// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package runtime

import (

// addb returns the byte pointer p+n.
func addb( *byte,  uintptr) *byte {
	// Note: wrote out full expression instead of calling add(p, n)
	// to reduce the number of temporaries generated by the
	// compiler for this trivial expression during inlining.
	return (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer()) + ))

// subtractb returns the byte pointer p-n.
func subtractb( *byte,  uintptr) *byte {
	// Note: wrote out full expression instead of calling add(p, -n)
	// to reduce the number of temporaries generated by the
	// compiler for this trivial expression during inlining.
	return (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer()) - ))

// add1 returns the byte pointer p+1.
func add1( *byte) *byte {
	// Note: wrote out full expression instead of calling addb(p, 1)
	// to reduce the number of temporaries generated by the
	// compiler for this trivial expression during inlining.
	return (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer()) + 1))

// subtract1 returns the byte pointer p-1.
// nosplit because it is used during write barriers and must not be preempted.
func subtract1( *byte) *byte {
	// Note: wrote out full expression instead of calling subtractb(p, 1)
	// to reduce the number of temporaries generated by the
	// compiler for this trivial expression during inlining.
	return (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer()) - 1))

// markBits provides access to the mark bit for an object in the heap.
// bytep points to the byte holding the mark bit.
// mask is a byte with a single bit set that can be &ed with *bytep
// to see if the bit has been set.
// *m.byte&m.mask != 0 indicates the mark bit is set.
// index can be used along with span information to generate
// the address of the object in the heap.
// We maintain one set of mark bits for allocation and one for
// marking purposes.
type markBits struct {
	bytep *uint8
	mask  uint8
	index uintptr

func ( *mspan) ( uintptr) markBits {
	,  := .allocBits.bitp()
	return markBits{, , }

// refillAllocCache takes 8 bytes s.allocBits starting at whichByte
// and negates them so that ctz (count trailing zeros) instructions
// can be used. It then places these 8 bytes into the cached 64 bit
// s.allocCache.
func ( *mspan) ( uint16) {
	 := (*[8]uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(.allocBits.bytep(uintptr())))
	 := uint64(0)
	 |= uint64([0])
	 |= uint64([1]) << (1 * 8)
	 |= uint64([2]) << (2 * 8)
	 |= uint64([3]) << (3 * 8)
	 |= uint64([4]) << (4 * 8)
	 |= uint64([5]) << (5 * 8)
	 |= uint64([6]) << (6 * 8)
	 |= uint64([7]) << (7 * 8)
	.allocCache = ^

// nextFreeIndex returns the index of the next free object in s at
// or after s.freeindex.
// There are hardware instructions that can be used to make this
// faster if profiling warrants it.
func ( *mspan) () uint16 {
	 := .freeindex
	 := .nelems
	if  ==  {
	if  >  {
		throw("s.freeindex > s.nelems")

	 := .allocCache

	 := sys.TrailingZeros64()
	for  == 64 {
		// Move index to start of next cached bits.
		 = ( + 64) &^ (64 - 1)
		if  >=  {
			.freeindex = 
		 :=  / 8
		// Refill s.allocCache with the next 64 alloc bits.
		 = .allocCache
		 = sys.TrailingZeros64()
		// nothing available in cached bits
		// grab the next 8 bytes and try again.
	 :=  + uint16()
	if  >=  {
		.freeindex = 

	.allocCache >>= uint( + 1)
	 =  + 1

	if %64 == 0 &&  !=  {
		// We just incremented s.freeindex so it isn't 0.
		// As each 1 in s.allocCache was encountered and used for allocation
		// it was shifted away. At this point s.allocCache contains all 0s.
		// Refill s.allocCache so that it corresponds
		// to the bits at s.allocBits starting at s.freeindex.
		 :=  / 8
	.freeindex = 

// isFree reports whether the index'th object in s is unallocated.
// The caller must ensure s.state is mSpanInUse, and there must have
// been no preemption points since ensuring this (which could allow a
// GC transition, which would allow the state to change).
func ( *mspan) ( uintptr) bool {
	if  < uintptr(.freeIndexForScan) {
		return false
	,  := .allocBits.bitp()
	return *& == 0

// divideByElemSize returns n/s.elemsize.
// n must be within [0, s.npages*_PageSize),
// or may be exactly s.npages*_PageSize
// if s.elemsize is from sizeclasses.go.
// nosplit, because it is called by objIndex, which is nosplit
func ( *mspan) ( uintptr) uintptr {
	const  = false

	// See explanation in mksizeclasses.go's computeDivMagic.
	 := uintptr((uint64() * uint64(.divMul)) >> 32)

	if  &&  != /.elemsize {
		println(, "/", .elemsize, "should be", /.elemsize, "but got", )
		throw("bad magic division")

// nosplit, because it is called by other nosplit code like findObject
func ( *mspan) ( uintptr) uintptr {
	return .divideByElemSize( - .base())

func markBitsForAddr( uintptr) markBits {
	 := spanOf()
	 := .objIndex()
	return .markBitsForIndex()

func ( *mspan) ( uintptr) markBits {
	,  := .gcmarkBits.bitp()
	return markBits{, , }

func ( *mspan) () markBits {
	return markBits{&.gcmarkBits.x, uint8(1), 0}

// isMarked reports whether mark bit m is set.
func ( markBits) () bool {
	return *.bytep&.mask != 0

// setMarked sets the marked bit in the markbits, atomically.
func ( markBits) () {
	// Might be racing with other updates, so use atomic update always.
	// We used to be clever here and use a non-atomic update in certain
	// cases, but it's not worth the risk.
	atomic.Or8(.bytep, .mask)

// setMarkedNonAtomic sets the marked bit in the markbits, non-atomically.
func ( markBits) () {
	*.bytep |= .mask

// clearMarked clears the marked bit in the markbits, atomically.
func ( markBits) () {
	// Might be racing with other updates, so use atomic update always.
	// We used to be clever here and use a non-atomic update in certain
	// cases, but it's not worth the risk.
	atomic.And8(.bytep, ^.mask)

// markBitsForSpan returns the markBits for the span base address base.
func markBitsForSpan( uintptr) ( markBits) {
	 = markBitsForAddr()
	if .mask != 1 {
		throw("markBitsForSpan: unaligned start")

// advance advances the markBits to the next object in the span.
func ( *markBits) () {
	if .mask == 1<<7 {
		.bytep = (*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(.bytep)) + 1))
		.mask = 1
	} else {
		.mask = .mask << 1

// clobberdeadPtr is a special value that is used by the compiler to
// clobber dead stack slots, when -clobberdead flag is set.
const clobberdeadPtr = uintptr(0xdeaddead | 0xdeaddead<<((^uintptr(0)>>63)*32))

// badPointer throws bad pointer in heap panic.
func badPointer( *mspan, , ,  uintptr) {
	// Typically this indicates an incorrect use
	// of unsafe or cgo to store a bad pointer in
	// the Go heap. It may also indicate a runtime
	// bug.
	// TODO(austin): We could be more aggressive
	// and detect pointers to unallocated objects
	// in allocated spans.
	print("runtime: pointer ", hex())
	if  != nil {
		 := .state.get()
		if  != mSpanInUse {
			print(" to unallocated span")
		} else {
			print(" to unused region of span")
		print(" span.base()=", hex(.base()), " span.limit=", hex(.limit), " span.state=", )
	if  != 0 {
		print("runtime: found in object at *(", hex(), "+", hex(), ")\n")
		gcDumpObject("object", , )
	getg().m.traceback = 2
	throw("found bad pointer in Go heap (incorrect use of unsafe or cgo?)")

// findObject returns the base address for the heap object containing
// the address p, the object's span, and the index of the object in s.
// If p does not point into a heap object, it returns base == 0.
// If p points is an invalid heap pointer and debug.invalidptr != 0,
// findObject panics.
// refBase and refOff optionally give the base address of the object
// in which the pointer p was found and the byte offset at which it
// was found. These are used for error reporting.
// It is nosplit so it is safe for p to be a pointer to the current goroutine's stack.
// Since p is a uintptr, it would not be adjusted if the stack were to move.
func findObject(, ,  uintptr) ( uintptr,  *mspan,  uintptr) {
	 = spanOf()
	// If s is nil, the virtual address has never been part of the heap.
	// This pointer may be to some mmap'd region, so we allow it.
	if  == nil {
		if (GOARCH == "amd64" || GOARCH == "arm64") &&  == clobberdeadPtr && debug.invalidptr != 0 {
			// Crash if clobberdeadPtr is seen. Only on AMD64 and ARM64 for now,
			// as they are the only platform where compiler's clobberdead mode is
			// implemented. On these platforms clobberdeadPtr cannot be a valid address.
			badPointer(, , , )
	// If p is a bad pointer, it may not be in s's bounds.
	// Check s.state to synchronize with span initialization
	// before checking other fields. See also spanOfHeap.
	if  := .state.get();  != mSpanInUse ||  < .base() ||  >= .limit {
		// Pointers into stacks are also ok, the runtime manages these explicitly.
		if  == mSpanManual {
		// The following ensures that we are rigorous about what data
		// structures hold valid pointers.
		if debug.invalidptr != 0 {
			badPointer(, , , )

