package gcimporter
import (
type intReader struct {
*bufio .Reader
path string
func (r *intReader ) int64 () int64 {
i , err := binary .ReadVarint (r .Reader )
if err != nil {
errorf ("import %q: read varint error: %v" , r .path , err )
return i
func (r *intReader ) uint64 () uint64 {
i , err := binary .ReadUvarint (r .Reader )
if err != nil {
errorf ("import %q: read varint error: %v" , r .path , err )
return i
const (
iexportVersionGo1_11 = 0
iexportVersionPosCol = 1
iexportVersionGenerics = 2
iexportVersionGo1_18 = 2
iexportVersionCurrent = 2
type ident struct {
pkg *types .Package
name string
const predeclReserved = 32
type itag uint64
const (
definedType itag = iota
func iImportData(fset *token .FileSet , imports map [string ]*types .Package , dataReader *bufio .Reader , path string ) (pkg *types .Package , err error ) {
const currentVersion = iexportVersionCurrent
version := int64 (-1 )
defer func () {
if e := recover (); e != nil {
if version > currentVersion {
err = fmt .Errorf ("cannot import %q (%v), export data is newer version - update tool" , path , e )
} else {
err = fmt .Errorf ("cannot import %q (%v), possibly version skew - reinstall package" , path , e )
r := &intReader {dataReader , path }
version = int64 (r .uint64 ())
switch version {
case iexportVersionGo1_18 , iexportVersionPosCol , iexportVersionGo1_11 :
default :
errorf ("unknown iexport format version %d" , version )
sLen := r .uint64 ()
dLen := r .uint64 ()
if sLen > math .MaxUint64 -dLen {
errorf ("lengths out of range (%d, %d)" , sLen , dLen )
data , err := saferio .ReadData (r , sLen +dLen )
if err != nil {
errorf ("cannot read %d bytes of stringData and declData: %s" , sLen +dLen , err )
stringData := data [:sLen ]
declData := data [sLen :]
p := iimporter {
exportVersion : version ,
ipath : path ,
version : int (version ),
stringData : stringData ,
stringCache : make (map [uint64 ]string ),
pkgCache : make (map [uint64 ]*types .Package ),
declData : declData ,
pkgIndex : make (map [*types .Package ]map [string ]uint64 ),
typCache : make (map [uint64 ]types .Type ),
tparamIndex : make (map [ident ]*types .TypeParam ),
fake : fakeFileSet {
fset : fset ,
files : make (map [string ]*fileInfo ),
defer p .fake .setLines ()
for i , pt := range predeclared {
p .typCache [uint64 (i )] = pt
p .typCache [uint64 (len (predeclared ))] = types .Universe .Lookup ("any" ).Type ()
pkgList := make ([]*types .Package , r .uint64 ())
for i := range pkgList {
pkgPathOff := r .uint64 ()
pkgPath := p .stringAt (pkgPathOff )
pkgName := p .stringAt (r .uint64 ())
_ = r .uint64 ()
if pkgPath == "" {
pkgPath = path
pkg := imports [pkgPath ]
if pkg == nil {
pkg = types .NewPackage (pkgPath , pkgName )
imports [pkgPath ] = pkg
} else if pkg .Name () != pkgName {
errorf ("conflicting names %s and %s for package %q" , pkg .Name (), pkgName , path )
p .pkgCache [pkgPathOff ] = pkg
nameIndex := make (map [string ]uint64 )
for nSyms := r .uint64 (); nSyms > 0 ; nSyms -- {
name := p .stringAt (r .uint64 ())
nameIndex [name ] = r .uint64 ()
p .pkgIndex [pkg ] = nameIndex
pkgList [i ] = pkg
localpkg := pkgList [0 ]
names := make ([]string , 0 , len (p .pkgIndex [localpkg ]))
for name := range p .pkgIndex [localpkg ] {
names = append (names , name )
slices .Sort (names )
for _ , name := range names {
p .doDecl (localpkg , name )
for _ , d := range p .later {
d .t .SetConstraint (d .constraint )
for _ , typ := range p .interfaceList {
typ .Complete ()
list := append (([]*types .Package )(nil ), pkgList [1 :]...)
slices .SortFunc (list , func (a , b *types .Package ) int {
return strings .Compare (a .Path (), b .Path ())
localpkg .SetImports (list )
localpkg .MarkComplete ()
return localpkg , nil
type setConstraintArgs struct {
t *types .TypeParam
constraint types .Type
type iimporter struct {
exportVersion int64
ipath string
version int
stringData []byte
stringCache map [uint64 ]string
pkgCache map [uint64 ]*types .Package
declData []byte
pkgIndex map [*types .Package ]map [string ]uint64
typCache map [uint64 ]types .Type
tparamIndex map [ident ]*types .TypeParam
fake fakeFileSet
interfaceList []*types .Interface
later []setConstraintArgs
func (p *iimporter ) doDecl (pkg *types .Package , name string ) {
if obj := pkg .Scope ().Lookup (name ); obj != nil {
off , ok := p .pkgIndex [pkg ][name ]
if !ok {
errorf ("%v.%v not in index" , pkg , name )
r := &importReader {p : p , currPkg : pkg }
r .declReader .Reset (p .declData [off :])
r .obj (name )
func (p *iimporter ) stringAt (off uint64 ) string {
if s , ok := p .stringCache [off ]; ok {
return s
slen , n := binary .Uvarint (p .stringData [off :])
if n <= 0 {
errorf ("varint failed" )
spos := off + uint64 (n )
s := string (p .stringData [spos : spos +slen ])
p .stringCache [off ] = s
return s
func (p *iimporter ) pkgAt (off uint64 ) *types .Package {
if pkg , ok := p .pkgCache [off ]; ok {
return pkg
path := p .stringAt (off )
errorf ("missing package %q in %q" , path , p .ipath )
return nil
func (p *iimporter ) typAt (off uint64 , base *types .Named ) types .Type {
if t , ok := p .typCache [off ]; ok && canReuse (base , t ) {
return t
if off < predeclReserved {
errorf ("predeclared type missing from cache: %v" , off )
r := &importReader {p : p }
r .declReader .Reset (p .declData [off -predeclReserved :])
t := r .doType (base )
if canReuse (base , t ) {
p .typCache [off ] = t
return t
func canReuse(def *types .Named , rhs types .Type ) bool {
if def == nil {
return true
iface , _ := rhs .(*types .Interface )
if iface == nil {
return true
return iface .NumEmbeddeds () == 0 && iface .NumExplicitMethods () == 0
type importReader struct {
p *iimporter
declReader bytes .Reader
currPkg *types .Package
prevFile string
prevLine int64
prevColumn int64
func (r *importReader ) obj (name string ) {
tag := r .byte ()
pos := r .pos ()
switch tag {
case 'A' :
typ := r .typ ()
r .declare (types .NewTypeName (pos , r .currPkg , name , typ ))
case 'C' :
typ , val := r .value ()
r .declare (types .NewConst (pos , r .currPkg , name , typ , val ))
case 'F' , 'G' :
var tparams []*types .TypeParam
if tag == 'G' {
tparams = r .tparamList ()
sig := r .signature (nil , nil , tparams )
r .declare (types .NewFunc (pos , r .currPkg , name , sig ))
case 'T' , 'U' :
obj := types .NewTypeName (pos , r .currPkg , name , nil )
named := types .NewNamed (obj , nil , nil )
r .declare (obj )
if tag == 'U' {
tparams := r .tparamList ()
named .SetTypeParams (tparams )
underlying := r .p .typAt (r .uint64 (), named ).Underlying ()
named .SetUnderlying (underlying )
if !isInterface (underlying ) {
for n := r .uint64 (); n > 0 ; n -- {
mpos := r .pos ()
mname := r .ident ()
recv := r .param ()
targs := baseType (recv .Type ()).TypeArgs ()
var rparams []*types .TypeParam
if targs .Len () > 0 {
rparams = make ([]*types .TypeParam , targs .Len ())
for i := range rparams {
rparams [i ], _ = targs .At (i ).(*types .TypeParam )
msig := r .signature (recv , rparams , nil )
named .AddMethod (types .NewFunc (mpos , r .currPkg , mname , msig ))
case 'P' :
if r .p .exportVersion < iexportVersionGenerics {
errorf ("unexpected type param type" )
name0 := tparamName (name )
tn := types .NewTypeName (pos , r .currPkg , name0 , nil )
t := types .NewTypeParam (tn , nil )
id := ident {r .currPkg , name }
r .p .tparamIndex [id ] = t
var implicit bool
if r .p .exportVersion >= iexportVersionGo1_18 {
implicit = r .bool ()
constraint := r .typ ()
if implicit {
iface , _ := constraint .(*types .Interface )
if iface == nil {
errorf ("non-interface constraint marked implicit" )
iface .MarkImplicit ()
