Source File
Belonging Package
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Garbage collector: marking and scanning
package runtime
import (
const (
fixedRootFinalizers = iota
// rootBlockBytes is the number of bytes to scan per data or
// BSS root.
rootBlockBytes = 256 << 10
// maxObletBytes is the maximum bytes of an object to scan at
// once. Larger objects will be split up into "oblets" of at
// most this size. Since we can scan 1–2 MB/ms, 128 KB bounds
// scan preemption at ~100 µs.
// This must be > _MaxSmallSize so that the object base is the
// span base.
maxObletBytes = 128 << 10
// drainCheckThreshold specifies how many units of work to do
// between self-preemption checks in gcDrain. Assuming a scan
// rate of 1 MB/ms, this is ~100 µs. Lower values have higher
// overhead in the scan loop (the scheduler check may perform
// a syscall, so its overhead is nontrivial). Higher values
// make the system less responsive to incoming work.
drainCheckThreshold = 100000
// pagesPerSpanRoot indicates how many pages to scan from a span root
// at a time. Used by special root marking.
// Higher values improve throughput by increasing locality, but
// increase the minimum latency of a marking operation.
// Must be a multiple of the pageInUse bitmap element size and
// must also evenly divide pagesPerArena.
pagesPerSpanRoot = 512
// gcMarkRootPrepare queues root scanning jobs (stacks, globals, and
// some miscellany) and initializes scanning-related state.
// The world must be stopped.
func gcMarkRootPrepare() {
// Compute how many data and BSS root blocks there are.
:= func( uintptr) int {
return int(divRoundUp(, rootBlockBytes))
work.nDataRoots = 0
work.nBSSRoots = 0
// Scan globals.
for , := range activeModules() {
:= (.edata - .data)
if > work.nDataRoots {
work.nDataRoots =
:= (.ebss - .bss)
if > work.nBSSRoots {
work.nBSSRoots =
// Scan span roots for finalizer specials.
// We depend on addfinalizer to mark objects that get
// finalizers after root marking.
// We're going to scan the whole heap (that was available at the time the
// mark phase started, i.e. markArenas) for in-use spans which have specials.
// Break up the work into arenas, and further into chunks.
// Snapshot allArenas as markArenas. This snapshot is safe because allArenas
// is append-only.
mheap_.markArenas = mheap_.allArenas[:len(mheap_.allArenas):len(mheap_.allArenas)]
work.nSpanRoots = len(mheap_.markArenas) * (pagesPerArena / pagesPerSpanRoot)
// Scan stacks.
// Gs may be created after this point, but it's okay that we
// ignore them because they begin life without any roots, so
// there's nothing to scan, and any roots they create during
// the concurrent phase will be caught by the write barrier.
work.stackRoots = allGsSnapshot()
work.nStackRoots = len(work.stackRoots)
work.markrootNext = 0
work.markrootJobs = uint32(fixedRootCount + work.nDataRoots + work.nBSSRoots + work.nSpanRoots + work.nStackRoots)
// Calculate base indexes of each root type
work.baseData = uint32(fixedRootCount)
work.baseBSS = work.baseData + uint32(work.nDataRoots)
work.baseSpans = work.baseBSS + uint32(work.nBSSRoots)
work.baseStacks = work.baseSpans + uint32(work.nSpanRoots)
work.baseEnd = work.baseStacks + uint32(work.nStackRoots)
// gcMarkRootCheck checks that all roots have been scanned. It is
// purely for debugging.
func gcMarkRootCheck() {
if work.markrootNext < work.markrootJobs {
print(work.markrootNext, " of ", work.markrootJobs, " markroot jobs done\n")
throw("left over markroot jobs")
// Check that stacks have been scanned.
// We only check the first nStackRoots Gs that we should have scanned.
// Since we don't care about newer Gs (see comment in
// gcMarkRootPrepare), no locking is required.
:= 0
forEachGRace(func( *g) {
if >= work.nStackRoots {
if !.gcscandone {
println("gp", , "goid", .goid,
"status", readgstatus(),
"gcscandone", .gcscandone)
throw("scan missed a g")
// ptrmask for an allocation containing a single pointer.
var oneptrmask = [...]uint8{1}
// markroot scans the i'th root.
// Preemption must be disabled (because this uses a gcWork).
// Returns the amount of GC work credit produced by the operation.
// If flushBgCredit is true, then that credit is also flushed
// to the background credit pool.
// nowritebarrier is only advisory here.
func markroot( *gcWork, uint32, bool) int64 {
// Note: if you add a case here, please also update heapdump.go:dumproots.
var int64
var *atomic.Int64
switch {
case work.baseData <= && < work.baseBSS:
= &gcController.globalsScanWork
for , := range activeModules() {
+= markrootBlock(.data,, .gcdatamask.bytedata, , int(-work.baseData))
case work.baseBSS <= && < work.baseSpans:
= &gcController.globalsScanWork
for , := range activeModules() {
+= markrootBlock(.bss, .ebss-.bss, .gcbssmask.bytedata, , int(-work.baseBSS))
case == fixedRootFinalizers:
for := allfin; != nil; = .alllink {
:= uintptr(atomic.Load(&.cnt))
// Finalizers that contain cleanups only have fn set. None of the other
// fields are necessary.
scanblock(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&.fin[0])), *unsafe.Sizeof(.fin[0]), &finptrmask[0], , nil)
case == fixedRootFreeGStacks:
// Switch to the system stack so we can call
// stackfree.
case work.baseSpans <= && < work.baseStacks:
// mark mspan.specials
markrootSpans(, int(-work.baseSpans))
// the rest is scanning goroutine stacks
= &gcController.stackScanWork
if < work.baseStacks || work.baseEnd <= {
print("runtime: markroot index ", , " not in stack roots range [", work.baseStacks, ", ", work.baseEnd, ")\n")
throw("markroot: bad index")
:= work.stackRoots[-work.baseStacks]
// remember when we've first observed the G blocked
// needed only to output in traceback
:= readgstatus() // We are not in a scan state
if ( == _Gwaiting || == _Gsyscall) && .waitsince == 0 {
.waitsince = work.tstart
// scanstack must be done on the system stack in case
// we're trying to scan our own stack.
systemstack(func() {
// If this is a self-scan, put the user G in
// _Gwaiting to prevent self-deadlock. It may
// already be in _Gwaiting if this is a mark
// worker or we're in mark termination.
:= getg().m.curg
:= == && readgstatus() == _Grunning
if {
casGToWaitingForGC(, _Grunning, waitReasonGarbageCollectionScan)
// TODO: suspendG blocks (and spins) until gp
// stops, which may take a while for
// running goroutines. Consider doing this in
// two phases where the first is non-blocking:
// we scan the stacks we can and ask running
// goroutines to scan themselves; and the
// second blocks.
:= suspendG()
if .dead {
.gcscandone = true
if .gcscandone {
throw("g already scanned")
+= scanstack(, )
.gcscandone = true
if {
casgstatus(, _Gwaiting, _Grunning)
if != nil && != 0 {
if {
// markrootBlock scans the shard'th shard of the block of memory [b0,
// b0+n0), with the given pointer mask.
// Returns the amount of work done.
func markrootBlock(, uintptr, *uint8, *gcWork, int) int64 {
if rootBlockBytes%(8*goarch.PtrSize) != 0 {
// This is necessary to pick byte offsets in ptrmask0.
throw("rootBlockBytes must be a multiple of 8*ptrSize")
// Note that if b0 is toward the end of the address space,
// then b0 + rootBlockBytes might wrap around.
// These tests are written to avoid any possible overflow.
:= uintptr() * rootBlockBytes
if >= {
return 0
:= +
:= (*uint8)(add(unsafe.Pointer(), uintptr()*(rootBlockBytes/(8*goarch.PtrSize))))
:= uintptr(rootBlockBytes)
if + > {
= -
// Scan this shard.
scanblock(, , , , nil)
return int64()
// markrootFreeGStacks frees stacks of dead Gs.
// This does not free stacks of dead Gs cached on Ps, but having a few
// cached stacks around isn't a problem.
func markrootFreeGStacks() {
// Take list of dead Gs with stacks.
:= sched.gFree.stack
sched.gFree.stack = gList{}
if .empty() {
// Free stacks.
:= gQueue{.head, .head}
for := .head.ptr(); != nil; = .schedlink.ptr() {
.stack.lo = 0
.stack.hi = 0
// Manipulate the queue directly since the Gs are
// already all linked the right way.
// Put Gs back on the free list.
// markrootSpans marks roots for one shard of markArenas.
func markrootSpans( *gcWork, int) {
// Objects with finalizers have two GC-related invariants:
// 1) Everything reachable from the object must be marked.
// This ensures that when we pass the object to its finalizer,
// everything the finalizer can reach will be retained.
// 2) Finalizer specials (which are not in the garbage
// collected heap) are roots. In practice, this means the fn
// field must be scanned.
// Objects with weak handles have only one invariant related
// to this function: weak handle specials (which are not in the
// garbage collected heap) are roots. In practice, this means
// the handle field must be scanned. Note that the value the
// handle pointer referenced does *not* need to be scanned. See
// the definition of specialWeakHandle for details.
:= mheap_.sweepgen
// Find the arena and page index into that arena for this shard.
:= mheap_.markArenas[/(pagesPerArena/pagesPerSpanRoot)]
:= mheap_.arenas[.l1()][.l2()]
:= uint(uintptr() * pagesPerSpanRoot % pagesPerArena)
// Construct slice of bitmap which we'll iterate over.
:= .pageSpecials[/8:]
= [:pagesPerSpanRoot/8]
for := range {
// Find set bits, which correspond to spans with specials.
:= atomic.Load8(&[])
if == 0 {
for := uint(0); < 8; ++ {
if &(1<<) == 0 {
// Find the span for this bit.
// This value is guaranteed to be non-nil because having
// specials implies that the span is in-use, and since we're
// currently marking we can be sure that we don't have to worry
// about the span being freed and re-used.
:= .spans[+uint()*8+]
// The state must be mSpanInUse if the specials bit is set, so
// sanity check that.
if := .state.get(); != mSpanInUse {
print("s.state = ", , "\n")
throw("non in-use span found with specials bit set")
// Check that this span was swept (it may be cached or uncached).
if !useCheckmark && !(.sweepgen == || .sweepgen == +3) {
// sweepgen was updated (+2) during non-checkmark GC pass
print("sweep ", .sweepgen, " ", , "\n")
throw("gc: unswept span")
// Lock the specials to prevent a special from being
// removed from the list while we're traversing it.
for := .specials; != nil; = .next {
switch .kind {
case _KindSpecialFinalizer:
// don't mark finalized object, but scan it so we
// retain everything it points to.
:= (*specialfinalizer)(unsafe.Pointer())
// A finalizer can be set for an inner byte of an object, find object beginning.
:= .base() + uintptr(.special.offset)/.elemsize*.elemsize
// Mark everything that can be reached from
// the object (but *not* the object itself or
// we'll never collect it).
if !.spanclass.noscan() {
scanobject(, )
// The special itself is a root.
scanblock(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&.fn)), goarch.PtrSize, &oneptrmask[0], , nil)
case _KindSpecialWeakHandle:
// The special itself is a root.
:= (*specialWeakHandle)(unsafe.Pointer())
scanblock(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&.handle)), goarch.PtrSize, &oneptrmask[0], , nil)
case _KindSpecialCleanup:
:= (*specialCleanup)(unsafe.Pointer())
// The special itself is a root.
scanblock(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&.fn)), goarch.PtrSize, &oneptrmask[0], , nil)
// gcAssistAlloc performs GC work to make gp's assist debt positive.
// gp must be the calling user goroutine.
// This must be called with preemption enabled.
func gcAssistAlloc( *g) {
// Don't assist in non-preemptible contexts. These are
// generally fragile and won't allow the assist to block.
if getg() == .m.g0 {
if := getg().m; .locks > 0 || .preemptoff != "" {
if := getg(); .syncGroup != nil {
// Disassociate the G from its synctest bubble while allocating.
// This is less elegant than incrementing the group's active count,
// but avoids any contamination between GC assist and synctest.
:= .syncGroup
.syncGroup = nil
defer func() {
.syncGroup =
// This extremely verbose boolean indicates whether we've
// entered mark assist from the perspective of the tracer.
// In the tracer, this is just before we call gcAssistAlloc1
// *regardless* of whether tracing is enabled. This is because
// the tracer allows for tracing to begin (and advance
// generations) in the middle of a GC mark phase, so we need to
// record some state so that the tracer can pick it up to ensure
// a consistent trace result.
// TODO(mknyszek): Hide the details of inMarkAssist in tracer
// functions and simplify all the state tracking. This is a lot.
:= false
if gcCPULimiter.limiting() {
// If the CPU limiter is enabled, intentionally don't
// assist to reduce the amount of CPU time spent in the GC.
if {
:= traceAcquire()
if .ok() {
// Set this *after* we trace the end to make sure
// that we emit an in-progress event if this is
// the first event for the goroutine in the trace
// or trace generation. Also, do this between
// acquire/release because this is part of the
// goroutine's trace state, and it must be atomic
// with respect to the tracer.
.inMarkAssist = false
} else {
// This state is tracked even if tracing isn't enabled.
// It's only used by the new tracer.
// See the comment on enteredMarkAssistForTracing.
.inMarkAssist = false
// Compute the amount of scan work we need to do to make the
// balance positive. When the required amount of work is low,
// we over-assist to build up credit for future allocations
// and amortize the cost of assisting.
:= gcController.assistWorkPerByte.Load()
:= gcController.assistBytesPerWork.Load()
:= -.gcAssistBytes
:= int64( * float64())
if < gcOverAssistWork {
= gcOverAssistWork
= int64( * float64())
// Steal as much credit as we can from the background GC's
// scan credit. This is racy and may drop the background
// credit below 0 if two mutators steal at the same time. This
// will just cause steals to fail until credit is accumulated
// again, so in the long run it doesn't really matter, but we
// do have to handle the negative credit case.
:= gcController.bgScanCredit.Load()
:= int64(0)
if > 0 {
if < {
.gcAssistBytes += 1 + int64(*float64())
} else {
.gcAssistBytes +=
if == 0 {
// We were able to steal all of the credit we
// needed.
if {
:= traceAcquire()
if .ok() {
// Set this *after* we trace the end to make sure
// that we emit an in-progress event if this is
// the first event for the goroutine in the trace
// or trace generation. Also, do this between
// acquire/release because this is part of the
// goroutine's trace state, and it must be atomic
// with respect to the tracer.
.inMarkAssist = false
} else {
// This state is tracked even if tracing isn't enabled.
// It's only used by the new tracer.
// See the comment on enteredMarkAssistForTracing.
.inMarkAssist = false
if ! {
:= traceAcquire()
if .ok() {
// Set this *after* we trace the start, otherwise we may
// emit an in-progress event for an assist we're about to start.
.inMarkAssist = true
} else {
.inMarkAssist = true
// In the new tracer, set enter mark assist tracing if we
// ever pass this point, because we must manage inMarkAssist
// correctly.
// See the comment on enteredMarkAssistForTracing.
= true
// Perform assist work
systemstack(func() {
gcAssistAlloc1(, )
// The user stack may have moved, so this can't touch
// anything on it until it returns from systemstack.
:= .param != nil
.param = nil
if {
if .gcAssistBytes < 0 {
// We were unable steal enough credit or perform
// enough work to pay off the assist debt. We need to
// do one of these before letting the mutator allocate
// more to prevent over-allocation.
// If this is because we were preempted, reschedule
// and try some more.
if .preempt {
// Add this G to an assist queue and park. When the GC
// has more background credit, it will satisfy queued
// assists before flushing to the global credit pool.
// Note that this does *not* get woken up when more
// work is added to the work list. The theory is that
// there wasn't enough work to do anyway, so we might
// as well let background marking take care of the
// work that is available.
if !gcParkAssist() {
// At this point either background GC has satisfied
// this G's assist debt, or the GC cycle is over.
if {
:= traceAcquire()
if .ok() {
// Set this *after* we trace the end to make sure
// that we emit an in-progress event if this is
// the first event for the goroutine in the trace
// or trace generation. Also, do this between
// acquire/release because this is part of the
// goroutine's trace state, and it must be atomic
// with respect to the tracer.
.inMarkAssist = false
} else {
// This state is tracked even if tracing isn't enabled.
// It's only used by the new tracer.
// See the comment on enteredMarkAssistForTracing.
.inMarkAssist = false
// gcAssistAlloc1 is the part of gcAssistAlloc that runs on the system
// stack. This is a separate function to make it easier to see that
// we're not capturing anything from the user stack, since the user
// stack may move while we're in this function.
// gcAssistAlloc1 indicates whether this assist completed the mark
// phase by setting gp.param to non-nil. This can't be communicated on
// the stack since it may move.
func gcAssistAlloc1( *g, int64) {
// Clear the flag indicating that this assist completed the
// mark phase.
.param = nil
if atomic.Load(&gcBlackenEnabled) == 0 {
// The gcBlackenEnabled check in malloc races with the
// store that clears it but an atomic check in every malloc
// would be a performance hit.
// Instead we recheck it here on the non-preemptible system
// stack to determine if we should perform an assist.
// GC is done, so ignore any remaining debt.
.gcAssistBytes = 0
// Track time spent in this assist. Since we're on the
// system stack, this is non-preemptible, so we can
// just measure start and end time.
// Limiter event tracking might be disabled if we end up here
// while on a mark worker.
:= nanotime()
:= .m.p.ptr().limiterEvent.start(limiterEventMarkAssist, )
:= atomic.Xadd(&work.nwait, -1)
if == work.nproc {
println("runtime: work.nwait =", , "work.nproc=", work.nproc)
throw("nwait > work.nprocs")
// gcDrainN requires the caller to be preemptible.
casGToWaitingForGC(, _Grunning, waitReasonGCAssistMarking)
// drain own cached work first in the hopes that it
// will be more cache friendly.
:= &getg().m.p.ptr().gcw
:= gcDrainN(, )
casgstatus(, _Gwaiting, _Grunning)
// Record that we did this much scan work.
// Back out the number of bytes of assist credit that
// this scan work counts for. The "1+" is a poor man's
// round-up, to ensure this adds credit even if
// assistBytesPerWork is very low.
:= gcController.assistBytesPerWork.Load()
.gcAssistBytes += 1 + int64(*float64())
// If this is the last worker and we ran out of work,
// signal a completion point.
:= atomic.Xadd(&work.nwait, +1)
if > work.nproc {
println("runtime: work.nwait=", ,
"work.nproc=", work.nproc)
throw("work.nwait > work.nproc")
if == work.nproc && !gcMarkWorkAvailable(nil) {
// This has reached a background completion point. Set
// gp.param to a non-nil value to indicate this. It
// doesn't matter what we set it to (it just has to be
// a valid pointer).
.param = unsafe.Pointer()
:= nanotime()
:= -
:= .m.p.ptr()
.gcAssistTime +=
if {
.limiterEvent.stop(limiterEventMarkAssist, )
if .gcAssistTime > gcAssistTimeSlack {
.gcAssistTime = 0
// gcWakeAllAssists wakes all currently blocked assists. This is used
// at the end of a GC cycle. gcBlackenEnabled must be false to prevent
// new assists from going to sleep after this point.
func gcWakeAllAssists() {
:= work.assistQueue.q.popList()
// gcParkAssist puts the current goroutine on the assist queue and parks.
// gcParkAssist reports whether the assist is now satisfied. If it
// returns false, the caller must retry the assist.
func gcParkAssist() bool {
// If the GC cycle finished while we were getting the lock,
// exit the assist. The cycle can't finish while we hold the
// lock.
if atomic.Load(&gcBlackenEnabled) == 0 {
return true
:= getg()
:= work.assistQueue.q
// Recheck for background credit now that this G is in
// the queue, but can still back out. This avoids a
// race in case background marking has flushed more
// credit since we checked above.
if gcController.bgScanCredit.Load() > 0 {
work.assistQueue.q =
if .tail != 0 {
return false
// Park.
goparkunlock(&work.assistQueue.lock, waitReasonGCAssistWait, traceBlockGCMarkAssist, 2)
return true
// gcFlushBgCredit flushes scanWork units of background scan work
// credit. This first satisfies blocked assists on the
// work.assistQueue and then flushes any remaining credit to
// gcController.bgScanCredit.
// Write barriers are disallowed because this is used by gcDrain after
// it has ensured that all work is drained and this must preserve that
// condition.
func gcFlushBgCredit( int64) {
if work.assistQueue.q.empty() {
// Fast path; there are no blocked assists. There's a
// small window here where an assist may add itself to
// the blocked queue and park. If that happens, we'll
// just get it on the next flush.
:= gcController.assistBytesPerWork.Load()
:= int64(float64() * )
for !work.assistQueue.q.empty() && > 0 {
:= work.assistQueue.q.pop()
// Note that gp.gcAssistBytes is negative because gp
// is in debt. Think carefully about the signs below.
if +.gcAssistBytes >= 0 {
// Satisfy this entire assist debt.
+= .gcAssistBytes
.gcAssistBytes = 0
// It's important that we *not* put gp in
// runnext. Otherwise, it's possible for user
// code to exploit the GC worker's high
// scheduler priority to get itself always run
// before other goroutines and always in the
// fresh quantum started by GC.
ready(, 0, false)
} else {
// Partially satisfy this assist.
.gcAssistBytes +=
= 0
// As a heuristic, we move this assist to the
// back of the queue so that large assists
// can't clog up the assist queue and
// substantially delay small assists.
if > 0 {
// Convert from scan bytes back to work.
:= gcController.assistWorkPerByte.Load()
= int64(float64() * )
// scanstack scans gp's stack, greying all pointers found on the stack.
// Returns the amount of scan work performed, but doesn't update
// gcController.stackScanWork or flush any credit. Any background credit produced
// by this function should be flushed by its caller. scanstack itself can't
// safely flush because it may result in trying to wake up a goroutine that
// was just scanned, resulting in a self-deadlock.
// scanstack will also shrink the stack if it is safe to do so. If it
// is not, it schedules a stack shrink for the next synchronous safe
// point.
// scanstack is marked go:systemstack because it must not be preempted
// while using a workbuf.
func scanstack( *g, *gcWork) int64 {
if readgstatus()&_Gscan == 0 {
print("runtime:scanstack: gp=", , ", goid=", .goid, ", gp->atomicstatus=", hex(readgstatus()), "\n")
throw("scanstack - bad status")
switch readgstatus() &^ _Gscan {
print("runtime: gp=", , ", goid=", .goid, ", gp->atomicstatus=", readgstatus(), "\n")
throw("mark - bad status")
case _Gdead:
return 0
case _Grunning:
print("runtime: gp=", , ", goid=", .goid, ", gp->atomicstatus=", readgstatus(), "\n")
throw("scanstack: goroutine not stopped")
case _Grunnable, _Gsyscall, _Gwaiting:
// ok
if == getg() {
throw("can't scan our own stack")
// scannedSize is the amount of work we'll be reporting.
// It is less than the allocated size (which is hi-lo).
var uintptr
if .syscallsp != 0 {
= .syscallsp // If in a system call this is the stack pointer (gp.sched.sp can be 0 in this case on Windows).
} else {
= .sched.sp
:= .stack.hi -
// Keep statistics for initial stack size calculation.
// Note that this accumulates the scanned size, not the allocated size.
:= getg().m.p.ptr()
.scannedStackSize += uint64()
if isShrinkStackSafe() {
// Shrink the stack if not much of it is being used.
} else {
// Otherwise, shrink the stack at the next sync safe point.
.preemptShrink = true
var stackScanState
.stack = .stack
if stackTraceDebug {
println("stack trace goroutine", .goid)
if debugScanConservative && .asyncSafePoint {
print("scanning async preempted goroutine ", .goid, " stack [", hex(.stack.lo), ",", hex(.stack.hi), ")\n")
// Scan the saved context register. This is effectively a live
// register that gets moved back and forth between the
// register and sched.ctxt without a write barrier.
if .sched.ctxt != nil {
scanblock(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&.sched.ctxt)), goarch.PtrSize, &oneptrmask[0], , &)
// Scan the stack. Accumulate a list of stack objects.
var unwinder
for .init(, 0); .valid(); .next() {
scanframeworker(&.frame, &, )
// Find additional pointers that point into the stack from the heap.
// Currently this includes defers and panics. See also function copystack.
// Find and trace other pointers in defer records.
for := ._defer; != nil; = .link {
if .fn != nil {
// Scan the func value, which could be a stack allocated closure.
// See issue 30453.
scanblock(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&.fn)), goarch.PtrSize, &oneptrmask[0], , &)
if .link != nil {
// The link field of a stack-allocated defer record might point
// to a heap-allocated defer record. Keep that heap record live.
scanblock(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&.link)), goarch.PtrSize, &oneptrmask[0], , &)
// Retain defers records themselves.
// Defer records might not be reachable from the G through regular heap
// tracing because the defer linked list might weave between the stack and the heap.
if .heap {
scanblock(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&)), goarch.PtrSize, &oneptrmask[0], , &)
if ._panic != nil {
// Panics are always stack allocated.
.putPtr(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(._panic)), false)
// Find and scan all reachable stack objects.
// The state's pointer queue prioritizes precise pointers over
// conservative pointers so that we'll prefer scanning stack
// objects precisely.
for {
, := .getPtr()
if == 0 {
:= .findObject()
if == nil {
:= .r
if == nil {
// We've already scanned this object.
.setRecord(nil) // Don't scan it again.
if stackTraceDebug {
print(" live stkobj at", hex(.stack.lo+uintptr(.off)), "of size", .size)
if {
print(" (conservative)")
, := .gcdata()
:= .stack.lo + uintptr(.off)
if {
scanConservative(, , , , &)
} else {
scanblock(, , , , &)
// Deallocate object buffers.
// (Pointer buffers were all deallocated in the loop above.)
for .head != nil {
:= .head
.head = .next
if stackTraceDebug {
for := 0; < .nobj; ++ {
:= &.obj[]
if .r == nil { // reachable
println(" dead stkobj at", hex(.stack.lo+uintptr(.off)), "of size", .r.size)
// Note: not necessarily really dead - only reachable-from-ptr dead.
.nobj = 0
if .buf != nil || .cbuf != nil || .freeBuf != nil {
throw("remaining pointer buffers")
return int64()
// Scan a stack frame: local variables and function arguments/results.
func scanframeworker( *stkframe, *stackScanState, *gcWork) {
if _DebugGC > 1 && .continpc != 0 {
print("scanframe ", funcname(.fn), "\n")
:= .fn.valid() && .fn.funcID == abi.FuncID_asyncPreempt
:= .fn.valid() && .fn.funcID == abi.FuncID_debugCallV2
if .conservative || || {
if debugScanConservative {
println("conservatively scanning function", funcname(.fn), "at PC", hex(.continpc))
// Conservatively scan the frame. Unlike the precise
// case, this includes the outgoing argument space
// since we may have stopped while this function was
// setting up a call.
// TODO: We could narrow this down if the compiler
// produced a single map per function of stack slots
// and registers that ever contain a pointer.
if .varp != 0 {
:= .varp - .sp
if > 0 {
scanConservative(.sp, , nil, , )
// Scan arguments to this frame.
if := .argBytes(); != 0 {
// TODO: We could pass the entry argument map
// to narrow this down further.
scanConservative(.argp, , nil, , )
if || {
// This function's frame contained the
// registers for the asynchronously stopped
// parent frame. Scan the parent
// conservatively.
.conservative = true
} else {
// We only wanted to scan those two frames
// conservatively. Clear the flag for future
// frames.
.conservative = false
, , := .getStackMap(false)
// Scan local variables if stack frame has been allocated.
if .n > 0 {
:= uintptr(.n) * goarch.PtrSize
scanblock(.varp-, , .bytedata, , )
// Scan arguments.
if .n > 0 {
scanblock(.argp, uintptr(.n)*goarch.PtrSize, .bytedata, , )
// Add all stack objects to the stack object list.
if .varp != 0 {
// varp is 0 for defers, where there are no locals.
// In that case, there can't be a pointer to its args, either.
// (And all args would be scanned above anyway.)
for := range {
:= &[]
:= .off
:= .varp // locals base pointer
if >= 0 {
= .argp // arguments and return values base pointer
:= + uintptr()
if < .sp {
// object hasn't been allocated in the frame yet.
if stackTraceDebug {
println("stkobj at", hex(), "of size", .size)
.addObject(, )
type gcDrainFlags int
const (
gcDrainUntilPreempt gcDrainFlags = 1 << iota
// gcDrainMarkWorkerIdle is a wrapper for gcDrain that exists to better account
// mark time in profiles.
func gcDrainMarkWorkerIdle( *gcWork) {
gcDrain(, gcDrainIdle|gcDrainUntilPreempt|gcDrainFlushBgCredit)
// gcDrainMarkWorkerDedicated is a wrapper for gcDrain that exists to better account
// mark time in profiles.
func gcDrainMarkWorkerDedicated( *gcWork, bool) {
:= gcDrainFlushBgCredit
if {
|= gcDrainUntilPreempt
gcDrain(, )
// gcDrainMarkWorkerFractional is a wrapper for gcDrain that exists to better account
// mark time in profiles.
func gcDrainMarkWorkerFractional( *gcWork) {
gcDrain(, gcDrainFractional|gcDrainUntilPreempt|gcDrainFlushBgCredit)
// gcDrain scans roots and objects in work buffers, blackening grey
// objects until it is unable to get more work. It may return before
// GC is done; it's the caller's responsibility to balance work from
// other Ps.
// If flags&gcDrainUntilPreempt != 0, gcDrain returns when g.preempt
// is set.
// If flags&gcDrainIdle != 0, gcDrain returns when there is other work
// to do.
// If flags&gcDrainFractional != 0, gcDrain self-preempts when
// pollFractionalWorkerExit() returns true. This implies
// gcDrainNoBlock.
// If flags&gcDrainFlushBgCredit != 0, gcDrain flushes scan work
// credit to gcController.bgScanCredit every gcCreditSlack units of
// scan work.
// gcDrain will always return if there is a pending STW or forEachP.
// Disabling write barriers is necessary to ensure that after we've
// confirmed that we've drained gcw, that we don't accidentally end
// up flipping that condition by immediately adding work in the form
// of a write barrier buffer flush.
// Don't set nowritebarrierrec because it's safe for some callees to
// have write barriers enabled.
func gcDrain( *gcWork, gcDrainFlags) {
if !writeBarrier.enabled {
throw("gcDrain phase incorrect")
// N.B. We must be running in a non-preemptible context, so it's
// safe to hold a reference to our P here.
:= getg().m.curg
:= .m.p.ptr()
:= &gcDrainUntilPreempt != 0
:= &gcDrainFlushBgCredit != 0
:= &gcDrainIdle != 0
:= .heapScanWork
// checkWork is the scan work before performing the next
// self-preempt check.
:= int64(1<<63 - 1)
var func() bool
if &(gcDrainIdle|gcDrainFractional) != 0 {
= + drainCheckThreshold
if {
= pollWork
} else if &gcDrainFractional != 0 {
= pollFractionalWorkerExit
// Drain root marking jobs.
if work.markrootNext < work.markrootJobs {
// Stop if we're preemptible, if someone wants to STW, or if
// someone is calling forEachP.
for !(.preempt && ( || sched.gcwaiting.Load() || .runSafePointFn != 0)) {
:= atomic.Xadd(&work.markrootNext, +1) - 1
if >= work.markrootJobs {
markroot(, , )
if != nil && () {
// Drain heap marking jobs.
// Stop if we're preemptible, if someone wants to STW, or if
// someone is calling forEachP.
// TODO(mknyszek): Consider always checking gp.preempt instead
// of having the preempt flag, and making an exception for certain
// mark workers in retake. That might be simpler than trying to
// enumerate all the reasons why we might want to preempt, even
// if we're supposed to be mostly non-preemptible.
for !(.preempt && ( || sched.gcwaiting.Load() || .runSafePointFn != 0)) {
// Try to keep work available on the global queue. We used to
// check if there were waiting workers, but it's better to
// just keep work available than to make workers wait. In the
// worst case, we'll do O(log(_WorkbufSize)) unnecessary
// balances.
if work.full == 0 {
:= .tryGetFast()
if == 0 {
= .tryGet()
if == 0 {
// Flush the write barrier
// buffer; this may create
// more work.
= .tryGet()
if == 0 {
// Unable to get work.
scanobject(, )
// Flush background scan work credit to the global
// account if we've accumulated enough locally so
// mutator assists can draw on it.
if .heapScanWork >= gcCreditSlack {
if {
gcFlushBgCredit(.heapScanWork - )
= 0
-= .heapScanWork
.heapScanWork = 0
if <= 0 {
+= drainCheckThreshold
if != nil && () {
// Flush remaining scan work credit.
if .heapScanWork > 0 {
if {
gcFlushBgCredit(.heapScanWork - )
.heapScanWork = 0
// gcDrainN blackens grey objects until it has performed roughly
// scanWork units of scan work or the G is preempted. This is
// best-effort, so it may perform less work if it fails to get a work
// buffer. Otherwise, it will perform at least n units of work, but
// may perform more because scanning is always done in whole object
// increments. It returns the amount of scan work performed.
// The caller goroutine must be in a preemptible state (e.g.,
// _Gwaiting) to prevent deadlocks during stack scanning. As a
// consequence, this must be called on the system stack.
func gcDrainN( *gcWork, int64) int64 {
if !writeBarrier.enabled {
throw("gcDrainN phase incorrect")
// There may already be scan work on the gcw, which we don't
// want to claim was done by this call.
:= -.heapScanWork
// In addition to backing out because of a preemption, back out
// if the GC CPU limiter is enabled.
:= getg().m.curg
for !.preempt && !gcCPULimiter.limiting() && +.heapScanWork < {
// See gcDrain comment.
if work.full == 0 {
:= .tryGetFast()
if == 0 {
= .tryGet()
if == 0 {
// Flush the write barrier buffer;
// this may create more work.
= .tryGet()
if == 0 {
// Try to do a root job.
if work.markrootNext < work.markrootJobs {
:= atomic.Xadd(&work.markrootNext, +1) - 1
if < work.markrootJobs {
+= markroot(, , false)
// No heap or root jobs.
scanobject(, )
// Flush background scan work credit.
if .heapScanWork >= gcCreditSlack {
+= .heapScanWork
.heapScanWork = 0
// Unlike gcDrain, there's no need to flush remaining work
// here because this never flushes to bgScanCredit and
// gcw.dispose will flush any remaining work to scanWork.
return + .heapScanWork
// scanblock scans b as scanobject would, but using an explicit
// pointer bitmap instead of the heap bitmap.
// This is used to scan non-heap roots, so it does not update
// gcw.bytesMarked or gcw.heapScanWork.
// If stk != nil, possible stack pointers are also reported to stk.putPtr.
func scanblock(, uintptr, *uint8, *gcWork, *stackScanState) {
// Use local copies of original parameters, so that a stack trace
// due to one of the throws below shows the original block
// base and extent.
for := uintptr(0); < ; {
// Find bits for the next word.
:= uint32(*addb(, /(goarch.PtrSize*8)))
if == 0 {
+= goarch.PtrSize * 8
for := 0; < 8 && < ; ++ {
if &1 != 0 {
// Same work as in scanobject; see comments there.
:= *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer( + ))
if != 0 {
if , , := findObject(, , ); != 0 {
greyobject(, , , , , )
} else if != nil && >= .stack.lo && < .stack.hi {
.putPtr(, false)
>>= 1
+= goarch.PtrSize
// scanobject scans the object starting at b, adding pointers to gcw.
// b must point to the beginning of a heap object or an oblet.
// scanobject consults the GC bitmap for the pointer mask and the
// spans for the size of the object.
func scanobject( uintptr, *gcWork) {
// Prefetch object before we scan it.
// This will overlap fetching the beginning of the object with initial
// setup before we start scanning the object.
// Find the bits for b and the size of the object at b.
// b is either the beginning of an object, in which case this
// is the size of the object to scan, or it points to an
// oblet, in which case we compute the size to scan below.
:= spanOfUnchecked()
:= .elemsize
if == 0 {
throw("scanobject n == 0")
if .spanclass.noscan() {
// Correctness-wise this is ok, but it's inefficient
// if noscan objects reach here.
throw("scanobject of a noscan object")
var typePointers
if > maxObletBytes {
// Large object. Break into oblets for better
// parallelism and lower latency.
if == .base() {
// Enqueue the other oblets to scan later.
// Some oblets may be in b's scalar tail, but
// these will be marked as "no more pointers",
// so we'll drop out immediately when we go to
// scan those.
for := + maxObletBytes; < .base()+.elemsize; += maxObletBytes {
if !.putFast() {
// Compute the size of the oblet. Since this object
// must be a large object, s.base() is the beginning
// of the object.
= .base() + .elemsize -
= min(, maxObletBytes)
= .typePointersOfUnchecked(.base())
= .fastForward(-.addr, +)
} else {
= .typePointersOfUnchecked()
var uintptr
for {
var uintptr
if , = .nextFast(); == 0 {
if , = .next( + ); == 0 {
// Keep track of farthest pointer we found, so we can
// update heapScanWork. TODO: is there a better metric,
// now that we can skip scalar portions pretty efficiently?
= - + goarch.PtrSize
// Work here is duplicated in scanblock and above.
// If you make changes here, make changes there too.
:= *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer())
// At this point we have extracted the next potential pointer.
// Quickly filter out nil and pointers back to the current object.
if != 0 && - >= {
// Test if obj points into the Go heap and, if so,
// mark the object.
// Note that it's possible for findObject to
// fail if obj points to a just-allocated heap
// object because of a race with growing the
// heap. In this case, we know the object was
// just allocated and hence will be marked by
// allocation itself.
if , , := findObject(, , -); != 0 {
greyobject(, , -, , , )
.bytesMarked += uint64()
.heapScanWork += int64()
// scanConservative scans block [b, b+n) conservatively, treating any
// pointer-like value in the block as a pointer.
// If ptrmask != nil, only words that are marked in ptrmask are
// considered as potential pointers.
// If state != nil, it's assumed that [b, b+n) is a block in the stack
// and may contain pointers to stack objects.
func scanConservative(, uintptr, *uint8, *gcWork, *stackScanState) {
if debugScanConservative {
print("conservatively scanning [", hex(), ",", hex(+), ")\n")
hexdumpWords(, +, func( uintptr) byte {
if != nil {
:= ( - ) / goarch.PtrSize
:= *addb(, /8)
if (>>(%8))&1 == 0 {
return '$'
:= *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer())
if != nil && .stack.lo <= && < .stack.hi {
return '@'
:= spanOfHeap()
if == nil {
return ' '
:= .objIndex()
if .isFree() {
return ' '
return '*'
for := uintptr(0); < ; += goarch.PtrSize {
if != nil {
:= / goarch.PtrSize
:= *addb(, /8)
if == 0 {
// Skip 8 words (the loop increment will do the 8th)
// This must be the first time we've
// seen this word of ptrmask, so i
// must be 8-word-aligned, but check
// our reasoning just in case.
if %(goarch.PtrSize*8) != 0 {
throw("misaligned mask")
+= goarch.PtrSize*8 - goarch.PtrSize
if (>>(%8))&1 == 0 {
:= *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer( + ))
// Check if val points into the stack.
if != nil && .stack.lo <= && < .stack.hi {
// val may point to a stack object. This
// object may be dead from last cycle and
// hence may contain pointers to unallocated
// objects, but unlike heap objects we can't
// tell if it's already dead. Hence, if all
// pointers to this object are from
// conservative scanning, we have to scan it
// defensively, too.
.putPtr(, true)
// Check if val points to a heap span.
:= spanOfHeap()
if == nil {
// Check if val points to an allocated object.
:= .objIndex()
if .isFree() {
// val points to an allocated object. Mark it.
:= .base() + *.elemsize
greyobject(, , , , , )
// Shade the object if it isn't already.
// The object is not nil and known to be in the heap.
// Preemption must be disabled.
func shade( uintptr) {
if , , := findObject(, 0, 0); != 0 {
:= &getg().m.p.ptr().gcw
greyobject(, 0, 0, , , )
// obj is the start of an object with mark mbits.
// If it isn't already marked, mark it and enqueue into gcw.
// base and off are for debugging only and could be removed.
// See also wbBufFlush1, which partially duplicates this logic.
func greyobject(, , uintptr, *mspan, *gcWork, uintptr) {
// obj should be start of allocation, and so must be at least pointer-aligned.
if &(goarch.PtrSize-1) != 0 {
throw("greyobject: obj not pointer-aligned")
:= .markBitsForIndex()
if useCheckmark {
if setCheckmark(, , , ) {
// Already marked.
} else {
if debug.gccheckmark > 0 && .isFree() {
print("runtime: marking free object ", hex(), " found at *(", hex(), "+", hex(), ")\n")
gcDumpObject("base", , )
gcDumpObject("obj", , ^uintptr(0))
getg().m.traceback = 2
throw("marking free object")
// If marked we have nothing to do.
if .isMarked() {
// Mark span.
, , := pageIndexOf(.base())
if .pageMarks[]& == 0 {
atomic.Or8(&.pageMarks[], )
// If this is a noscan object, fast-track it to black
// instead of greying it.
if .spanclass.noscan() {
.bytesMarked += uint64(.elemsize)
// We're adding obj to P's local workbuf, so it's likely
// this object will be processed soon by the same P.
// Even if the workbuf gets flushed, there will likely still be
// some benefit on platforms with inclusive shared caches.
// Queue the obj for scanning.
if !.putFast() {
// gcDumpObject dumps the contents of obj for debugging and marks the
// field at byte offset off in obj.
func gcDumpObject( string, , uintptr) {
:= spanOf()
print(, "=", hex())
if == nil {
print(" s=nil\n")
print(" s.base()=", hex(.base()), " s.limit=", hex(.limit), " s.spanclass=", .spanclass, " s.elemsize=", .elemsize, " s.state=")
if := .state.get(); 0 <= && int() < len(mSpanStateNames) {
print(mSpanStateNames[], "\n")
} else {
print("unknown(", , ")\n")
:= false
:= .elemsize
if .state.get() == mSpanManual && == 0 {
// We're printing something from a stack frame. We
// don't know how big it is, so just show up to an
// including off.
= + goarch.PtrSize
for := uintptr(0); < ; += goarch.PtrSize {
// For big objects, just print the beginning (because
// that usually hints at the object's type) and the
// fields around off.
if !( < 128*goarch.PtrSize || -16*goarch.PtrSize < && < +16*goarch.PtrSize) {
= true
if {
print(" ...\n")
= false
print(" *(", , "+", , ") = ", hex(*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer( + ))))
if == {
print(" <==")
if {
print(" ...\n")
// gcmarknewobject marks a newly allocated object black. obj must
// not contain any non-nil pointers.
// This is nosplit so it can manipulate a gcWork without preemption.
func gcmarknewobject( *mspan, uintptr) {
if useCheckmark { // The world should be stopped so this should not happen.
throw("gcmarknewobject called while doing checkmark")
if gcphase == _GCmarktermination {
// Check this here instead of on the hot path.
throw("mallocgc called with gcphase == _GCmarktermination")
// Mark object.
:= .objIndex()
// Mark span.
, , := pageIndexOf(.base())
if .pageMarks[]& == 0 {
atomic.Or8(&.pageMarks[], )
:= &getg().m.p.ptr().gcw
.bytesMarked += uint64(.elemsize)
// gcMarkTinyAllocs greys all active tiny alloc blocks.
// The world must be stopped.
func gcMarkTinyAllocs() {
for , := range allp {
:= .mcache
if == nil || .tiny == 0 {
, , := findObject(.tiny, 0, 0)
:= &.gcw
greyobject(.tiny, 0, 0, , , )
![]() |
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.5. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64) Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu. PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list. Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds. |