	 = .objIndex()
	 = .base() + *.elemsize

// reflect_verifyNotInHeapPtr reports whether converting the not-in-heap pointer into a unsafe.Pointer is ok.
//go:linkname reflect_verifyNotInHeapPtr reflect.verifyNotInHeapPtr
func reflect_verifyNotInHeapPtr( uintptr) bool {
	// Conversion to a pointer is ok as long as findObject above does not call badPointer.
	// Since we're already promised that p doesn't point into the heap, just disallow heap
	// pointers and the special clobbered pointer.
	return spanOf() == nil &&  != clobberdeadPtr

const ptrBits = 8 * goarch.PtrSize

// bulkBarrierBitmap executes write barriers for copying from [src,
// src+size) to [dst, dst+size) using a 1-bit pointer bitmap. src is
// assumed to start maskOffset bytes into the data covered by the
// bitmap in bits (which may not be a multiple of 8).
// This is used by bulkBarrierPreWrite for writes to data and BSS.
func bulkBarrierBitmap(, , ,  uintptr,  *uint8) {
	 :=  / goarch.PtrSize
	 = addb(, /8)
	 := uint8(1) << ( % 8)

	 := &getg().m.p.ptr().wbBuf
	for  := uintptr(0);  < ;  += goarch.PtrSize {
		if  == 0 {
			 = addb(, 1)
			if * == 0 {
				// Skip 8 words.
				 += 7 * goarch.PtrSize
			 = 1
		if *& != 0 {
			 := (*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer( + ))
			if  == 0 {
				 := .get1()
				[0] = *
			} else {
				 := (*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer( + ))
				 := .get2()
				[0] = *
				[1] = *
		 <<= 1

// typeBitsBulkBarrier executes a write barrier for every
// pointer that would be copied from [src, src+size) to [dst,
// dst+size) by a memmove using the type bitmap to locate those
// pointer slots.
// The type typ must correspond exactly to [src, src+size) and [dst, dst+size).
// dst, src, and size must be pointer-aligned.
// The type typ must have a plain bitmap, not a GC program.
// The only use of this function is in channel sends, and the
// 64 kB channel element limit takes care of this for us.
// Must not be preempted because it typically runs right before memmove,
// and the GC must observe them as an atomic action.
// Callers must perform cgo checks if goexperiment.CgoCheck2.
func typeBitsBulkBarrier( *_type, , ,  uintptr) {
	if  == nil {
		throw("runtime: typeBitsBulkBarrier without type")
	if .Size_ !=  {
		println("runtime: typeBitsBulkBarrier with type ", toRType().string(), " of size ", .Size_, " but memory size", )
		throw("runtime: invalid typeBitsBulkBarrier")
	if .Kind_&kindGCProg != 0 {
		println("runtime: typeBitsBulkBarrier with type ", toRType().string(), " with GC prog")
		throw("runtime: invalid typeBitsBulkBarrier")
	if !writeBarrier.enabled {
	 := .GCData
	 := &getg().m.p.ptr().wbBuf
	var  uint32
	for  := uintptr(0);  < .PtrBytes;  += goarch.PtrSize {
		if &(goarch.PtrSize*8-1) == 0 {
			 = uint32(*)
			 = addb(, 1)
		} else {
			 =  >> 1
		if &1 != 0 {
			 := (*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer( + ))
			 := (*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer( + ))
			 := .get2()
			[0] = *
			[1] = *

// countAlloc returns the number of objects allocated in span s by
// scanning the mark bitmap.
func ( *mspan) () int {
	 := 0
	 := divRoundUp(uintptr(.nelems), 8)
	// Iterate over each 8-byte chunk and count allocations
	// with an intrinsic. Note that newMarkBits guarantees that
	// gcmarkBits will be 8-byte aligned, so we don't have to
	// worry about edge cases, irrelevant bits will simply be zero.
	for  := uintptr(0);  < ;  += 8 {
		// Extract 64 bits from the byte pointer and get a OnesCount.
		// Note that the unsafe cast here doesn't preserve endianness,
		// but that's OK. We only care about how many bits are 1, not
		// about the order we discover them in.
		 := *(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(.gcmarkBits.bytep()))
		 += sys.OnesCount64()

// Read the bytes starting at the aligned pointer p into a uintptr.
// Read is little-endian.
func readUintptr( *byte) uintptr {
	 := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer())
	if goarch.BigEndian {
		if goarch.PtrSize == 8 {
			return uintptr(sys.Bswap64(uint64()))
		return uintptr(sys.Bswap32(uint32()))

var debugPtrmask struct {
	lock mutex
	data *byte

// progToPointerMask returns the 1-bit pointer mask output by the GC program prog.
// size the size of the region described by prog, in bytes.
// The resulting bitvector will have no more than size/goarch.PtrSize bits.
func progToPointerMask( *byte,  uintptr) bitvector {
	 := (/goarch.PtrSize + 7) / 8
	 := (*[1 << 30]byte)(persistentalloc(+1, 1, &memstats.buckhash_sys))[:+1]
	[len()-1] = 0xa1 // overflow check sentinel
	 = runGCProg(, &[0])
	if [len()-1] != 0xa1 {
		throw("progToPointerMask: overflow")
	return bitvector{int32(), &[0]}

// Packed GC pointer bitmaps, aka GC programs.
// For large types containing arrays, the type information has a
// natural repetition that can be encoded to save space in the
// binary and in the memory representation of the type information.
// The encoding is a simple Lempel-Ziv style bytecode machine
// with the following instructions:
//	00000000: stop
//	0nnnnnnn: emit n bits copied from the next (n+7)/8 bytes
//	10000000 n c: repeat the previous n bits c times; n, c are varints
//	1nnnnnnn c: repeat the previous n bits c times; c is a varint

// runGCProg returns the number of 1-bit entries written to memory.
func runGCProg(,  *byte) uintptr {

	// Bits waiting to be written to memory.
	var  uintptr
	var  uintptr

	for {
		// Flush accumulated full bytes.
		// The rest of the loop assumes that nbits <= 7.
		for ;  >= 8;  -= 8 {
			* = uint8()
			 = add1()
			 >>= 8

		// Process one instruction.
		 := uintptr(*)
		 = add1()
		 :=  & 0x7F
		if &0x80 == 0 {
			// Literal bits; n == 0 means end of program.
			if  == 0 {
				// Program is over.
			 :=  / 8
			for  := uintptr(0);  < ; ++ {
				 |= uintptr(*) << 
				 = add1()
				* = uint8()
				 = add1()
				 >>= 8
			if  %= 8;  > 0 {
				 |= uintptr(*) << 
				 = add1()

		// Repeat. If n == 0, it is encoded in a varint in the next bytes.
		if  == 0 {
			for  := uint(0); ;  += 7 {
				 := uintptr(*)
				 = add1()
				 |= ( & 0x7F) << 
				if &0x80 == 0 {

		// Count is encoded in a varint in the next bytes.
		 := uintptr(0)
		for  := uint(0); ;  += 7 {
			 := uintptr(*)
			 = add1()
			 |= ( & 0x7F) << 
			if &0x80 == 0 {
		 *=  // now total number of bits to copy

		// If the number of bits being repeated is small, load them
		// into a register and use that register for the entire loop
		// instead of repeatedly reading from memory.
		// Handling fewer than 8 bits here makes the general loop simpler.
		// The cutoff is goarch.PtrSize*8 - 7 to guarantee that when we add
		// the pattern to a bit buffer holding at most 7 bits (a partial byte)
		// it will not overflow.
		const  = goarch.PtrSize*8 - 7
		if  <=  {
			// Start with bits in output buffer.

			// If we need more bits, fetch them from memory.
			 = subtract1()
			for  <  {
				 <<= 8
				 |= uintptr(*)
				 = subtract1()
				 += 8

			// We started with the whole bit output buffer,
			// and then we loaded bits from whole bytes.
			// Either way, we might now have too many instead of too few.
			// Discard the extra.
			if  >  {
				 >>=  - 

			// Replicate pattern to at most maxBits.
			if  == 1 {
				// One bit being repeated.
				// If the bit is 1, make the pattern all 1s.
				// If the bit is 0, the pattern is already all 0s,
				// but we can claim that the number of bits
				// in the word is equal to the number we need (c),
				// because right shift of bits will zero fill.
				if  == 1 {
					 = 1<< - 1
				} else {
			} else {
				if + <=  {
					// Double pattern until the whole uintptr is filled.
					for  <= goarch.PtrSize*8 {
						 |=  << 
					// Trim away incomplete copy of original pattern in high bits.
					// TODO(rsc): Replace with table lookup or loop on systems without divide?
					 =  /  * 
					 &= 1<< - 1

			// Add pattern to bit buffer and flush bit buffer, c/npattern times.
			// Since pattern contains >8 bits, there will be full bytes to flush
			// on each iteration.
			for ;  >= ;  -=  {
				 |=  << 
				for  >= 8 {
					* = uint8()
					 = add1()
					 >>= 8
					 -= 8

			// Add final fragment to bit buffer.
			if  > 0 {
				 &= 1<< - 1
				 |=  << 

		// Repeat; n too large to fit in a register.
		// Since nbits <= 7, we know the first few bytes of repeated data
		// are already written to memory.
		 :=  -  // n > nbits because n > maxBits and nbits <= 7
		// Leading src fragment.
		 = subtractb(, (+7)/8)
		if  :=  & 7;  != 0 {
			 |= uintptr(*) >> (8 - ) << 
			 = add1()
		// Main loop: load one byte, write another.
		// The bits are rotating through the bit buffer.
		for  :=  / 8;  > 0; -- {
			 |= uintptr(*) << 
			 = add1()
			* = uint8()
			 = add1()
			 >>= 8
		// Final src fragment.
		if  %= 8;  > 0 {
			 |= (uintptr(*) & (1<< - 1)) << 

	// Write any final bits out, using full-byte writes, even for the final byte.
	 := (uintptr(unsafe.Pointer())-uintptr(unsafe.Pointer()))*8 + 
	 += - & 7
	for ;  > 0;  -= 8 {
		* = uint8()
		 = add1()
		 >>= 8

// materializeGCProg allocates space for the (1-bit) pointer bitmask
// for an object of size ptrdata.  Then it fills that space with the
// pointer bitmask specified by the program prog.
// The bitmask starts at s.startAddr.
// The result must be deallocated with dematerializeGCProg.
func materializeGCProg( uintptr,  *byte) *mspan {
	// Each word of ptrdata needs one bit in the bitmap.
	 := divRoundUp(, 8*goarch.PtrSize)
	// Compute the number of pages needed for bitmapBytes.
	 := divRoundUp(, pageSize)
	 := mheap_.allocManual(, spanAllocPtrScalarBits)
	runGCProg(addb(, 4), (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(.startAddr)))
func dematerializeGCProg( *mspan) {
	mheap_.freeManual(, spanAllocPtrScalarBits)

func dumpGCProg( *byte) {
	 := 0
	for {
		 := *
		 = add1()
		if  == 0 {
			print("\t", , " end\n")
		if &0x80 == 0 {
			print("\t", , " lit ", , ":")
			 := int(+7) / 8
			for  := 0;  < ; ++ {
				print(" ", hex(*))
				 = add1()
			 += int()
		} else {
			 := int( &^ 0x80)
			if  == 0 {
				for  := uint(0); ;  += 7 {
					 := *
					 = add1()
					 |= int(&0x7f) << 
					if &0x80 == 0 {
			 := 0
			for  := uint(0); ;  += 7 {
				 := *
				 = add1()
				 |= int(&0x7f) << 
				if &0x80 == 0 {
			print("\t", , " repeat ", , " × ", , "\n")
			 +=  * 

// Testing.

// reflect_gcbits returns the GC type info for x, for testing.
// The result is the bitmap entries (0 or 1), one entry per byte.
//go:linkname reflect_gcbits reflect.gcbits
func reflect_gcbits( any) []byte {
	return getgcmask()