r .p .later = append (r .p .later , setConstraintArgs {t : t , constraint : constraint })
case 'V' :
typ := r .typ ()
r .declare (types .NewVar (pos , r .currPkg , name , typ ))
default :
errorf ("unexpected tag: %v" , tag )
func (r *importReader ) declare (obj types .Object ) {
obj .Pkg ().Scope ().Insert (obj )
func (r *importReader ) value () (typ types .Type , val constant .Value ) {
typ = r .typ ()
if r .p .exportVersion >= iexportVersionGo1_18 {
_ = constant .Kind (r .int64 ())
switch b := typ .Underlying ().(*types .Basic ); b .Info () & types .IsConstType {
case types .IsBoolean :
val = constant .MakeBool (r .bool ())
case types .IsString :
val = constant .MakeString (r .string ())
case types .IsInteger :
var x big .Int
r .mpint (&x , b )
val = constant .Make (&x )
case types .IsFloat :
val = r .mpfloat (b )
case types .IsComplex :
re := r .mpfloat (b )
im := r .mpfloat (b )
val = constant .BinaryOp (re , token .ADD , constant .MakeImag (im ))
default :
errorf ("unexpected type %v" , typ )
panic ("unreachable" )
func intSize(b *types .Basic ) (signed bool , maxBytes uint ) {
if (b .Info () & types .IsUntyped ) != 0 {
return true , 64
switch b .Kind () {
case types .Float32 , types .Complex64 :
return true , 3
case types .Float64 , types .Complex128 :
return true , 7
signed = (b .Info () & types .IsUnsigned ) == 0
switch b .Kind () {
case types .Int8 , types .Uint8 :
maxBytes = 1
case types .Int16 , types .Uint16 :
maxBytes = 2
case types .Int32 , types .Uint32 :
maxBytes = 4
default :
maxBytes = 8
func (r *importReader ) mpint (x *big .Int , typ *types .Basic ) {
signed , maxBytes := intSize (typ )
maxSmall := 256 - maxBytes
if signed {
maxSmall = 256 - 2 *maxBytes
if maxBytes == 1 {
maxSmall = 256
n , _ := r .declReader .ReadByte ()
if uint (n ) < maxSmall {
v := int64 (n )
if signed {
v >>= 1
if n &1 != 0 {
v = ^v
x .SetInt64 (v )
v := -n
if signed {
v = -(n &^ 1 ) >> 1
if v < 1 || uint (v ) > maxBytes {
errorf ("weird decoding: %v, %v => %v" , n , signed , v )
b := make ([]byte , v )
io .ReadFull (&r .declReader , b )
x .SetBytes (b )
if signed && n &1 != 0 {
x .Neg (x )
func (r *importReader ) mpfloat (typ *types .Basic ) constant .Value {
var mant big .Int
r .mpint (&mant , typ )
var f big .Float
f .SetInt (&mant )
if f .Sign () != 0 {
f .SetMantExp (&f , int (r .int64 ()))
return constant .Make (&f )
func (r *importReader ) ident () string {
return r .string ()
func (r *importReader ) qualifiedIdent () (*types .Package , string ) {
name := r .string ()
pkg := r .pkg ()
return pkg , name
func (r *importReader ) pos () token .Pos {
if r .p .version >= 1 {
r .posv1 ()
} else {
r .posv0 ()
if r .prevFile == "" && r .prevLine == 0 && r .prevColumn == 0 {
return token .NoPos
return r .p .fake .pos (r .prevFile , int (r .prevLine ), int (r .prevColumn ))
func (r *importReader ) posv0 () {
delta := r .int64 ()
if delta != deltaNewFile {
r .prevLine += delta
} else if l := r .int64 (); l == -1 {
r .prevLine += deltaNewFile
} else {
r .prevFile = r .string ()
r .prevLine = l
func (r *importReader ) posv1 () {
delta := r .int64 ()
r .prevColumn += delta >> 1
if delta &1 != 0 {
delta = r .int64 ()
r .prevLine += delta >> 1
if delta &1 != 0 {
r .prevFile = r .string ()
func (r *importReader ) typ () types .Type {
return r .p .typAt (r .uint64 (), nil )
func isInterface(t types .Type ) bool {
_ , ok := t .(*types .Interface )
return ok
func (r *importReader ) pkg () *types .Package { return r .p .pkgAt (r .uint64 ()) }
func (r *importReader ) string () string { return r .p .stringAt (r .uint64 ()) }
func (r *importReader ) doType (base *types .Named ) types .Type {
switch k := r .kind (); k {
default :
errorf ("unexpected kind tag in %q: %v" , r .p .ipath , k )
return nil
case definedType :
pkg , name := r .qualifiedIdent ()
r .p .doDecl (pkg , name )
return pkg .Scope ().Lookup (name ).(*types .TypeName ).Type ()
case pointerType :
return types .NewPointer (r .typ ())
case sliceType :
return types .NewSlice (r .typ ())
case arrayType :
n := r .uint64 ()
return types .NewArray (r .typ (), int64 (n ))
case chanType :
dir := chanDir (int (r .uint64 ()))
return types .NewChan (dir , r .typ ())
case mapType :
return types .NewMap (r .typ (), r .typ ())
case signatureType :
r .currPkg = r .pkg ()
return r .signature (nil , nil , nil )
case structType :
r .currPkg = r .pkg ()
fields := make ([]*types .Var , r .uint64 ())
tags := make ([]string , len (fields ))
for i := range fields {
fpos := r .pos ()
fname := r .ident ()
ftyp := r .typ ()
emb := r .bool ()
tag := r .string ()
fields [i ] = types .NewField (fpos , r .currPkg , fname , ftyp , emb )
tags [i ] = tag
return types .NewStruct (fields , tags )
case interfaceType :
r .currPkg = r .pkg ()
embeddeds := make ([]types .Type , r .uint64 ())
for i := range embeddeds {
_ = r .pos ()
embeddeds [i ] = r .typ ()
methods := make ([]*types .Func , r .uint64 ())
for i := range methods {
mpos := r .pos ()
mname := r .ident ()
var recv *types .Var
if base != nil {
recv = types .NewVar (token .NoPos , r .currPkg , "" , base )
msig := r .signature (recv , nil , nil )
methods [i ] = types .NewFunc (mpos , r .currPkg , mname , msig )
typ := types .NewInterfaceType (methods , embeddeds )
r .p .interfaceList = append (r .p .interfaceList , typ )
return typ
case typeParamType :
if r .p .exportVersion < iexportVersionGenerics {
errorf ("unexpected type param type" )
pkg , name := r .qualifiedIdent ()
id := ident {pkg , name }
if t , ok := r .p .tparamIndex [id ]; ok {
return t
r .p .doDecl (pkg , name )
return r .p .tparamIndex [id ]
case instanceType :
if r .p .exportVersion < iexportVersionGenerics {
errorf ("unexpected instantiation type" )
_ = r .pos ()
len := r .uint64 ()
targs := make ([]types .Type , len )
for i := range targs {
targs [i ] = r .typ ()
baseType := r .typ ()
t , _ := types .Instantiate (nil , baseType , targs , false )
return t
case unionType :
if r .p .exportVersion < iexportVersionGenerics {
errorf ("unexpected instantiation type" )
terms := make ([]*types .Term , r .uint64 ())
for i := range terms {
terms [i ] = types .NewTerm (r .bool (), r .typ ())
return types .NewUnion (terms )
func (r *importReader ) kind () itag {
return itag (r .uint64 ())
func (r *importReader ) signature (recv *types .Var , rparams , tparams []*types .TypeParam ) *types .Signature {
params := r .paramList ()
results := r .paramList ()
variadic := params .Len () > 0 && r .bool ()
return types .NewSignatureType (recv , rparams , tparams , params , results , variadic )
func (r *importReader ) tparamList () []*types .TypeParam {
n := r .uint64 ()
if n == 0 {
return nil
xs := make ([]*types .TypeParam , n )
for i := range xs {
xs [i ], _ = r .typ ().(*types .TypeParam )
return xs
func (r *importReader ) paramList () *types .Tuple {
xs := make ([]*types .Var , r .uint64 ())
for i := range xs {
xs [i ] = r .param ()
return types .NewTuple (xs ...)
func (r *importReader ) param () *types .Var {
pos := r .pos ()
name := r .ident ()
typ := r .typ ()
return types .NewParam (pos , r .currPkg , name , typ )
func (r *importReader ) bool () bool {
return r .uint64 () != 0
func (r *importReader ) int64 () int64 {
n , err := binary .ReadVarint (&r .declReader )
if err != nil {
errorf ("readVarint: %v" , err )
return n
func (r *importReader ) uint64 () uint64 {
n , err := binary .ReadUvarint (&r .declReader )
if err != nil {
errorf ("readUvarint: %v" , err )
return n
func (r *importReader ) byte () byte {
x , err := r .declReader .ReadByte ()
if err != nil {
errorf ("declReader.ReadByte: %v" , err )
return x
func baseType(typ types .Type ) *types .Named {
if p , _ := typ .(*types .Pointer ); p != nil {
typ = p .Elem ()
n , _ := typ .(*types .Named )
return n
const blankMarker = "$"
func tparamName(exportName string ) string {
ix := strings .LastIndex (exportName , "." )
if ix < 0 {
errorf ("malformed type parameter export name %s: missing prefix" , exportName )
name := exportName [ix +1 :]
if strings .HasPrefix (name , blankMarker ) {
return "_"
return name
The pages are generated with Golds v0.7.0-preview . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @zigo_101 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .