : types .Typ [types .Float64 ],
gccgoBuiltinINT : types .Typ [types .Int ],
gccgoBuiltinUINT : types .Typ [types .Uint ],
gccgoBuiltinUINTPTR : types .Typ [types .Uintptr ],
gccgoBuiltinBOOL : types .Typ [types .Bool ],
gccgoBuiltinSTRING : types .Typ [types .String ],
gccgoBuiltinCOMPLEX64 : types .Typ [types .Complex64 ],
gccgoBuiltinCOMPLEX128 : types .Typ [types .Complex128 ],
gccgoBuiltinERROR : types .Universe .Lookup ("error" ).Type (),
gccgoBuiltinBYTE : types .Universe .Lookup ("byte" ).Type (),
gccgoBuiltinRUNE : types .Universe .Lookup ("rune" ).Type (),
gccgoBuiltinANY : types .Universe .Lookup ("any" ).Type (),
}[typ ]
func (p *parser ) parseType (pkg *types .Package , n ...any ) types .Type {
p .expect ('<' )
t , _ := p .parseTypeAfterAngle (pkg , n ...)
return t
func (p *parser ) parseTypeAfterAngle (pkg *types .Package , n ...any ) (t types .Type , n1 int ) {
p .expectKeyword ("type" )
n1 = 0
switch p .tok {
case scanner .Int :
n1 = p .parseInt ()
if p .tok == '>' {
if len (p .typeData ) > 0 && p .typeList [n1 ] == nil {
p .parseSavedType (pkg , n1 , n )
t = p .typeList [n1 ]
if len (p .typeData ) == 0 && t == reserved {
p .errorf ("invalid type cycle, type %d not yet defined (nlist=%v)" , n1 , n )
p .update (t , n )
} else {
p .reserve (n1 )
t = p .parseTypeSpec (pkg , append (n , n1 ))
case '-' :
p .next ()
n1 := p .parseInt ()
t = lookupBuiltinType (n1 )
p .update (t , n )
default :
p .errorf ("expected type number, got %s (%q)" , scanner .TokenString (p .tok ), p .lit )
return nil , 0
if t == nil || t == reserved {
p .errorf ("internal error: bad return from parseType(%v)" , n )
p .expect ('>' )
func (p *parser ) parseTypeExtended (pkg *types .Package , n ...any ) (t types .Type , n1 int ) {
p .expect ('<' )
t , n1 = p .parseTypeAfterAngle (pkg , n ...)
func (p *parser ) skipInlineBody () {
if p .tok == '<' {
p .next ()
p .expectKeyword ("inl" )
} else if p .tok != scanner .Ident || p .lit != "inl" {
} else {
p .next ()
p .expect (':' )
want := p .parseInt ()
p .expect ('>' )
defer func (w uint64 ) {
p .scanner .Whitespace = w
}(p .scanner .Whitespace )
p .scanner .Whitespace = 0
got := 0
for got < want {
r := p .scanner .Next ()
if r == scanner .EOF {
p .error ("unexpected EOF" )
got += utf8 .RuneLen (r )
func (p *parser ) parseTypes (pkg *types .Package ) {
maxp1 := p .parseInt ()
exportedp1 := p .parseInt ()
p .typeList = make ([]types .Type , maxp1 , maxp1 )
type typeOffset struct {
offset int
length int
var typeOffsets []typeOffset
total := 0
for i := 1 ; i < maxp1 ; i ++ {
len := p .parseInt ()
typeOffsets = append (typeOffsets , typeOffset {total , len })
total += len
defer func (w uint64 ) {
p .scanner .Whitespace = w
}(p .scanner .Whitespace )
p .scanner .Whitespace = 0
var sb strings .Builder
for sb .Len () < total {
r := p .scanner .Next ()
if r == scanner .EOF {
p .error ("unexpected EOF" )
sb .WriteRune (r )
allTypeData := sb .String ()
p .typeData = []string {"" }
for _ , to := range typeOffsets {
p .typeData = append (p .typeData , allTypeData [to .offset :to .offset +to .length ])
for i := 1 ; i < exportedp1 ; i ++ {
p .parseSavedType (pkg , i , nil )
func (p *parser ) parseSavedType (pkg *types .Package , i int , nlist []any ) {
defer func (s *scanner .Scanner , tok rune , lit string ) {
p .scanner = s
p .tok = tok
p .lit = lit
}(p .scanner , p .tok , p .lit )
p .scanner = new (scanner .Scanner )
p .initScanner (p .scanner .Filename , strings .NewReader (p .typeData [i ]))
p .expectKeyword ("type" )
id := p .parseInt ()
if id != i {
p .errorf ("type ID mismatch: got %d, want %d" , id , i )
if p .typeList [i ] == reserved {
p .errorf ("internal error: %d already reserved in parseSavedType" , i )
if p .typeList [i ] == nil {
p .reserve (i )
p .parseTypeSpec (pkg , append (nlist , i ))
if p .typeList [i ] == nil || p .typeList [i ] == reserved {
p .errorf ("internal error: parseSavedType(%d,%v) reserved/nil" , i , nlist )
func (p *parser ) parsePackageInit () PackageInit {
name := p .parseUnquotedString ()
initfunc := p .parseUnquotedString ()
priority := -1
if p .version == "v1" {
priority = p .parseInt ()
return PackageInit {Name : name , InitFunc : initfunc , Priority : priority }
func (p *parser ) maybeCreatePackage () {
if p .pkgname != "" && p .pkgpath != "" {
p .pkg = p .getPkg (p .pkgpath , p .pkgname )
func (p *parser ) parseInitDataDirective () {
if p .tok != scanner .Ident {
p .expect (scanner .Ident )
switch p .lit {
case "v1" , "v2" , "v3" :
p .version = p .lit
p .next ()
p .expect (';' )
p .expect ('\n' )
case "priority" :
p .next ()
p .initdata .Priority = p .parseInt ()
p .expectEOL ()
case "init" :
p .next ()
for p .tok != '\n' && p .tok != ';' && p .tok != scanner .EOF {
p .initdata .Inits = append (p .initdata .Inits , p .parsePackageInit ())
p .expectEOL ()
case "init_graph" :
p .next ()
for p .tok != '\n' && p .tok != ';' && p .tok != scanner .EOF {
p .parseInt64 ()
p .parseInt64 ()
p .expectEOL ()
case "checksum" :
defer func (mode uint ) {
p .scanner .Mode = mode
}(p .scanner .Mode )
p .scanner .Mode &^= scanner .ScanInts | scanner .ScanFloats
p .next ()
p .parseUnquotedString ()
p .expectEOL ()
default :
p .errorf ("unexpected identifier: %q" , p .lit )
func (p *parser ) parseDirective () {
if p .tok != scanner .Ident {
p .expect (scanner .Ident )
switch p .lit {
case "v1" , "v2" , "v3" , "priority" , "init" , "init_graph" , "checksum" :
p .parseInitDataDirective ()
case "package" :
p .next ()
p .pkgname = p .parseUnquotedString ()
p .maybeCreatePackage ()
if p .version != "v1" && p .tok != '\n' && p .tok != ';' {
p .parseUnquotedString ()
p .parseUnquotedString ()
p .expectEOL ()
case "pkgpath" :
p .next ()
p .pkgpath = p .parseUnquotedString ()
p .maybeCreatePackage ()
p .expectEOL ()
case "prefix" :
p .next ()
p .pkgpath = p .parseUnquotedString ()
p .expectEOL ()
case "import" :
p .next ()
pkgname := p .parseUnquotedString ()
pkgpath := p .parseUnquotedString ()
p .getPkg (pkgpath , pkgname )
p .parseString ()
p .expectEOL ()
case "indirectimport" :
p .next ()
pkgname := p .parseUnquotedString ()
pkgpath := p .parseUnquotedString ()
p .getPkg (pkgpath , pkgname )
p .expectEOL ()
case "types" :
p .next ()
p .parseTypes (p .pkg )
p .expectEOL ()
case "func" :
p .next ()
fun := p .parseFunc (p .pkg )
if fun != nil {
p .pkg .Scope ().Insert (fun )
p .expectEOL ()
case "type" :
p .next ()
p .parseType (p .pkg )
p .expectEOL ()
case "var" :
p .next ()
v := p .parseVar (p .pkg )
if v != nil {
p .pkg .Scope ().Insert (v )
p .expectEOL ()
case "const" :
p .next ()
c := p .parseConst (p .pkg )
p .pkg .Scope ().Insert (c )
p .expectEOL ()
default :
p .errorf ("unexpected identifier: %q" , p .lit )
func (p *parser ) parsePackage () *types .Package {
for p .tok != scanner .EOF {
p .parseDirective ()
for _ , f := range p .fixups {
if f .target .Underlying () == nil {
p .errorf ("internal error: fixup can't be applied, loop required" )
f .toUpdate .SetUnderlying (f .target .Underlying ())
p .fixups = nil
for _ , typ := range p .typeList {
if it , ok := typ .(*types .Interface ); ok {
it .Complete ()
p .pkg .MarkComplete ()
return p .pkg
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .